Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 581: Old love

Under the faint moonlight, a young man was sitting on the side of the bed and looking at him quietly. After seeing the other person's appearance, Ren Yingying suddenly opened her eyes: "You..."

Before she could finish her words, she rolled her eyes and fainted.

Song Qingshu was taken aback by her exaggerated performance. Could it be that I have such a terrible feeling in her heart that I was shocked when she saw me?

Thinking of sucking stars and relying on her, Song Qingshu naturally couldn't let her faint forever. He reached out to help her out of the bed, and a sweet fragrance of non-blue and non-musk came to the surface. Song Qingshu couldn't help but lift her spirits. Fragrant is really the most charming.

But business matters, Song Qingshu quickly put away his heart and soul, and put a gentle qi into Ren Yingying's body. After a while, the girl's eyelashes trembled slightly, and it was obvious that she was about to wake up.

"How could I dream of that **** again!" Ren Yingying woke up quietly, couldn't help pressing her forehead, and muttering to herself suspiciously.

"Uh, do you mean the **** that Saint Aunt is talking about?"

There was a sudden sound behind him, and Ren Yingying realized that she was lying halfway in a man's arms, Huarong couldn't help but faded, and she immediately hid on the other side of the bed.

"Why are you here?" After seeing Song Qingshu's appearance, Ren Yingying realized that this was not a dream. Her voice trembled a little, and her hands squeezed the quilt nervously. Although she knew that everything was in vain, she still worked hard. Retract all over the bed.

"When Song was passing by Pingdingzhou, she suddenly missed Saint Aunt on a whim, so he came up to have a look," Song Qingshu said freely, "Although Heimuya is heavily guarded, he still can't stop me."

Ren Yingying's face became even more pale, thinking that this person was a shameless and indecent person, and appeared in her boudoir in the middle of the night, and it was self-evident what the idea was.

"Come on, help..." Ren Yingying just said, only to feel a flash in front of her eyes, and then she couldn't move.

Song Qingshu retracted his acupuncture finger and said faintly: "Sheng Aunt, don't worry too much. Song just wants to recount the old times with Saint Aunt. By the way, if you have a favor, please help. If you agree to talk to me well, just blink. eye."

Ren Yingying hurriedly blinked her eyes desperately when she heard the words, and when she thought about it, it was better to untie her acupuncture points than to let someone slaughter her.

Song Qingshu did not immediately relieve the acupuncture points. Instead, he glanced at her with a smile but a smile: "Miss Ren, I can declare in advance that if you yell again after I relieve the acupuncture points later, don't blame me for taking you all over. The clothes are peeled off."

Ren Yingying's cheeks flushed all at once, but she was unable to speak, and she had cursed the **** in front of her countless times in her heart.

Seeing her blinking, Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and with a flick of her finger, Ren Yingying felt her body loose, but she was frightened by his previous threats, and she didn't dare to make any changes for a while.

"That's good," Song Qingshu nodded with satisfaction, "Aunt Saint has thought about me these days?"

"Shameless!" Ren Yingying replied coldly, and didn't mean to answer.

"But Song seems to have heard that Saint Aunt dreams of me every night." Song Qingshu stared at her with a smile.

Ren Yingying's pretty face turned pale suddenly, but she still closed her lips stubbornly. She knew in her heart that with this person's despicable and shameless character, she would only hear more words that embarrass her.

"Oh? Ignore me, okay, I just happen to be tired

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Let’s take a rest in Saint Aunt’s Fragrant Boudoir. "Song Qingshu was half lying on the bed in his spare time, and even pulled a corner of the quilt over him.

As expected, Ren Yingying couldn't calm down anymore, and said anxiously: "Get out!"

The smile on Song Qingshu's face grew stronger: "I didn't even go in, so how come out?"

Ren Yingying was startled at first, but quickly realized the frivolous meaning in his words, and Bo angrily said: "Indecent!"

Song Qingshu smiled disapprovingly: "Thank you Saint Aunt for your praise."

After all, Ren Yingying was still no match for his cheeky, unable to drive him out of the bed. Naturally, she would not continue to cover him with the same quilt. She hurriedly got up and tried to get the clothes on the side. At the same time, she made a decision in her heart: wait for the **** to leave. Later, this quilt, sheet and so on were all burned... Well, no, this house is going to be burned too!

Seeing to reach the clothes, who knew Song Qingshu waved his sleeves, Ren Yingying grabbed the empty space, and couldn't help hiding back under the covers: "What are you doing!"

Although she didn't want to cover the same quilt with him, she was only wearing close-fitting clothes now, how could she be exposed to him.

Noting her panicking and avoiding, Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "Don't hide in such a hurry, isn't it just wearing pajamas, and it's not a bikini, so why are you afraid of it."

Although Ren Yingying didn't understand what he said, it wouldn't be a good thing to think about. She bit her lip while wrapping the quilt and asked, "What do you want me to do for you?"

After all, she is a saint who is under the gods and tens of thousands of people. She has commanded countless underworld giants. After the initial panic, she finally understood that Song Qingshu did not seem to have any meaning in that respect. She breathed a sigh of relief, but she felt in her heart. Secretly: No matter what you want me to help, I will never help!

Seeing her dodging eyes, Song Qingshu roughly guessed her mentality, but didn't care, and said lightly: "That's it. A friend of mine suffered a very serious internal injury due to an accident. Exciting anger, are the symptoms... very similar to your Chong brother back then... Hey, isn't Linghu Chong on the Black Wood Cliff?"

"We didn't get married again, how could he be on the Black Wood Cliff?" Ren Yingying replied subconsciously, and regretted it secretly as soon as he spoke.

"It's okay if I didn't get married, otherwise it would make me cheaper." Song Qingshu smiled and looked at this famous saint in the rivers and lakes, and saw that her skin was as white as transparent, and a layer of redness was faintly revealed. Maybe It was because of the mention of the marriage with Ling Huchong, a hint of shyness appeared on his face inadvertently, and it was so beautiful and indescribable that it was indescribably moving.

But when she heard Song Qingshu's words clearly, she suddenly became furious: "What's a bargain for you!"

Song Qingshu stretched his hand into the bed, and quickly grasped a slender calf, with a trace of admiration on his face: "A glimpse of the water that day, that scene made Song an unforgettable experience."

The calf was held by the opponent, and Ren Yingying suddenly lost her color and struggled hard: "If you dare to be thinner than me, I'll...I'll...bite my tongue and kill myself!"

Ren Yingying also wants to cry without tears. With her status, she frowns a little on weekdays, and there will be a **** storm in the rivers and lakes. Fortunately, this **** in front of her is so high in martial arts, and she does not have the demeanor and dignity of a master, always let her No way to deal with it.

"Your threatening language is also unique." Song Qingshu laughed blankly, but quietly let go of the opponent's leg.

Ren Yingying's face flushed

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page), and knowing that my threat is really weak, I had to switch the subject and say, "Do you want my father's "Sucking Stars**"?"

"Miss Ren is really ice and smart." Song Qingshu glanced at her approvingly, and sighed inwardly, it seems that few of these famous beauties on the rivers and lakes are pure vases.

Ren Yingying tilted her head to one side, not looking at the disgusting look in her eyes, and said coldly: ""Sucking Stars**" is the foundation of my father's martial arts, how precious, do you think I will help you?"

"Miss Ren is probably misunderstood. I don't need your help if you want to get the stars. Your father will give me the secret book obediently." Song Qingshu smiled confidently.

"Do you want to use me to threaten my father?" Ren Yingying quickly reacted, her face pale.

Song Qingshu smiled and shook his head: "This method of taking hostages and extortion is too low-level, and it really doesn't meet the taste of someone in Song. I wonder if Miss Ren has heard of an ancient tomb school in this world?"

Ren Yingying thought: What can you do if you don't hold me hostage?

After hearing Song Qingshu’s question, he thought about it for a moment and replied: “The Tomb School has always been unremarkable in the arena, but with these years of red practice fairy Li Mochou’s walking in the arena, and the previous Xiangyang Martial Arts Conference shined brightly. Yang Guo Xiaolong female teacher and apprentice, this sect has gradually become known to the world...what are you asking about this?"

"Because my injured friend happens to be a descendant of the Tomb Sect. She has practiced a dangerous internal skill and got into trouble..." Song Qingshu went on to take off the danger and the need for the two people to take off their clothes in the process of cultivating the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, and face each other with palms. I talked to her roughly about these things for guiding each other's innocent energy.

Ren Yingying was already blushing before listening, and couldn't help but tweeted, "Bah! Why is this kung fu so nasty!" The reaction was exactly the same as that of Zhao Min. Suddenly her expression changed, and Huo Ran raised her head and stared at Song Qingshu: "You and What do I say about this?"

"Because I plan to practice the nasty Kungfu you said with you." Song Qingshu's quiet voice fell in Ren Yingying's ears, but it seemed like a bolt from the blue.

"Don't think about it!" Ren Yingying suddenly furious.

"This can't be for you," Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and then said, "When you repair to a critical juncture, I will take the opportunity to get you into a madness, and your symptoms will be exactly the same as those of my friend. If I do whatever it takes, I won’t save My friend, I always want to save you."

"You!" Ren Yingying was trembling with anger, "despicable, nasty, shameless..."

Halfway through the curse, Ren Yingying suddenly rose from the bed, exerting twelve points of light power, and the whole person rushed out of the window like an arrow from the string.

Song Qingshu seemed to have anticipated it earlier, his figure flashed and then came first, Ren Yingying only felt that the whole person hit a warm bosom, but her heart became extremely cold.

"I just said, if you have any changes, I will take off your clothes," Song Qingshu hugged her and walked to the bed step by step, "That's right, we can start to cultivate the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl."

"No, you let me go, I will beg my father to give you the sucking star." Ren Yingying did not scream for help, but begged in a low voice. After all, she knew that she was calling for help and not being acupuncture. effect.

"How can this work? At that time, who knows whether the cheat sheet he gave me is true or false, or if it is guaranteed according to my method." Song Qingshu remained unmoved, and continued to walk to the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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