Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 582: Inside and outside

Ren Yingying's heart became more and more anxious, and she quickly said: "I can go to Brother Chong, he has always been chivalrous, and he is definitely willing to save your friend by taking out the Stars."

"It's a pity that he is not on the Black Wood Cliff now. Far water can't save the near fire," Song Qingshu still shook his head. "What's more, Linghu Chong's incomplete version of the Star Absorbing Law has great hidden dangers. When the internal force he absorbs reaches a critical point. , The true qi in the body will get out of control, and the catastrophe will be overwhelming at that time."

"What?" Ren Yingying was shocked, unable to even take care of her own situation for a while, "Why is Chong's star-attracting method incomplete?"

"Do you know why your father was usurped as a leader by the Eastern Unbeaten..." Song Qingshu roughly recounted the difference between the two versions of Xingxingda. &+,︾.◇.+p;

Ren Yingying's face changed, and suddenly bit her lip and said, "Okay, I'll help you."

"Huh?" It was Song Qingshu's turn to have an accident. He was fighting desperately just now, but now he has taken the initiative to dedicate himself?

Seeing his expression, Ren Yingying knew that he wanted to be crooked, and said angrily: "Where did you think of it, not like...helping like you just said."

Song Qingshu hugged her and lay down on the bed again, and said with a smile: "I thought you didn't even want to be innocent in order to save your lover."

Being half-cuddled in his arms, the two of them lay on the bed together, Ren Yingying was extremely uncomfortable: "You let me go!"

"It's not that we haven't held it before, so why don't the eldest miss the old feelings so much." Song Qingshu didn't mean to let go.

"You!" Ren Yingying was bitter, but she couldn't help it at this time, and thinking that the two people had more physical contact in the past few times, it seems that it is indeed no big deal now.

The only thing that made Zhao Min grateful was that Song Qingshu's hand seemed to be quite regular except for his arms around her, and there was no other excessive behavior.

"You should think about any other way. I don't have much patience to wait." Although Song Qingshu was impatient, he was relieved. After all, if you really want to forcibly take off the clothes of the innocent girl , It is a bit beastly. Although he does not regard himself as a gentleman, he is also unwilling to be a nasty and dishonest person.

So he actually wanted to persuade Ren Yingying to take the initiative to help, but of course it wouldn't work to spread the cards directly. With the goodwill of the two falling to the bottom, she would be a ghost if she was willing to help. Only by pretending to be a wicked person and changing the option in front of her from "help or not" to "undressing to help or actively cooperating" can the desired goal be achieved.

"Since I am willing to cooperate with you, then there is no need to practice that nasty inner strength..." Ren Yingying is also a smart person after all, and gradually straightened out his thoughts, "I have a medicine that can make people really angry in a short time. It's not difficult to hide it from my dad, but my dad will definitely find a doctor in the religious sect when the time comes. It may not be so easy to hide it from him." She said that she wrinkled subconsciously with her eyebrows.

"Doctor's side, I can solve it." Song Qingshu's eyes flickered, obviously he had expected this level a long time ago.

Ren Yingying couldn't help but suspiciously said: "It is a great sin to deceive the leader of the gods, except me, no one dares to lie to my father.

"I'm fine. You still think about how to fool your father." Song Qingshu said affirmatively.

For some reason, Ren Yingying subconsciously chose to believe him. After all, although this man is hateful, he has created many miracles over the years...

Ren Woxing was meditating in the room. Suddenly if he felt something, he opened his eyes and looked at the door, and said in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

"Enlighten the Holy Master, the eldest lady is... she..." A panicked voice came from a maid outside the room, Ren Woxing heard that she was the maid serving Ren Yingying.

His figure flashed, Ren Woxing had already rushed to the door, pinched the maid’s shoulders, and said angrily: "What happened to Yingying?" His wife died early, and only Ren Yingying was the only daughter who has always been regarded as the jewel in the palm of her hand. If something goes wrong, how can you not be anxious.

"The eldest lady seems to have gone crazy suddenly." The maid replied crying.

Ren Woxing's expression condensed, let go of her, and hurried to the other courtyard where her daughter was.

"Yingying, why is the true qi in your body so messy?" After checking Ren Yingying's pulse, the wrinkles on Ren Woxing's forehead turned into a word of Sichuan.

"Daughter doesn't know. I was doing the exercises just now, and I was shaking all over when I was practicing, and it became like this." Ren Yingying lay on the bed, pale and weakly replied, but she felt extremely guilty in her heart. I thought that I would unite with that **** to lie to my dad.

"You seem to have a few true qi in you that don't belong to you," Ren Woxing roared outside while pacing in the room, "Why the doctor hasn't come yet!"

"Come here!" Soon a person stumbled in, Ren Yingying looked up slightly, and was shocked in her heart. This person's surname was Jia, a incense lord in the religious sect. After Ping Yizhi left, God His medical skills are the highest in his teaching. If you want to hide your situation from him, I am afraid it will be difficult to reach the sky.

Ren Yingying hurriedly looked around, but didn't see any trace of Song Qingshu, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Huh?" As soon as Doctor Jia probed Ren Yingying's pulse, he was surprised.

"How is Yingying?" Ren Woxing asked hurriedly.

Ren Yingying sighed in her heart, and when it was over, it was revealed.

Who knows that Dr. Jia replied: "Enjoy the teacher, the eldest lady now has several different kinds of innocence in her body. It is difficult to get rid of, dissolve, resist, and suppress. The subordinates are incompetent, the eldest lady’s The cause is related to true qi, and it is not as effective as acupuncture and moxibustion medicinal stones..."

"Yingying, how come you have a different kind of true qi in your body?" Ren Woxing asked in a deep voice.

"My daughter doesn't know, maybe it was the last time I went to Shandong to suffer some hidden injuries." Ren Yingying couldn't figure out why Doctor Jia would hide it for her, and said with some guilty conscience.

"Shandong?" Ren Woxing was furious. "Among the people you met last time in Shandong, the only one who can hurt you silently is Song Qingshu's stinky boy, whose surname is Song. If Yingying has three strengths and two shortcomings, I am with you. There is no ambivalence!"

Ren Yingying secretly stuck out his tongue, thinking that daddy is daddy, making random guesses and hitting straight.

Doctor Jia on the side looked weird and couldn't help but coughed slightly: "Know the teacher, the subordinate suddenly thought of a way, I don't know if it will work."

"Say it!" Ren Woxing frowned. He always felt that Dr. Jia today seemed a little different in weekdays, but he was concerned about the safety of his daughter, and he didn't have the time to think about it.

"The cause of the eldest lady's illness is caused by a different kind of true qi. These few true qi and the eldest lady's own internal strength are entangled with each other. There is a delicate balance between you and me, and there is a delicate balance that ordinary experts want to resolve. Your magical skill just restrains the world's true energy..." Doctor Jia said and glanced at Ren Wuxing.

Ren Woxing was overjoyed: "Yes, not bad. At the beginning, Linghu Chong was tossed to death by the alien true energy. After practicing my star-absorption technique, he resolved it." As he spoke, his expression became weird, and suddenly He yelled: "Fuck, Linghu charged this short-lived ghost, how did he infect my daughter with this disease."

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