Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 583: Old man sneak attack

Hearing Ren Woxing yelling at Linghu Chong, Doctor Jia on the side looked weird. He seemed to want to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. Ren Yingying, who was lying on the bed, was very angry and funny: "Daddy~"

Hearing the anger in her daughter's voice, Ren Woxing's eyes stared like brass bells: "Why, you are facing outsiders so soon?"

Ren Yingying bit her lip and said dissatisfied: "This problem is obviously not transmitted to me by Chong, but I..." Halfway through the conversation, Ren Yingying suddenly stopped speaking. After all, she would continue to pretend to be'lied'. My father's star attraction was not for Song Qingshu's evil thief, but for Linghu Chong.

She knew her father's mind. If Linghu Chong did not agree to join the Sun Moon God Sect, he would never teach him how to solve the hidden dangers of attracting stars. But with Chong's temper, how could he succumb? That's why she would cooperate with Song Qingshu to deceive her father, Song Qingshu saves her friends, and she saves Linghu Chong.

Fortunately, Ren Woxing was worried about her condition at this time and did not notice the loopholes in her speech. I saw him ponder for a while and suddenly asked Doctor Jia: "If I use the Star Suction** to **** the alien qi from Yingying's body, is it feasible?"

"Never!" Doctor Jia was shocked. "Now the alien qi in the eldest lady has long been entangled with her own internal strength. If the teacher directly uses the magical powers, the alien qi will be absorbed at the same time as the internal strength of the lady. Suck it away, and the eldest lady will probably become a waste from now on."

"I'm worried about this," Ren Woxing nodded his head appreciatively, and glanced at his daughter on the bed dozingly, "Yingying, it seems that you can only learn to attract stars by yourself and resolve your crisis by yourself. ."

"Daddy~" Ren Yingying was a little choked, feeling her father's love and affection, she uncontrollably raised a wave of guilt and self-blame.

"Silly boy, no matter how precious the magic is, my daughter's life is precious." Seeing my daughter's excitement, he let me say softly, but when he turned to face his followers, he was full of suffocation, "Send Ling Going down, within ten feet of a radius, no mosquitoes are allowed to fly in."

"Yes!" Doctor Jia looked solemn, and hurriedly led the others back.

Seeing that everyone had left, Ren Woxing closed his eyes and let go of my breath and felt it. As expected, there was no one within ten feet. I couldn't help but nodded slightly. Then he turned his head and said to Ren Yingying, "Yingying, listen carefully. The following is the formula for attracting stars. You are talented and have a father to protect the law. There should be no problem. Don't be afraid."

Seeing my daughter nod, let me go and began to talk about the formula: "...When the pubic field is always like an empty box, always like a deep valley, the empty box can store things, and the deep valley can hold water. If there is internal interest, it will be scattered. Renmai points..."

Ren Yingying silently remembered the formula in her heart, but she wondered: I don’t know where the evil thief surnamed Song is now, huh, it’s better if he isn’t there. When he comes to me, I will quietly change some key points. Never let father's magic secrets leak out.

Ren Yingying did not expect that this might kill an innocent person. In fact, even if she thought of it, she would not take it to heart. Her tender and gentle side would only be shown in front of her lover. At other times, she controlled countless lives and deaths in the rivers and lakes. God teaches saints.

Seeing my daughter’s eyes flashing, but not practicing immediately, I can’t help but doubt Dou Dasheng: "Yingying, why don’t you follow the formula?"

Ren Yingying's face changed slightly, and she hurriedly explained: "Daddy, my daughter has heard you say that the most dangerous part of this exercise is in the San Gong stage. I am worried that I will suddenly forget the formula when the practice is critical, so I thought about it. Learn the formula before you practice it."

"That's fine," Ren Woxing smiled and couldn't help boasting, "My daughter's family is just careful."

Ren Yingying grinned reluctantly, but secretly groaned in her heart. Father has been guarding this place. Will she really want to disperse her cultivation base to practice later?

Although the power of attracting stars is huge, the inner strength she has learned is also the best inner strength mental method in the gods. She has been practicing inner strength for more than ten years. Once she gave up, she was really reluctant.

After a while, Ren Yingying suddenly became wise, and exclaimed in surprise: "Daddy, the alien qi in my daughter's body seems... gradually disappeared." After so long, the effect of the pill she had taken before had passed. The interest really stabilized.

"What?" A cold light flashed in Ren Woxing's eyes, and he hurriedly checked her pulse, which had gradually stabilized as expected.

"Daddy, I don't know why this happens." Ren Yingying said innocently.

"It seems that you had some poison that disturbed your inner breath before," Ren Woxing frowned, suddenly let out a cold snort, and yelled at the outside, "The surname Jia, get me here!"

Ren Woxing knew in his heart that he would be confused if he cared, but that doctor could never tell whether Yingying was poisoned or internally injured. Looking back now, the other party seems to have been guiding himself to teach Yingying to attract stars, either intentionally or unintentionally...

Ren Woxing was horrified. His first reaction was not that someone was trying to seize his secret book, but rather that Jia Xiangzhu would never have the guts to harm his precious daughter. If he did this, someone must have instructed him, could it be Zhang Wuji Is that guy going to cut off my wings?

Ren Woxing's face was gloomy and uncertain, and in a moment, countless possibilities flashed through his mind.

"Enlighten the Holy Master, Master Jia Xiang is nowhere to be seen now." There was a return from his subordinates outside.

Ren Woxing's face became even more cold, and he said coldly, "Digging three feet in the ground, and I must find him back!"

"Yingying, stay here well, don't go anywhere, I will send more people outside to protect you." After learning the lessons of being usurped by the unbeaten East, let me become more cautious, worrying about Hemu now. A conspiracy against him was unfolded on the cliff, and he was anxious to call his confidants to discuss, so he left hurriedly after leaving a word.

Ren Yingying watched his father disappear outside the door with a surprised look, and couldn't help but wonder: Just now the **** named Song said that he could deal with the doctor who came here, could it be that Master Jia Xiang was the **** he had planted in Heimuya?

"The saint's aunt is thinking so attentively, are you thinking of me?" A thin voice suddenly sounded in her ears, and Ren Yingying didn't need to look back to know that the **** was here.

"How did you come in?" Ren Yingying asked through gritted teeth, after all, her father had just added a guard outside.

"Those people can't stop me," Song Qingshu said with a smile, "Miss, please tell me the formula."

"How did you make Doctor Jia lie?" Ren Yingying asked instead instead of answering immediately.

"Know my skills, forget it, I'm afraid you will fall in love with me after listening to it, so I don't say it anymore." Song Qingshu laughed and said nothing. In fact, the method is simple, that is, he stopped the rush in advance. Doctor Jia who came, and then Yi Rong came here like the other party, but Yi Rong involved his biggest secret, so it was naturally inconvenient to disclose to Ren Yingying.

"If you don't tell me, who is rare!" Ren Yingying snorted, and quickly repeated the dictation of sucking stars, just wanting to get rid of the plague **** as soon as possible. Of course, many of the details in the formula have been manipulated by her.

After listening to Song Qingshu, he couldn't help sighing, with a smile on his face: "Miss Ren, this is because you are not kind. It is rare for me to show my conscience that I don't need to treat you that way, but you repay this way. Me?"

Ren Yingying's face changed, and she said with a guilty conscience: "I don't understand what you said."

Song Qingshu smiled: "With my skill, it is not difficult to hear the voice of letting me do it ten feet away..."

Ren Yingying's face couldn't help whitening: "Since you already know the formula, why come and ask me."

"Because I want to see if our Miss Ren will lie to me, the more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful she is." Song Qingshu stared at her scorchingly, a kind of evil and enchanting in his eyes. breath.

Ren Yingying's heart jumped, and she shrank subconsciously: "You...what are you going to do?"

"Today is too late, so remember this account first, and then I will settle it slowly with you next time we meet, but the interest will always be charged first." Song Qingshu reached out and raised her jade-like chin, and took a sip. He kissed the delicate red lips.

Ren Yingying finally reacted. She couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry. She was about to bite the bastard's tongue. The other party had left a long laugh and drifted away, leaving her alone on the bed in a daze, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Something.

Song Qingshu hummed a little song and hurried leisurely all the way to the place where the two daughters of Zhao Min and Li Mochou were. Although the security on Heimuya was twice as tight now, he still couldn't stop him.

Dongfang Muxue's other courtyard was still so quiet. Song Qingshu opened the door and watched the two women sitting on the bed looking at him. He was about to speak, but suddenly he was alarmed and backed away anxiously.

With a bang, the entire gate of the place where he was just now was shattered by strength. If it weren't for his quickness, he might have been seriously injured this time.

But Song Qingshu didn’t have time to relax. A black shadow shot out like a tarsal maggot. He suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of crisis. He immediately adjusted his state to the peak. The two figures instantly came and went. Entangled together.

The two were extremely fast, and they had played a dozen tricks in a short period of time, but there was no sound. Occasionally, the palm wind leaked out from the center of the battle circle, and when the stone bench railing or something touched it, it shattered silently, showing that any one of them would have hatred on the spot if they were careless.

Suddenly there was a muffled grunt in the other courtyard, and the two figures separated quickly.

"I haven't seen you in a few days, your martial arts has improved again." A familiar voice rang.

"Zhang Wuji?" Song Qingshu's pupils shrank and shouted in a deep voice. Now Zhao Min and Li Mochou are standing next to a handsome and handsome young son. It’s just that his eyes don’t have the same spring breeze in his eyes. Instead, they are gloomy and fierce. Song Qingshu suddenly understood, "It turns out that It's Master Mingzun who ran away like a dog in the family."

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