Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 641: break off an engagement

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Ren Yingying suddenly raised her throat with a heart. Whether the marriage contract can be cancelled, success or failure will depend on this. ┡┢╪.<.

Xia Qingqing glanced at Song Qingshu without showing a trace. He didn't get any hints from him, so she bit the bullet and said, "I don't know what is related to Miss Ren?"

Zhang Sanfeng said slowly: "I heard that you signed a marriage contract with Miss Ren not long ago?"

"Yes." Xia Qingqing nodded, and couldn't help but glanced at Song Qingshu with a grievance. Song Qingshu watched her nose and nose, and deliberately didn't look at her eyes.

"Originally I should bless you, but I learned that this marriage seems to have a hidden secret..." Zhang Sanfeng hesitated and looked at everyone around him. After all, Song Qingshu's identity is different now. Although he is an elder, I always have to take care of his face. With so many outsiders here, it would be too abrupt to propose to cancel the marriage contract. "Qing Shu, I want to talk to you privately."

"That's it?" Xia Qingqing saw Zhang Sanfeng's expression and knew that the other party must be inconvenient to speak, but let her face the martial arts myth like Zhang Sanfeng alone, she didn't have any in her heart, so she didn't dare to agree immediately. .

At this time, Ren Yingying spoke first: "Zhang Zhenren, I will go with you. After all, I have something to say clearly to him."

"That's good too. ┞╪═┝═╞. "." Zhang Sanfeng deeply agrees.

Seeing Xia Qingqing's embarrassment, Ah Jiu approached her: "Song Lang, I am also very curious about what Sister Ren is going to say. Let me accompany you."

Xia Qingqing is overjoyed. With her company, she will take care of each other no matter what happens.

Ren Yingying frowned slightly, thinking that Song Qingshu's martial arts is unfathomable, and there is another martial arts master, Ah Jiu, besides. After a while, there will be no resistance at all. After all, Zhang Sanfeng is Song Qingshu's grand master, and Not his own master, not to mention that Zhang Sanfeng seems to be a little unhappy with me because of previous misunderstandings...

Her eyes moved to Song Qingshu inadvertently. Ren Yingying's eyes lit up and she had an idea. She stretched out her hand and pointed at him and said, "This matter is also related to him. Let him be with him."

Xia Qingqing and Ah Jiu were wondering how to get Song Qingshu to be with them. Hearing her say this, they were overjoyed and hurriedly pressed joy, pretending to be a little dissatisfied and frowned: "Let him be together?"

Zhang Sanfeng explained to the side: "At this time, it is indeed related to Xu Shaoxia."

Xia Qingqing nodded helplessly: "Well then."

Song Qingshu quietly gave Xia Qingqing a thumbs up, this acting is simply a show. ┠.([.c[om

Xia Qingqing took a few people to a quiet room next to him, and Zhang Sanfeng just said, "Qingshu, it's mainly about your marriage contract with Miss Ren. Miss Ren seems to have a part..."

Listening to Zhang Sanfeng speaking slowly, Xia Qingqing's face suddenly became hard to look. She was dissatisfied with Song Qingshu that it was one thing to find another fiancee so quickly, and it was another thing for her fiancee to find someone to come and divorce her.

After Zhang Sanfeng finished speaking, he added earnestly: "Qing Shu, Miss Ren is not your good match." It is a pity that in the presence of the little girl, he had difficulty telling Xia Qingqing that Ren Yingying had no match with other men before. The matter of fornication.

Xia Qingqing frowned and replied: "Originally, Master Tai appeared, I shouldn't refuse, but this marriage contract is a promise by the head of the priest, and it is related to the alliance between the Sun Moon God Sect and the Golden Snake Camp. It is no longer a matter for me. Great, Shu Qingshu can't agree."

Seeing Xia Qingqing's refusal, Ren Yingying suddenly became anxious, and Huo Ran stood up: "The surname is Song, you don't have any wishful thinking. I won't marry you if I marry a pig and a dog."

Ah Jiu's expression on the side suddenly became cold: "Miss Ren, don't overestimate yourself. In terms of appearance, there are some of our sisters who are better than you. In terms of martial arts, you are not worth mentioning. Regarding identity, the saints of the Sun Moon God Sect are not much prominent names. What a magnificent figure in my family’s Xianggong, only you are not worthy of him, how can he have any wishful thinking about you? Today, I might as well. To put it bluntly, it is not you that my patriarch wants to marry, but just the Sun Moon God Sect behind you."

Ah Jiu has always been soft-tempered, and has almost never had a temper. Ren Yingying can be heard despising Song Qingshu, but she can't stop the anger in her heart.

"You!" Ren Yingying was so angry that her chest rose and fell sharply, because Ah Jiu was a Ming sage before and was responsible for monitoring the Sun Moon God cult. Therefore, the relationship between the two women was not good, but the two finally maintained their face. Hehe, when she was a sister on Blackwood Cliff, she never expected to see each other again, and the other party was so merciless.

Seeing Ah Jiu like an angry lioness, Song Qingshu also opened his mouth slightly in surprise. He quickly understood that the other party was trying to protect himself, and his heart was moved.

Zhang Sanfeng was also dumbfounded. He didn't expect that these granddaughters and daughters were not fuel-efficient lamps, and he couldn't help but be scared. Fortunately, he had been alone for a hundred years, at least living a chic and happy life, otherwise there would be such a powerful woman beside him. I'm afraid I can't concentrate on studying martial arts.

A Jiuyi rushed, and the room fell into an awkward silence. Xia Qingqing couldn't help coughing and came out to relieve the siege: "Miss Ren, you nodded in agreement with such a marriage at the beginning."

Thinking of the fake marriage agreed before, Ren Yingying suddenly blushed, and hurriedly explained: "At the beginning, I was forced to be helpless. My father threatened Brother Chong with his life. If I didn't agree, I'm afraid Brother Chong's life would not be guaranteed."

"Aren't you afraid now?" Ah Jiu snorted coldly.

The corner of Ren Yingying's mouth turned up slightly, and he pulled Song Qingshu by the arm, and said, "Of course I am not afraid now. Brother Chong has another adventure during this time. Martial arts is no longer under my father, so naturally I am not afraid of his threats. "

Xia Qingqing and Ah Jiu looked at each other, and couldn't help asking in unison: "You said he is your brother Chong?"

"Of course!" Ren Yingying snorted, and quietly pinched Song Qingshu with his finger.

Song Qingshu got the hint, so he had to come out and salute Zhang Sanfeng: "Linghu Chong met Zhang Zhenren, and he deliberately concealed his identity before and hoped that the real man would forgive him."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly: "The poor way is wondering when there is such a young swordsman in the rivers and lakes. It turns out that he has obtained the true biography of Feng Qingyang. No wonder it is no wonder. It's just a knife on the head of the color, hey..."

Before that, Yue Buqun, the head of the Huashan School, informed Wulin that his eldest disciple had been expelled from the sect because of his friendship with the Demon Cult. Zhang Sanfeng had also heard a little bit about it, but he didn’t care too much about these juniors at the time. I thought that it was ultimately related to this matter.

"Linghu has seen the Golden Snake King, the Ninth Princess." Song Qingshu immediately saluted Xia Qingqing's two women.

Xia Qingqing looked weird: "Your identity is really surprising."

Song Qingshu shrugged and said helplessly: "It's all a trick of fate."

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