Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 642: Please marry me

In order to make the effect realistic, Ren Yingying held Song Qingshu's hand tightly and pressed her body tightly against him: "I am in love with him. We have already settled privately for life, and will never marry anyone else in this life."

Hearing her say this, Xia Qingqing's eyes became even stranger, and she deliberately asked with a straight face: "Do you really like him?"

"Of course!" Ren Yingying puffed up her chest, and Song Qingshu could not help but feel a sense of ecstasy from her elbow.

"Never mind, the twisted melon is not sweet," Xia Qingqing sighed quietly, and suddenly raised her head to stare at Song Qingshu, "But what makes me wonder is why Brother Linghu always wears a mask."

Ren Yingying's heart jumped, and pretended to say calmly: "Brother Chong heard that I was forced to be betrothed to you. In order to **** me back, he had to practice an evil skill to improve his skills. As a result, he went crazy and caused his face. His skin color has changed. He wears a mask to avoid the trouble of being pointed, but no matter what he becomes, I still love him." Ren Yingying thought carefully, and had long guessed that someone would doubt Song Qingshu’s identity. Therefore, I have discussed the countermeasures with him a long time ago.

"Hey, what kind of kung fu has such a negative effect? ​​It can cause a change in the complexion of the face. If it is not poison, it must be some practice of qi. It has turned into a devil and caused the blood to go retrograde. Before listening to Wuji mentioned the world of cultivation. During the Great Shift, his complexion will also turn blue and purple. Could it be that he is practicing the Great Shift?" Zhang Sanfeng was surprised, but he did not express his doubts.

"Really?" Xia Qingqing cast a suspicious look at the two of them. "Since the master is in charge today, and I am not the kind of person who is good for others, I can promise you to cancel this marriage, but you have to promise me. Thing."

"What's the matter?" Ren Yingying was overjoyed when she heard Xia Qingqing let go. As long as her marriage to Song Qingshu can be cancelled, let alone one thing, she would agree to a thousand things.

"If you go to the house and I will cancel the marriage contract directly, and spread it to the rivers and lakes, everyone will think that someone in Song is regretting the marriage in front of you, so I will lose face in the rivers and lakes," Xia Qingqing said sternly, "but if it becomes My adult beauty will surely damage my reputation to a minimum."

"This is natural, how do you want me to cooperate with you, just speak." Zhi

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Dao will be able to cancel the marriage contract immediately, Ren Yingying's heart is full of joy, and by the way, reading Song Qingshu is also pleasing to the eye. After calming down, she re-looked at the whole thing, it seemed that she was a bit too much, and if she could compensate the other party, it would be fine for her to give in a little bit.

Xia Qingqing nodded and pointed at Song Qingshu's body: "During this period of time in the Golden Snake Camp, I have been arranging your and my marriage. I have worked so hard to prepare for so long. If it is cancelled suddenly, the morale of the soldiers will be A huge blow, I can’t compare it to this. Since you are in love with him and have long been privately set for life, then I will use flowers to present the Buddha. You two will get married here, so that the soldiers of the Golden Snake Camp will be lively and morale. Come, afterwards, people on the rivers and lakes will not laugh at me, but will praise me for my righteousness."

Song Qingshu was dumbfounded and couldn't help but gave Xia Qingqing a thumbs up. None of these women were fuel-efficient lamps. They almost forgot. Back then, Xia Qingqing was also an eccentric little demon girl.

"Huh?" Ren Yingying was dumbfounded, and couldn't help speaking incoherently, "This...how does this work?"

"Why not?" Xia Qingqing asked blankly.

"This... always requires both parents to be present when getting married," Ren Yingying finally found a valid reason. "My father is now in Heimuya. Although he is an orphan, he was brought up by his master and his mother since he was a child. , I should invite Huashanyue’s head and his wife to be there, how can they get married in such a hurry?"

Xia Qingqing replied calmly: "Miss Ren, don't forget, this marriage was proposed by the leader of the marriage, and he may not agree with you to regret the marriage. Nowadays, the opportunity is rare, and there is a master who is here to preside over your wedding. , The prestige of Master Ether in the arena, even if the future leader knows about this, it is hard to say. As for the head of Huashan Mountain, if I remember correctly, the Huashan faction has already expelled Linghu from the teacher’s door, how could they come to participate? Your wedding?"

"This?" Ren Yingying was speechless for a while, and her thoughts turned swiftly: the other party's words are not unreasonable. His father has always wanted to form an alliance with the Golden Snake Camp to deal with Mingjiao. He will definitely not agree with me to regret the marriage, even if I take brother Chong in the future. Back to Heimuya, with his father's temperament, it would be possible to slap him with a palm. Now that Zhang Zhenren is here, it is indeed a rare opportunity...

Xia Qingqingshi

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) coughed: "Miss Ren, you have been pushing three and four, is this not Linghu Chong at all, but you just found a Xibei goods to tease me?"

"Of course not!" Ren Yingying hurriedly defended. Once they know that Brother Chong is a fake, his marriage will definitely not be ruined. ?"

"Alright." Xia Qingqing nodded blankly, but winked at Song Qingshu quietly while others were not paying attention.

Before Song Qingshu could smile bitterly, he was dragged by Ren Yingying to the corridor outside the door.

Before Ren Yingying spoke, Song Qingshu said first: "Miss Ren, I absolutely disagree with this matter. I have someone I like. If she knows that I have become a relative with another woman in the future, how can I get it?"

Song Qingshu secretly laughed: With such a good acting skill as Qingqing in front, I can't afford to leave too much.

Ren Yingying was dumbfounded. She was worried that the other party would take the opportunity to threaten her and get married with her to take advantage of the situation, but she knew that he was more reluctant than herself.

"Is the sweetheart that the predecessor said is the Youyou girl?" Seeing Song Qingshu nodded, Ren Yingying said hurriedly, "Predecessor Xu, it is not that you and me really get married, but you pretend to be Brother Chong and be married to me. You know and I know, your lover will never know what happened today."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "There is no impermeable wall in the world. I don't want to do anything to be sorry for her."

Ren Yingying clenched her teeth, raised her skirt and knelt before Song Qing wrote: "Senior Xu, you already know the causes and consequences of the whole thing. I will never marry that **** Song Qingshu. If I miss this good opportunity today, I'm afraid it will be difficult to ruin this marriage. If Senior Xu doesn't agree, Yingying will only die."

Song Qingshu can't help but cursing secretly, is she so scary, rather than marrying herself, she would rather die? But when I think of the things I did to her before, I'm afraid I can't bear it for any other girl.

"Well, in that case, I will help you again, but you must promise me that you must never tell the third person about this matter." Song Qingshu deliberately pretended to be embarrassed and gritted his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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