Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 645: Sudden change

Worried about her making a sound, Song Qingshu hurriedly hugged her, and at the same time stretched out his hand to cover her mouth.

"Hmm~" Ren Yingying was even more frightened and couldn't help struggling violently, but her skill was so different from Song Qingshu, where did she struggle to escape?

However, this made Song Qingshu suffer. The beautiful woman in her arms was so soft that he was a little bit contemplative, but now she writhes again, and that moving body makes it difficult for Song Qingshu to sit still.

Perceiving the changes in Song Qingshu's body, Ren Yingying was first in a daze, and then reacted after a while, her blushing like blood, struggling more vigorously.

"Don't move, someone is coming." Song Qingshu said in a low voice in her ear. Seeing that she still didn't mean to stop ¤∠¤∠¤∠, v.※▼.↗, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's not that we didn't hold this Yes, what are you nervous about!"

Ren Yingying couldn't help but stay in a daze. Yes, the two of them hugged each other when they were facing the enemy in the woods. Later, when healed his wounds to get rid of the cold, they hugged them more intimately. At that time, she didn't think there was anything, why are they so big now? reaction?

Ren Yingying quickly woke up. At the beginning, she regarded the other party as a highly respected senior, so naturally she would not be afraid. But now that the two of them have been married, she is worried that the other party is doing the real act, and subconsciously guarding him, so the other party has a slight change. , Her reaction was violent.

At this time, there was a voice of dialogue not far away, and Ren Yingying realized that she had misunderstood the other party. She couldn't help but glanced at him in disbelief, and complained in her heart: You just tell me not to be fine, you have to use this method. , I don't think it's weird if you have sex.

Soon Xia Qingqing, Ah Jiu, and Zhang Sanfeng appeared at the corner of the corridor together. Seeing that it was them, Ren Yingying didn't even dare to make a sound. The newlyweds were not in the bridal chamber at this time, but ran to this secluded place to blow northwest. Wind, fools know there is a problem.

In order to successfully cancel this marriage, Ren Yingying has already paid too much, and she is not allowed to fail in the end.

Song Qingshu easily grasped her mind, a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and his head moved towards her neck.

The other party's hot breath sprayed on her skin, Ren Yingying quickly noticed that he was leaning towards her, and she was stunned: Why is this person so courageous?

Before entangled in how to conquer Ren Yingying, Song Qingshu had obviously made a decision at this moment, so there was no hesitation in the action.

When Song Qingshu's lips pressed against her neck, Ren Yingying's brain was suddenly blank. She did not expect that the other party would dare to be thinner than her at this moment, so that she could not react completely.

Feeling that the soft body of the beautiful woman in her arms suddenly stiffened, Song Qingshu was not polite with her. His lips moved forward slowly, kissing her cheek for a while, and holding her ears for a while.

Ren Yingying's whole person was going crazy. Just as he was about to break out, the other party's voice transmission and secret secrets suddenly came in his ears: "You applaud, anyway, we are already well-known couples. Even if they find out, We will only think that we are absurd, and will not have other ideas. Even if you explain the Central Plains, I have nothing to be afraid of, but all your previous efforts will be put into waste."

Ren Yingying's face changed, knowing that the other party was hitting the point, and knowing that she didn't dare to speak out, but compared to the inexplicable loss of her virginity and the inability to cancel the marriage contract with Song Qingshu, what is it?

When she was about to call for help, Song Qingshu seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, and continued: "Actually, you don't have to worry about it. I just take advantage of my tongue. Do you really think I dare to be in front of these top masters? What do you do to face you?"

Seeing Ren Yingying's face loosened, Song Qingshu struck the iron while it was hot: "As long as you are obedient, I can kiss Fangze, and you have no fundamental loss. You can keep the secret. Why not? Don't worry, I won't harm your body. ."

Ren Yingying's heart was at a loss. The other party's words seemed to have a kind of magical power. She couldn't help but think that it didn't seem to be this time or two for the two of them to hug and hug each other, and the other party has a life-saving grace for herself, as long as the other party does not ruin her virginity. It doesn't seem to be a problem to let him kiss a few times, just as repaying his favor, and keeping the secret of regretful marriage, I will leave here early tomorrow morning and return to Heimuya I am not afraid of him.

Song Qingshu knows Ren Yingying's temperament very well. She is a smart woman, but a smart woman will inevitably weigh too much. As long as she does not break through her psychological bottom line, she will most likely choose to endure silently for one purpose.

Seeing Ren Yingying's silence, Song Qingshu knew that she had already acquiesced, and couldn't help but smile. As expected, he was no longer satisfied and only kissed her on the cheek, and his hands were gradually reaching into the skirt of her clothes.

Two lines of tears remained silently, and Ren Yingying's heart was desolate: Brother Chong, do you know how much I sacrificed for you...

Ren Yingying suddenly thought of Song Qingshu. The badness of Song Qingshu on the bright side is how many times more cute than the hypocrite in the beast behind him. It is better to make Song Qingshu cheaper than cheap him!

Thinking about this, Ren Yingying suddenly became enlightened, holding down the hand of the man behind him who wanted to go deeper, and said coldly: "Let go of me!"

Song Qingshu said strangely: "Aren't you afraid of losing your power?"

Ren Yingying said coldly; "I have figured it out. Compared with you, even marrying Song Qingshu is not that unacceptable."

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "Unfortunately it's too late."

Ren Yingying was shocked and was about to call for help. Suddenly, her waist was numb, and her whole body fell softly into the arms of the man behind him.

"You promised me not to harm my chastity." Ren Yingying said in a panic.

"You didn't abide by the rules first?" Song Qingshu shook his finger in front of her, leaned over and kissed the charming little cherry mouth.

"Hmm~" Ren Yingying's eyes widened, she didn't expect her pure lips to be invaded so rudely by this man, her eyes swept to Xia Qingqing not far away, she couldn't help crying: Song Qingshu, you bastard, you Fiancée is being bullied, so come and save me!

I don't know why, the first thing that came to her mind at the moment of crisis was not Linghu Chong, but Song Qingshu, whom she hated before.

I don't know if her prayers worked, the man on him suddenly let go of her lips, and looked vigilantly in the direction of the three of Xia Qingqing.

Ren Yingying was overjoyed. Could it be that Song Qingshu discovered the anomaly here, but she quickly dismissed the idea because she noticed that the man next to her was listening to the conversation of the three.

Although Ren Yingying was hit on the acupuncture points, her skills were still there. After listening carefully, she also vaguely heard the conversation between the three.

"I wonder if Master Tai has any questions?" Xia Qingqing asked.

Zhang Sanfeng was silent, but stared at her quietly. When Xia Qingqing panicked, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly moved and patted her face with a palm.

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