Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 646: Duel the first man in martial arts


Ren Yingying was shocked when she saw this. She didn't understand why Zhang Sanfeng would suddenly attack Song Qingshu. If it was changed to a weekday, she would have liked Song Qingshu to be beaten so miserably, and finally died of serious injuries, which not only avenged the other party's frivolity and revenge. , The marriage contract between the two can't stop. But now she is trapped in wolf's claws, looking forward to Song Qingshu's anomaly here. As a result, the two of them fought, wouldn't she be doomed to escape?

Subconsciously glanced at the hypocrite next to him, Ren Yingying was startled, the other party had disappeared for some time.

On the other side, before Xia Qingqing had time to see Zhang Sanfeng's moves, the palm of the other party was already in front of him.

In order to avenge her husband Yuan Chengzhi, Xia Qingqing changed her mind and devoted herself to martial arts. In addition, Yuan Chengzhi did not hide her privately before, so she learned Yuan Chengzhi as a martial arts for 50 to 60%, and then followed. Song Qingshu, Song Qingshu also often pointed her to martial arts, and from time to time she used Huanxi Zen to help her with Yin and Yang. Therefore, her current martial arts can be regarded as a top-notch master in the world. If she encounters other people, she will be invincible, but she will protect herself. There is no problem, but this time she encountered the legendary Zhang Sanfeng in the martial arts, the half-immortal cultivation base.

A Jiu on the side didn't expect Zhang Sanfeng to make a sudden move, but she was still above Xia Qingqing, so she reacted a little faster than the opponent, and drew out the long sword and stabbed it.

Zhang Sanfeng casually brushed his hand, and Ah Jiu felt a soft force coming, and the whole person was involuntarily drawn to the other side, and he couldn't help being shocked.

Seeing that Xia Qingqing hadn't reacted at all, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but frown, and the palm of the attack could not help but hesitate for a moment. At this time, Song Qingshu had already rushed out of the rockery like a cannonball.

Song Qingshu didn't understand why Zhang Sanfeng, who was a good-natured man, suddenly shot. Could it be that the accidental killing of Mo Shenggu hadn't ended yet, he was here to clear the door?

Song Qingshu is not a person in this world. Of course he will not obey the elders who want to kill the younger ones, and the younger ones can only catch them with their hands. What's more, Mo Shenggu was only killed by the unlucky ghost Song Qingshu, and was beaten by the Wudang faction at the lion slaughter conference. The meridians of the whole body are cut off, and what should be paid has been paid off.

After Ah Jiu's delay, Song Qingshu finally managed to arrive, and a waistband sent Xia Qingqing to a distance of ten meters away, and hurriedly raised his whole body's skill to greet Zhang Sanfeng's palm.

"Huh?" Zhang Sanfeng said softly, noticing the surging palm strength between the opponent's palms, and hurriedly changed his moves, and both palms faintly drew a circle.

Song Qingshu suddenly felt that the power of both palms was like a clay cow entering the sea, and a strong force came from his side. The other party took advantage of the situation and pulled, bumped, pushed, and the whole person's center of gravity suddenly became unstable and fell to the side.

Song Qingshu knew that once the first opportunity was missed, the opponent's attack would be like a torrential river, and his best effort would be nothing more than a boat in the sea of ​​anger, all he did was struggling to support it.

Therefore, Song Qingshu did not hurriedly stabilize his figure, but instead rolled to the ground, using the snake-like turning raccoon in the Jiuyin Scriptures. Although the posture was a little embarrassed, it was like a kid fighting, but he was temporarily out of it. The opponent's Tai Chi Jin.

Song Qingshu did not dare to hesitate, the wooden sword that he had not used for a long time appeared in his hand instantly, like an antelope hanging a horn, a sword stabbed behind him, in its early fashion and unremarkable, the whole body suddenly burst into the sky after an instant, and Zhang Sanfeng Surrounded by the center, they attacked him in all directions.

Just as a gust of wind blew, the sky full of leaves fell between the two, but they instantly turned into dust.

Before the sword energy reached his body, Zhang Sanfeng noticed that the air around his body seemed to be sucked up all of a sudden, his expression suddenly became dignified, his hands were slowly raised, and a Tai Chi pattern faintly appeared around his body. , Rushing towards Jian Qi as soon as it hits the Tai Chi pattern, it gradually melts away.

However, instead of relaxing, Zhang Sanfeng's expression became more dignified, and the whole person began to move slowly. In the eyes of Xia Qingqing and others on the side, Zhang Sanfeng walked slowly at every step, but every step could make him At least half of the sword energy was evaded, and the remaining half of the sword energy was offset by Tai Chi in his hand.

Suddenly, Ah Jiu looked at Zhang Sanfeng's feet in surprise. He clearly saw that he had walked a long way. Why did the footprints on the ground show that he hadn't left the place three feet away with every step? Those footprints seem to be chaotic, but when viewed together, they clearly form a perfect circle.

Seeing that his Wanjian Guizong was broken by Zhang Sanfeng in this way, Song Qingshu was also shocked, but he did not intend to continue to make moves. Instead, he guarded Xia Qingqing and Ah Jiu and looked at each other vigilantly: "I don't know the truth about Zhang. Why did you make a sudden move?"

Zhang Sanfeng saw the mask on Song Qingshu's face and sighed: "It really is you!"

Ren Yingying, who is hiding in the rockery, has a small cherry mouth wide open. Although the fight between the two was very short just now, how could she not see that the cultivation bases shown by the two are far from her perception, but this is not her best Shocked, the thing that shocked her most was the wooden sword in the vanity hand. This sword made her unforgettable because it was the iconic weapon of that **** in Song Qingshu.

"Pan Dao has always been very strange. Although Linghu Chong received Feng Qingyang's true teachings and his swordsmanship was superb, he had never heard of the power of the opponent's fists and feet. And the skill you showed before, let alone Linghu Chong, I am afraid that even Feng Qingyang can't match it either." Zhang Sanfeng shifted his gaze to Xia Qingqing again, "Although this girl is good at martial arts, she is still a far cry from the description of my apprentice martial arts in the rivers and lakes."

Xia Qingqing bit her lip and tore off the skin mask on her face. He respectfully saluted Zhang Sanfeng: "Qingqing pays homage to Master Tai."

Song Qingshu also smiled bitterly and took off the mask: "Master Tai, Qingshu didn't deliberately deceive, but when I killed Uncle Seven by mistake, I really had no face to see you.

Seeing the appearance of Song Qingshu, Ren Yingying hiding in the rockery was dumbfounded: How could it be him? So I'm the dear dear who worshipped him?

Thinking of herself begging him to divorce herself like a fool, Ren Yingying's face turned blue and red, but maybe there were so many shocking things tonight. She was not as angry as she thought, but a sense of relief: instead of being Another strange man took advantage, and the **** whose surname was Song seemed to be more acceptable.

Ren Yingying herself was taken aback by this sudden thought, and her whole person was stunned: Why should I think this way, do I like him?

Thank you book friends for asking you not to make trouble, Cheng Shujian, Seven Famous Names, Six Kings, Pepper, Naughty Trick or Treat Win, Donghai Scholars, Fang Cun Qian Kun, Reminiscence of the Northern Hemisphere and others for their rewards and monthly tickets

You are so passionate, this is to drain my rhythm

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