Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 774: Gentle Township Hero Tomb

The woman in the yellow shirt looked directly at Song Qingshu, as if she was talking to herself: "During this period of time, you can see that your position in the palace is not low, and you are the celebrity in front of the queen. If it weren't for me, you were in the palace Lihui has a more leisurely life. Not only do I often beat you and scold you, but I also hit you to blackmail you. You obviously should hate me. Why do you help me again and again, and..."

The woman in the yellow shirt glanced at him and added: "And I can't see any resentment in your eyes. You seem to really want to help me."

"The female hero is so beautiful, and everyone has the so-called love of beauty. When I see you hit the bottom of my heart, I feel close, so I can't help but want to help you." Song Qingshu replied.

"If other men answered like this, I might believe it, but you are..." The woman in the yellow shirt bit her lip and temporarily changed her words. "But you are working as a errand in the imperial palace. You know how many stunning beauties, you've seen so many in your ears and eyes, how can you help me just because I'm beautiful?"

"Although there are a lot of beauties in this palace, there is no one who can be so beautiful that a girl is so miserable." Song Qingshu interrupted her hastily, and replied solemnly.

"What kind of terrible people, is there you such a boast?" The yellow shirt girl couldn't help but sneered, revealing her crystal clear teeth.

I don’t know why, in the face of the praise and flattery of countless young talents over the years, she responded with a smile, but she did not even have a ripple in her heart. During this time, she was often teased by this ordinary little eunuch. The flower branches trembled.

Compared with those Jiangnan talents who praised her by quoting scriptures, this little eunuch's words can be said to be crude, but she does not sound a bit offensive. And when he tasted it carefully, he found that his words were rough and not rough, and even had a vulgar but elegant feeling.

How did the women in the yellow shirt know that these were just the common speaking styles in the society in Song Qingshu's previous life, and that humor and freedom are indeed far from comparable in today's society where ethics is rampant.

"I haven't read any books. I abused the idiom to make the girl laugh." Song Qingshu didn't take it seriously, pretending the little eunuch's anxiety and embarrassment vividly.

"I'm not making fun of you, and... I think your description is very innovative," the woman in yellow shirt comforted him subconsciously, "but you still didn't tell me the truth about why you helped me, and I can see from your eyes , I can feel that you don’t seem to worry about the restrictions on yourself at all."

Song Qingshu thought that I couldn't tell you because Shaolin Temple took over your love last time, and the two sides are reluctant to count as people in the same camp, I will help you...

Seeing the woman in yellow shirts staring at herself waiting for the answer, Song Qingshu quickly made up without changing her face: "Don't hide the girl, I am actually a Han, and I was arrested as a **** in the palace since I was a child, and I was humiliated..."

Song Qingshu cried miserably for a while, when she suddenly noticed that the yellow-shirted woman's eye circles were a little red, and she looked sad, and she couldn't help being surprised. He thought it was not right. The yellow-shirted woman looked very clever, just like that. Deceived?

He felt that the heat was almost over, so he changed the subject: "I saw the girl come to the palace alone to assassinate the other day. I admire the girl very much. In addition, because of the same Han Chinese, I actually hope that the girl can succeed in the assassination for us. The Han people are exasperated."

"Sorry, I let you down." The woman in the yellow shirt looked sad.

Song Qing's book wants to take the opportunity

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) to find out what she was doing in the Golden Palace. Seeing that she didn’t tell the truth, I didn’t dare to continue to ask, lest you know too much: "Girl, you know, I’m in the Golden Palace after all. As a errand, if my thoughts are heard by others, I don’t even have ten heads to cut, so I always keep this thought in my heart, even the girl dare not tell."

"That's it..." The woman in yellow shirt nodded secretly, and finally solved the doubt in her heart.

"After contacting these days, I know that a girl is a typical knife mouth tofu heart. Although a bit fierce, she will never embarrass a little person like me, so I am not afraid of being restrained by a girl." After the explanation, Song Qingshu took a long sigh of relief, thinking that you don't believe the truth, but you believe the lie. You are really stupid and can't blame the society.

"If you want, after I'm done here, I will take you to escape from the Golden Palace and return to our own country of Han Chinese?" The woman in the yellow shirt felt that she and the **** would get along more and more, and she couldn't bear to watch him continue to be there. Suffering here, I blurt out my heart.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Girl, you also know that I am...what can someone with imperfect health like me do after leaving the palace? You can't let the girl support me for the rest of my life. I'd better stay in the palace honestly." He couldn't help but hey, hey, he thought, why should I pretend to be an eunuch? It's really bad luck.

"It's a big deal, so what if I raise you for the rest of my life!" The woman in Huangshan felt ambiguous as soon as she said it, until she remembered that the man in front of her was not a man, but was just an eunuch.

"Raise me for the rest of my life?" Song Qingshu glanced at her with a faint smile, "I hope the girl will remember this sentence in the future."

"A gentleman can't chase a horse with a word. Although I am not a gentleman, I am not a fat man who breaks his promise." The yellow shirt woman did not know Song Qingshu's pun and promised again without realizing it.

"Let's talk about these things after the girl completes the task," Song Qingshu suddenly thought of her shot at Taihe Hall today, and couldn't help asking, "Does Miss Yang recognize the two little ladies in the Queen's Palace today?"

"Recognize..." A trace of sadness flashed in the yellow shirt woman's eyes, but she didn't mean to continue speaking, instead she said, "It's not that I want to conceal it, but the less you know about this kind of thing. Safety."

After several trials did not get the desired result, Song Qingshu was also a little frustrated, but he knew that this kind of thing could not be anxious, and he just opened her guard today, and if he has been familiar with it for a while, he will know it sooner or later.

After chatting with the girl in the yellow shirt for a while, Song Qingshu got up and said goodbye when she saw her lack of energy, and slipped out of the palace quietly.

Returning to Tang Kuo’s mansion, Wanyan Gebi seemed to be deliberately avoiding him. Song Qingshu was naturally happy. After returning to the bedroom, he was thinking about how to rescue the princesses of the Song Dynasty in Huanyiyuan. The servants suddenly ran over and handed out the invitation. Song Qingshu opened it. Look, it turned out that Hailing Wang Wanyanliang invited him to Qiuxianglou as a guest tonight.

"Qiuxiang Tower? I'm still Bohu Tower." Song Qingshu secretly spit out the name. He was not shocked when he heard the name. He asked the next person to knock and inquire about it. As expected, this Qiuxiang Tower is the largest brothel in Daxing Mansion, and it can also be regarded as a real one. The largest brothel in the entire Golden State, and it is different from ordinary brothels. It is said that the owner behind this brothel has an official background and is inextricably linked to the Jiaofang Division.

"The brothel, I like it." Song Qingshu couldn't help thinking of the scene of meeting Xia Qingqing in the brothel of Yangzhou City.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Slightly up.


Song Qingshu was thinking about how to save the people in the coat house. Before she knew it, night had fallen. He got on the carriage sent by Wanyan Liang to pick him up. Seeing the carriage decorated with luxurious and exquisite decorations, she secretly sighed: such a magnificent and luxurious carriage. Isn’t it equivalent to a Rolls-Royce in the previous life?

I can’t help but start to miss the old world, the developed internet, the massive entertainment activities in the past, and the long legs that fill the streets in summer. How can it be that women in this world wrap themselves like dumplings? ...

While Song Qingshu was wandering away, he suddenly felt a warning sign. He moved aside abruptly. A golden snake had bitten the place where he was sitting just now. Seeing that the cushion was corroded by the venom, he snorted. You can know how poisonous this snake is.

The guards roared suddenly outside, and then a petite and exquisite figure rushed into the carriage, and the short sword in his hand immediately pierced Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu was hesitating whether to expose his skills, who knew that the dagger stopped in mid-air, and a surprised female voice sounded in the carriage: "Aren't you Wan Yanliang?"

Song Qingshu looked up and saw that the assassin in front of him was wrapped tightly, with only a pair of smart eyes. From her petite and graceful body curve and the tenderness of her voice, she should be a young girl. Song Qingshu's experience, with such beautiful eyes and eyebrows, as long as there is no major accident, it is definitely a beautiful woman, and it is still the kind that harms the country and the people.

Realizing that Song Qingshu was not full of beauty, the assassin did not hesitate to come and go faster, and instantly retreated back the same way. Through the window, you can see her guards who used her tricks to retreat, as light as a swallow. Disappeared to the eaves in the distance.

The guards sent by Wan Yanliang rushed over to plead guilty, but Song Qingshu didn’t care about them. Instead, he looked thoughtfully at the direction of the assassin’s disappearance: "It’s a coincidence that I have encountered female assassins one after another. They are all big beauties..."

"Sir, or let's wait here for a while, the humble post has sent someone to redeploy a car, and at the same time mobilize some people to protect the safety of the horse." The guard said hurriedly.

"No, it's not too early now, let's go to the Qiuxiang Tower first." Song Qingshu sat back in the carriage again, and the viper in the carriage had already been cleaned up by the guards.

"But the assassin..." The guard stopped talking.

Song Qingshu smiled: "This assassin's goal is your master Hailing King. I just suffered a fish disaster. Don't worry, there will be no assassins next."


When Song Qingshu rushed to the Qiuxiang Tower, Wan Yanliang greeted him from a long distance: "Brother Tang Kuo, the king has already heard about the things on the road. Thanks to Brother Tang Kuo's quick response, I'm afraid it's me. He was killed on the spot long ago. Speaking of Brother Tang Kuo, he saved the king's life."

"The prince is polite, this time I just ran away by a coincidence." Song Qingshu originally wondered if Wan Yanliang was deliberately acting out a bitter trick, but judging from his now fearful reaction, the assassin should Not sent by him.

"This time I caused Brother Tang Kuo to be frightened, and this king is really upset. It just so happened that today there was a superb oiran in the Qiuxiang Lou. The king will photograph her and give it to Brother Tang Kuo to make amends later." Wan Yanliang looked affectionate. He took Song Qingshu's hand and walked inside.

(End of this chapter)

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