Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 775: Masters gathered

"The best oiran?" Song Qingshu looked weird, and he and the oiran were really close to each other.

As soon as he entered the Qiuxianglou, Song Qingshu smelled a refreshing powdery smell, as if he was in the middle of the cosmetics counters in the big shopping malls in the past. As for the large brothel, this layout is even better than those famous entertainment clubs in the past.

"I don't know what happened to He Qing (He Tieshou)'s brothel Zhang Luode." Song Qing expressed concern in writing. It is good to say in Qing that there is no big problem with his policy preferences and secret support. If the country wants to compete with this class of brothels, the prospects may not be optimistic.

This Qiuxiang Building is a little different from ordinary brothels. In the middle is a wide platform. A large number of seats are scattered in a fan shape to surround the platform. There are several floors upstairs. Song Qingshu glanced at it at will. It can be seen that these rooms upstairs are in the nature of private boxes, and should be provided to guests with distinguished identities or wealthy families. The layout of the entire brothel is a bit like a scaled-down version of the Colosseum.

Wan Yanliang led him all the way upstairs, and finally entered a private room on the top floor. Song Qingshu secretly nodded. With Wan Yanliang's power in the Kingdom of Jin, of course he would choose the best position.

There were still people in the private room. Song Qingshu's eyes were sharp, and he saw a shaggy one-armed man sitting alone in a corner drinking alcohol. It was not Yang Guo or who he was. He seemed indifferent to anything. Even Wan Yan Liang and Song Qingshu came in. He didn't even lift his eyelids.

"Fuck, when I saw Yang Guoxue's life, this sentence was really not given for nothing. It is so handsome even when it is decadent. The sorrowful scum, the melancholy look in my world, I don’t know how many flowers there are. Sluts will rush to recommend themselves pillow seats."

Although Song Qingshu was a well-known beautiful man in the martial arts back then, he has to admit that in terms of appearance, he is really inferior to Yang Guo, but he has already passed the age of fighting faces, and he has not produced it because of it. What negative emotions.

"Brother Tang Kuo, please forgive me. Brother Bingde recently learned of his life experience and couldn't accept it for a while. If there is any negligence, this king will apologize for him..."

Before Wan Yanliang finished speaking, he saw Yang Guo Huo Ran raising his head, and his quizzical eyes suddenly became sharp: "My name is

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Yang Guo, it used to be, and it will also be in the future! "

Wan Yanliang smiled bitterly: "Brother Bingde, I know you can't accept it for a while, but it's true..."

Song Qingshu can understand Yang Guo's feelings at the moment, so he took the opportunity to interrupt: "Prince, the name is just a title anyway. Since Brother Yang can't accept it for a while, let's call him Yang Guo in private in the future." Song Qingshu finished speaking and walked over. Yang Guo smiled in front of him and said, "Brother Yang, we had a goodbye in Kaifeng last time. We haven't seen each other for a long time."

"We just met at the gate of the city a few days ago." Although Yang Guo's voice was a bit cold, his expression finally eased a little when Song Qingshu called him Yang Guo instead of Wanyan Bingde.

"It seems that Brother Tang Kuo has a relationship with Brother Yang, Brother Tang Kuo, you may not know that Brother Yang originally didn't want to come to this kind of occasion today, but he changed his mind when he heard the king said that you are coming. Now." Wan Yanliang smiled from the side.

"Oh?" Song Qingshu looked at Yang Guo in amazement, thinking that he had nothing to do with him before, why did he look at me differently?

It's a pity that Yang Guo was still drinking there silently without any explanation. Song Qingshu turned his head with a wry smile and found that there was another person on the other side of the private room.

This person's face is like a crown jade, and although his appearance is not as good as Yang Guo's, he is also a beautiful man. With a beard, it adds a bit of mature charm.

"Let me introduce to the two of you, Tang Kuo, this is the newly promoted military assistant, Xiao Yuxiao, and Xiao, this is the lieutenant Du Ma, then Shang Shu Zuo Cheng Tang Kuobian." End Yan Liang took the hands of the two of them and introduced them.

"Long admired the fame of Luma, I saw it today as a heroic hero." Xiao Yu smiled and saluted.

"My surname is Xiao?" Song Qingshu glanced at him thoughtfully, knowing that Xiao is a rare surname among Jurchens.

"The horse is really wise. I don't want to conceal it. I'm actually from Liao, so I can barely count as a descendant." Xiao Yu said this without a trace of displeasure on his face.

"Liao people? Or descendants?" Song Qingshu was secretly frightened. The power of the Liao Kingdom was firmly in the hands of the royal family Yelu and the descendants Xiao. This person's surname was Xiao, and he belonged to the descendants, and he was considered an identity in the Liao Kingdom. Noble, why did you serve as an official in the Kingdom of Jin? You must know that the Jin Kingdom and the Liao Kingdom are as deep as the sea.

As if guessing his doubts, Wan Yanliang explained:

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) "Daikin attacked the Liao Kingdom and captured many of the royal family and descendants of the Liao Kingdom. Some of them were willing to loyal to Daikin. Our Dajin Nation also has the capacity to tolerate others, and they were also appointed. Many people have official positions."

"It turned out to be a traitor." Song Qingshu was a little shameless. Although Wan Yanliang didn't say what happened to those who were not willing to be loyal, it is not difficult to guess their tragic ending, and they don't know Xiao Feng, Yelu Nanxian and the others. To this Master Xiao, will he clear the door...

Several people chatted casually for a while and then sat down. Wan Yan Liang was naturally the main position. Song Qingshu's position was next to him, which was enough to show Wan Yan Liang's importance to him. Xiao Yu's position should be a little behind, as if Wan Yan. Bright like Ban, as for Yang Guo, he has no interest in sitting with them at all. He hides in the corner drinking alcohol and doesn't know what he is thinking.

After sitting down, Song Qingshu swept his eyes around, and did not see Ouyang Feng and the others. He couldn't help but tentatively said: "Why didn't I see Mr. Ouyang and the others?"

Wan Yanliang laughed and winked with an ambiguous expression: "Thank you Brother Tang Kuo for your concern, but this kind of occasion is not suitable for taking them today,"

Song Qingshu was slightly startled, and quickly reacted. Wan Yanliang came to buy the oiran this time. There is only one oiran, but there are three masters. Then it will be a problem how to divide them. Maybe Ouyang Feng and the others are not all of them. So we value female sex, but the oiran is a symbol of honor. To whom Wan Yanliang bestows her, it means whoever has a higher status. When the time comes, the three masters will have to grab it even if they don't like female sex.

I am afraid that Wan Yanliang is worried about this, so she simply doesn't take any of them.

"Someone wants to assassinate the prince today, is it too dangerous for you, prince?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking.

Wan Yanliang laughed, pointing to the four big men who were hidden in the corner, and said triumphantly: "Brother Tang Kuo, please see, these two are the top masters of the Tudan family. Shan Zhen, these two are the Khitan masters recommended by Xiao Shilang, Yelu Yuanyi and Xiao Tang Gudai, the four of them are masters of masters, maybe they are a little bit inferior to Mr. Ouyang's level, but they are four of them. People join hands... Hey, whether it is Mr. Ouyang or Mr. Murong, they will definitely die when confronted with them!"

"Where can there be so many masters in this world?" Yang Guo, who had been silent, suddenly sneered, his disdain for words.

(End of this chapter)

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