Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 778: Princess Hailing

"It is indeed very conquering." Song Qing casually echoed. He knew that the customs of Jurchens were different from the Han people. They did not value chastity too much. Therefore, the experience of the five princesses falling into the hands of several men is not It doesn't make them feel that they are losing points, but it adds a little more attractiveness. Song Qing himself came from later generations, and his ideas in this area were much more open than those in the Song Dynasty, and he didn't feel anything.

Wan Yanliang was very satisfied with his response: "You tell me, this king has been admired for the five princesses for a long time, but compared to the beauty, this king values ​​heroes more, so he intends to transfer her to brother Tang Kuo with the help of Huaxian Buddha. In addition, this time Brother Tang Kuo suffered an unwarranted disaster because of this king, and at the same time, this time the king will be prepared for the assassins in the future, and this king would like to thank you even more."

Song Qing smiled bitterly: "Prince, how can a gentleman take advantage of others, let alone I didn't help much this time." r←←←,@.@±.∧/>

"Why not? You let the king know the assassin's methods in advance, which is equivalent to saving the king's life. How can you not report it? Brother Tang Kuo has been reluctant to accept it. Could it be that this thank you gift is too light? Is it?" Wan Yanliang said deliberately in a squeezed tone.

"The prince was joking. If that's the case, then I would be more respectful than my fate. Thank you for the generous gift." Song Qing actually wants to contact the fifth princess and learn about the situation of her sisters in the coat of arms.

"Brother Tang Kuo, please don't thank you too early. Although this five princess and the king is bound to win, you can't wait for some headaches to come and compete with the king. Hope Brother Tang Kuo don't blame this king." Wan Yanliang smiled.

"Why don't I know what's good or bad, the prince has been worried." Song Qing felt strange. After this, Yan Liang first promised something that was not his, and couldn't fulfill the promise after the incident. Wouldn't it offend others? Wan Yanliang has a deep heart, and he shouldn't make such a low-level mistake.

Noting the change in Song Qing’s expression, Wan Yanliang laughed: "Brother Tang Kuo doesn’t have to worry too much. As long as there is no accident, you can enjoy the beautiful five princesses later. Of course, if something goes wrong, Brother Tang Kuo will accompany this king back to the mansion, and the women in this palace, except for the princess, choose whatever you want, as the king's apologizing."

Song Qing's heart jumped. You must know that the women in the palace are not only the maidservants... He is a powerful prince. Except for the concubine, the other side concubines and concubines in the palace do not know how many, just listen to what he meant. At that time, as long as you want to, you can even sleep with his side concubine? What a joke!

"The prince is serious. As the saying goes, I am lucky to lose my life. How can I ask the prince to apologize? This matter should not be mentioned again." Song Qing refused solemnly.

Wan Yanliang looked at him with a smile but a smile: "Brother Tang Kuo, are you afraid to pick a woman in this palace? Hahaha, this king treats you as a friend. Don't care too much."

"This..." Song Qing was about to say something to refuse, but Wan Yanliang waved his hand casually, pointed to the bottom and said: "The battle for the oiran has begun."

A charming old bustard came up in the middle of the platform. He began to introduce the precautions for the oiran competition. Then he blew the beauty of the oiran to the ground, and at the same time introduced her special identity and experience. What Yan Liang mentioned is not much different.

Song Qing didn’t care about what the old bustard said, but instead focused on Wan Yan Liang’s actions tonight. No matter what he thought, Wan Yan Liang’s behavior was too suspicious, whether it was a rash promise. Suddenly mentioning the gift of concubine Ji, everything was strange.

I scanned the surrounding boxes. Although I couldn’t see who was sitting inside, those who could get to this floor must be rich or noble. Although Wan Yanliang has a lot of power, he has been in the capital for so long, Song Qing I also know that there are many people in the court who have higher status than him. Why is he so sure that he will be able to take this oiran? Even if he does not hesitate to take his concubine Ji as compensation, this risk is too great?


Suddenly, Song Qing's mind flashed, and finally figured out the whole thing. Wan Yanliang was not certain that he would be able to take this oiran. On the contrary, he should be sure that he could not take this oiran this time, so that he would give it to Ji concubine. Find a reasonable reason!

Perhaps in the eyes of modern people, it is unbelievable to give one's own woman to other men, but in this world, except for the wife, Ji concubine has no status at all. It is indeed common for the master to give it away, such as the talented Su Dongpo. On the one hand, he can write a sentence that touches thousands of people, "Ten years of life and death" for his dead wife. It looks like a great love sage, but on the other hand, he treats Ji concubine ruthlessly and often gives away Ji concubine. Even some concubine Ji was pregnant and he could not miss it...

Su Dongpo was like this as a Song native, and Wan Yanliang, a Jurchen nobleman, was even less likely to take those side concubines and concubines seriously. However, unlike Su Dongpo, Wan Yanliang’s identity is more noble. Although he doesn’t care about those women, for others, those women can barely be regarded as princesses. With this level of identity, their attraction is Much bigger than ordinary Ji concubine.

If ordinary people see Wan Yanliang actually bestow a woman from the palace to him, wouldn't they have to be grateful, and loyalty is instantly max? It's a pity that Song Qing is not an ordinary person, and of course he won't be bought by him because of this, and he suspects that Wan Yan Liang is not just taking the opportunity to win over him, maybe he has another purpose.

Although there is no other evidence, Song Qing's instinct told him that Wan Yanliang's ultimate goal might be Tang Kuobian's wife Gebi.

Song Qing still remembered that he had read a book called "The Red Chamber. The Secret" in the previous life. The Beihai county king in it used similar methods to first invite Jia Rong to the palace, and then instructed his concubine to seduce him, and then turned his face to look for him. Jia Rong settled the accounts, and at the same time produced evidence of Jia Rong’s corruption and perverting the law to intimidate and lure, Jia Rong was frightened, step by step into the trap set by the other party, and finally had to offer his wife Qin Keqing to beg for mercy to the Beihai County King...

"I didn't expect to see that kind of help today, hehe, in the eyes of the old driver, what kind of routine hasn't been seen?" Song Qing had to sigh with emotion. The wisdom of the adulterer is indeed infinite, although he is not currently I know what Wan Yan Liang's specific methods are, but I don't want to be much different from the methods of Beihai Junwang.

Looking at those boxes not far away, Song Qing even suspected that Wan Yanliang wanted to use this fight for the oiran, so that he would have a conflict with a certain powerful person, and had to fall back to his camp.

"I said the old bustard, what's the use of you blowing up here? It's better to invite the five princesses out and let us see if she is really as beautiful as you said." The old bustard's cumbersome explanation has already provoked. Many people were disgusted, and someone below couldn't help but yelled directly, which immediately evoked a sound of sympathy.

"Knowing that you are waiting, I will let the five princesses come out to see you." The old bustard clapped his hands when he finished speaking. After receiving her signal, the thick curtain on the second floor was pulled aside, and there was a graceful moment. The sound of the ground piano came out from inside.

A bunch of men stretched their necks and looked towards the second floor, only to see a beautiful figure sitting behind the bead curtain playing the piano, exclaiming one after another:

"Sure enough, it's stunning in the world."

"It's no wonder that the second prince was fascinated."

"I must be her guest today."

"Just dream, and don't look at how many princes and grandsons are waiting upstairs, which round will get you?"

"Huh, anyway, the rule tonight is that the higher the price is, I don't have anything else, the one who has the more money!"


Song Qing’s eyes are so sharp now. Although he is separated by a bead curtain, he can still see the appearance of the oiran clearly. At the age of about twenty-seven or eighteen, with Song Qing’s critical eyes now, he has to Acknowledging that she is indeed an outstanding beauty, perhaps from a noble background, despite years of hardship, she still has a bit of innate arrogance, which makes her different from that of ordinary oiran.

Hearing the rude nouveau riche downstairs commenting on her, she frowned at first, as if she was going to be angry, but she quickly turned into sorrow.

Song Qing didn't know why he could think so much only when she saw her eyebrows move, but he had a feeling in the dark that he had not guessed wrong about her thoughts at this time.

"Sure enough, I feel pitiful." Wan Yanliang couldn't help but exclaimed, "Brother Tang Kuo, are you satisfied with this king's gift?"

Song Qing has roughly guessed his calculations, and calmly agreed: "It's really beautiful."

The old bustard saw everyone showing their amazing colors, and seized the opportunity to shout loudly: "Masters, I won't say much about other things. The reserve price is five hundred taels of gold. Whoever bids the highest will be the five princesses of the Northern Song Dynasty who will enter the scene tonight. Guest."

Song Qing noticed that when the old bustard was speaking, the five princesses lowered their heads, seemingly expressionless, but the white fists clenched tightly under the table betrayed her feeling of anger and helplessness at the moment.

"Let the following people fight for a while, and wait until this king is about to go."

Wan Yanliang was obviously unwilling to lose his status and argued with the people below. At this time, the prices were raised one after another, and soon the price broke a thousand. Song Qing secretly smacked his tongue. This is gold, and I don’t know the price. How many oirans can buy Qinhuai River, but can only buy her one-night ownership, and looking at this posture, the final transaction price is far more than this amount, the identity of this female Song Dynasty princess is really extraordinary.

After shouting three thousand taels of gold, the sound of the price shouting below was reduced by half. After all, spending so much money can only enjoy one night, it is too extravagant, and many families with insufficient wealth have already automatically retreated.

"Five thousand taels!" The big fat man who claimed to be rich before had a different response, and almost doubled the price as soon as he opened his mouth.

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