Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 779: Compete for Oiran

The people below looked at each other. The price has exceeded their budget too much. What's more, they also knew that this time was a role to accompany the prince to study, and they didn't expect to really grab this oiran. The reason for the price bid just now was part of the reason for pranking. , Another part of the reason is that they have illusions, and now this fat man allows them to recognize the reality.

"Is there no higher price than five thousand taels of gold?" After waiting for a while, seeing no one else bid, the old bustard understood it, knowing that the limits of the people below were reached, so he intentionally or unconsciously turned his eyes to the box upstairs.

"If no one bids for this beauty, it will be mine." The fat man yelled impatiently, as if he wanted to run over and hug the beauty behind the bead curtain into his arms wantonly and pity.

"Six thousand taels!" A cold voice came not far from Song Qingshu and the others ⊥wán⊥⊥Roba, ∷.○¢.↖A box came out, and Song Qingshu heard it all at once. It was the voice of a girl in a yellow shirt.

"It turns out that she came for the princess of the Song Dynasty." Song Qingshu nodded secretly, thinking of her identity as a Song person, it was not so unexpected to want to rescue these poor princesses.

Song Qingshu's heart suddenly moved: "Is she going to the Huanyi Yard when she rushed to the palace again and again?"

"Seven thousand taels!" The fat man was extremely angry when he saw someone rob him, and immediately added one thousand taels.

"Eight thousand liang!" The voice of the woman in the yellow shirt was still cold, but Song Qingshu seemed to be able to feel the forbearing anger in her voice.

"Ten thousand taels!" The fat man shouted directly to ten thousand taels, declaring his determination to win, but Song Qingshu noticed that the fat on his face was unconsciously trembling, and guessed that he would be extremely painful in his heart when he shouted the price. .

The woman in the yellow shirt did not respond in the box, apparently she had given up on the price increase. Song Qingshu secretly smiled bitterly: When I healed her, there was nothing like a silver bill on her body, let alone ten thousand taels, one hundred taels of gold. It may not be shown, and I don't know how she got into this top-level box.

"Is there any bids? I will hug the beauty if no one bids." The fat man was secretly proud to see the woman in the yellow jersey repelled, thinking that the people in the top box were nothing more than the same, which made Lao Tzu fearful just now.

"You were too stingy to increase the price by a thousand or a few hundred before, so let me give you twenty thousand taels." There was finally another person in the top box.

Wan Yanliang glanced over there, Xiao Yu had already leaned into his ear and said, "It's a member of the Tudan family."

Wanyan bright spot nodded, saying that he knew, then turned his head and said to Song Qingshu: "Brother Tang Kuo, let's watch the play first."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but admire it secretly. Is this just like Big B's bearing? It was played in the movies of the previous life. Those people who danced so much before weren't the stepping stone to set off Big B's appearance in the end.

The people in these boxes on the top floor finally started to formally fight against each other. From Xiao Yu's mouth, Song Qingshu knew that it was the son of XX Shangshujia again, or which Hou Ye had quoted.

The quotes are getting more and more outrageous. Not only was the group of ordinary wealthy businessmen stunned, even Song Qingshu was stunned. Tens of thousands of taels of gold were enough to support the expenses of the army of thousands of people for nearly a month, but only enough to play this woman for one night. , Tut tut...

In the end, the price fluctuated around sixty thousand taels. After all, although these powerful and powerful people are rich, they are not fools. For the sake of one night's pleasure, they have to spend so much real money. Anyone has to weigh it.

Seeing that the time was about to come, Wan Yanliang winked at Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu smiled slightly and stood up and shouted, "One hundred thousand taels."

When this number was reported, the entire Qiuxiang Tower was silent, and one after another looked into the box they were in. Song Qingshu couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “One hundred thousand liang, the one in the palace really knows how to do business. I bought it for only a thousand ingots of gold, and now it sells for one hundred thousand taels in one night."

"Your Majesty Shengming, this action has humiliated Song Guonan's barbarians, and can fill the treasury. Of course, our ministers must share the worries for your Majesty." Wan Yanliang glanced at him meaningfully.

Song Qingshu was stunned, and said it nicely, what humiliating Song State, in fact, I am afraid that it is Xizong who asks these ministers for bribes in disguise, this emperor really is...

However, depending on the situation, it seems that only Wan Yanliang in the field has seen through this section, showing goodwill to me, and showing respect for Hee Zong without showing a trace. No wonder Hee Zong trusts him so much.

As soon as the number of one hundred thousand taels of gold was called out, the boxes on the top floor were silent. If this time I bought the ownership of the oiran, then one hundred thousand taels would not scare these Zhongming Ding Shijia, although it is a bit expensive, but you can buy one. The princess went home to play, and she also had face when she spoke out. But now they can only buy it for one night. No one thinks it is worth it. In addition, they find out through various channels that the bid is Hailing King, and no one wants to offend such a powerful character for a woman, so they are silent for dozens. Every breath, no one spoke again.

"Brother Tang Kuo, it seems that Beauty is yours tonight."

As soon as Wan Yanliang's voice fell, a voice suddenly came out from another box: "150,000 taels!"


Everyone in the field took a deep breath, not only shocked his high bid, but also curious about who would dare to openly grab a woman with Hailing King?

Wan Yan Liang's eyes condensed and turned to Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu shook his head and said that he did not know the identity of this person, and Wan Yan Liang ordered his men: "Go and check."

After the whole process, Yan Liang didn't say a word. Song Qingshu wanted to see how he responded, and deliberately didn't say anything. The atmosphere in the box was a bit silent and weird. Fortunately, the person came back soon: "It's your Royal Highness."

Wan Yanliang's expression suddenly became weird. After a long time, she turned her head and smiled bitterly at Song Qingshu: "Brother Tang Kuo, if someone else makes an offer, I will help you buy the person back even if you spend more money, but the opponent is Wang Wei, I It is inconvenient to rob him. You also know that your Majesty only has a son like him. He is destined to inherit the Datong in the future. If I offend him now, I am afraid that I will die without a place to bury him in the future."

"Of course, how can I get the prince in danger?" Song Qingshu hurriedly said, but he sneered secretly in his heart. I don't believe you didn't know that King Wei would come before, so just pretend.

Wan Yanliang apologized: "What happened today is that this king can’t help you. This way, this king’s words count. Later, you will return to the palace with me and stay overnight with me. The woman in this palace, whatever you want. You pick."

"The show is coming!" Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and when he was about to find a way to refuse, there was a shout of bidding outside suddenly:

"Two hundred thousand taels!"

This happened suddenly, and even Wan Yan Liang was shocked. He couldn't pay attention to the topic just now. Looking at Song Qingshu, he blurted out: "It's really weird. Who else in the entire capital would dare not give Wang Wei face so much? "

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