Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 788: Xiaoyaosan

"Hey, hey, rice can be eaten indiscriminately, you can't talk nonsense!" Song Qingshu looked depressed, "I...daddy they devote themselves to cultivating Taoism on weekdays, do you think they want to do such a thing? Isn't it because of Jin? The Chinese were despicable and shameless and gave them and the three princesses a harmony of yin and yang! In fact, from another perspective, my dad and them also saved the lives of the three princesses, otherwise the medicine will be attacked and the three princesses will die in love. , Are you satisfied?"

"You are arrogant!" The woman in the yellow shirt was trembling with anger.

"Yingluo, if you think there is a problem with my character, we can discuss this, but my father, the fourth uncle, and the sixth uncle are definitely gentlemen," Song Qingshu said, "In fact, I was able to rescue them, but they With the threat of my own life, let me promise to rescue your sisters. At the same time, I was worried about getting rid of the grass, and I voluntarily returned to the cage..."

"Don't call me Yingluo!" The woman in the yellow shirt snorted, but her expression finally eased.

"If you don't bark, don't bark," Song Qingshu suddenly sighed, "Hey, in fact, I'm the one who suffers the most from the whole thing."

The yellow shirt woman and Zhao Fujin looked at each other: "What are you going to suffer?"

"You think, I got a few more moms overnight, which made me a generation short in front of you. Isn't it enough to suffer?" Song Qing spread his hands.

"You're such a bastard!" The woman in the yellow shirt couldn't help being furious. On the contrary, Zhao Fujin had a lot of experience, and she was more open to her. While persuading the woman in the yellow shirt, she turned her head and smiled at Song Qingshu: "It seems you were before. Calling my fifth sister was wrong."

"What's wrong?" Song Qingshu didn't react for a while.

"My sisters became your little mother, shouldn't you call my fifth aunt?" Zhao Fujin's eyes were full of cramps, pushing the yellow shirt woman down in front of him, "This one, it's you Aunt Nineteen."

Song Qingshu was dumbfounded, didn't he lift a rock and hit him in the foot?

The woman in the yellow shirt was also embarrassed when she heard it, and she shook Zhao Fujin's arm while she was annoyed: "Fifth Sister, what are you talking about?"

Zhao Fujin sighed quietly: "Yingluo, we people are not as lucky as you. Except for your younger sisters, the rest of the sisters are not clean. They calculated to save us. In the past, which man would dare to ask us? I have heard the reputation of the Wudang Seven Heroes. If they are willing to take responsibility, it would be a good home for my three poor sisters."

"Five sisters!" The eyes of the yellow shirt women suddenly became red, "I know what you are suffering, but you are the grand princesses of Song after all. Should the three sisters marry a few people from the rivers and lakes as children? This bastard's father , And the Yin Liting, who are already married, Zhang Songxi is alone, but..."

Hearing this, Song Qingshu finally couldn't help but said, "Uh...Can I interrupt the marriage between your three sisters and my father? Can you wait for them to be rescued and ask them their opinions? These are too much..."

"Song's son is reasonable, it is true that we are not thinking well." Zhao Fujin looked at the handsome young man in front of him, and then recalled the scene where the two of them were physically entangled in the Qiuxiang Tower, and his heartbeat suddenly became uncontrollable and accelerated. .

Song Qingshu sat closer to the two women, and deliberately bumped the yellow shirt woman with her shoulder: "You are among the sisters

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Rank 19? Sister Nineteen, tut, it's a pity that you don't have a surname Gan "

"Why do I have the surname Gan?" The woman in yellow shirt looked at her blankly.

"It's nothing," Song Qingshu felt disappointed when he saw that his own stalks were not understood. "By the way, your sisters have all been arrested in the clothing courtyard, why are you..."

The woman in the yellow shirt hugged her legs and knocked her chin on her knees, as if she was in a reminiscence: "In fact, I was escorted back to the country by the golden man with my sisters, and then my master suddenly appeared on the way to the north. It's a pity that there were too many gold people at the time, and there were many masters among them. My master was outnumbered, and only one person was saved in the end..."

"Your master?" Song Qingshu was startled, "Who is your master?"

"You should have heard of my master's name. His elder's surname is Huang, with a single name." Speaking of the master, the woman in the yellow shirt suddenly looked proud.

"Huang Shang?" Song Qingshu was shocked. Huang Shang, the author of "Nine Yin Scriptures"? It's no wonder that the woman in the yellow shirt is so young that she can't even compare with Zhiruo's accomplishments in the "Nine Yin Zhenjing", "Is he not dead yet?"

"Your master is dead!" The woman in the yellow shirt sank, her eyes filled with anger.

"Uh, I mean there are rumors that his old man has already driven Hexi." Song Qingshu hurriedly apologized.

The yellow-shirted woman’s expression eased: "Master and his elderly have not been asking about world affairs in recent decades. The only time he came back to the world was to save me, and he stayed in seclusion after that. ."

"It turned out to be like this." Song Qingshu nodded, thinking that there are so many old monsters hidden in this world. There are sunflower eunuchs in front, and lotus monks from Nyingma Temple. Now even the old monsters like Huang Chang are still alive, Amitabha Buddha. , Don’t mess with these hard stubbles if you’re fine in the future.

"By the way, how do you plan to save them?" The woman in the yellow shirt looked at Song Qingshu nervously.

"I need to know how many princesses there are in Huanyiyuan today, and how are they doing now," Song Qingshu couldn't help but smiled at Zhao Fujin. "That's why I deliberately ran to meet the five princesses before, but they are not a thief among a certain population. ."

The woman in the yellow shirt snorted, but Zhao Fujin's heartbeat was accelerated by his smile, thinking about what happened to him. He has experienced four men before and after his life. It can be said that he has suffered a lot. Now he faces a young man. How did the younger generation seem to have the feeling of a girl carrying spring back then.

After rushing to get in a good mood, Zhao Fujin smiled and said, "It's up to me..."

"The father had thirty-four daughters, three sisters, six sisters, seventh sisters, eighth sisters, ten sisters, eleventh sisters, twelfth sisters, fifteenth sisters, seventeenth sisters, eighteenth sisters, and twenty-second sisters. Twelve of the youngest sisters died early, ah, looking back now, this is also their luck."

"Except for Yingluo who was rescued from the remaining sisters, the other 21 were sent to the clothing courtyard."

"In addition, the emperor brother also has a daughter, Princess Roujia, who is missing."

Song Qingshu knew that the emperor in her mouth was Song Qinzong, but why did Princess Roujia sound so familiar? It seems that the princess of Jingnan who was slept by herself in the Forbidden City is also called Princess Roujia, but the princess of Jingnan is the daughter of Yue Le, Prince An of the Qing Dynasty, so she should not be the same person...

"King Kang also has six daughters. Three of them died early, and the other three... When the city was broken, there was chaos and two of them were caught.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) In the Huanyiyuan, the youngest daughter heard rumors that she was living among the people, but it is estimated to be more ill-fortune...

"King Kang? It turned out to be the impotence emperor Zhao Gou." Song Qingshu secretly took a sip, and was so scared that he would not act after being searched by the people of the Jin country. He killed Yue Fei innocently, humiliated and asked for peace, and let his wife be raped by the Jin... No matter what it is, it is worthy of contempt by future generations.

Because of Zhao Gou's attention, Song Qingshu didn't pay attention to the little daughter who was living among the folks mentioned by Zhao Fujin, so that there were some more twists and turns out of thin air in the future, but this is a later story and will not be shown for the time being.

"Most of the concubines and clan wives who were captured in those days have been divided by the Jin family. Now there are only 21 daughters of the father and the two daughters of King Kang, a total of 23 people in the dressing house." Speaking of all this, Zhao Fujin couldn't help but think of the humiliation of the past. The whole figure couldn't stop trembling. The woman in the yellow shirt hurriedly held her hand and whispered to comfort.

"Twenty-three?" Song Qingshu was very big for a while. Although he was psychologically prepared before, he did not expect to save more people than expected. The difficulty of the rescue has risen exponentially.

"Two problems, first, how to save the twenty-three princesses...well, there are only twenty-two now," Song Qingshu glanced at Zhao Fujin, who had been rescued, "how to rescue them from the coat yard? The first problem, how to safely send so many people out of Daxing Mansion after being rescued, is the second problem, no matter which one it is, it is very difficult."

"Second question, you don't have to have a headache. I have bought the soldiers defending the city. As long as I can rescue them, I can take them out of the city." The woman in the yellow shirt said suddenly.

Song Qingshu frowned: "Once something goes wrong here at the Huanyiyuan, the Jinren’s first reaction is definitely to order the city gates to be sealed off. The soldiers you bought will help you smuggle or something on weekdays. When encountering this kind of martial law, How can they dare to let them go indiscriminately? Besides, even if they get out, the Golden Man sends cavalry to chase them, but they still can't escape far."

The woman in the yellow shirt was taken aback, obviously she did not consider this level, but she was unwilling to show her timidity before Song Qing wrote, and replied coldly: "You don't care about this, I have my own measures."

"Well, if you can really solve this problem, the difficulty of the whole thing will be reduced by more than half. Do you have any plans on how to rescue your sisters from the coat yard?" Song Qingshu asked.

"I originally planned to take the Queen of the Kingdom of Jin and use her as a hostage to let the people of Jin Kingdom release my poor sisters, but who knows what happened to King Wei in the middle..." The woman in the yellow shirt was suddenly startled, with a strange expression on her face. Looking at Song Qingshu, "It turns out that you were the master who helped me secretly in the Temple of Taihe at that time."

"Now that I know that I have been guarding you silently, do you feel particularly moved, there is an urge to agree with you?" Song Qingshu looked at her with a smile.

"Perhaps you a big-headed ghost!" The woman in the yellow shirt became angry and wanted to draw a sword to stab him. Zhao Fujin hurriedly held her hand and looked back at Song Qingshu angrily: "Song son, why do you always deliberately provoke him? Yingluo angry?"

"She is expressionless and cold all day long, I just want her to have more smoke and fire." Song Qingshu's answer made the yellow shirt woman stunned.

Looking at the complex-looking younger sister, Zhao Fujin sighed in his heart, and then continued: "In fact, there is still a huge problem. In order to control us, the Jin has always given us Xiaoyaosan."

(End of this chapter)

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