Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 789: Chaste lady of jingkang county

"Xiaoyao San?" Song Qingshu was startled, "Three Smiles and Xiaoyao San?" However, he quickly rejected this speculation. If Ding Chunqiu's Three Smiles and Xiaoyao San were true, few princesses in the Huayiyuan would be able to do so. Alive.

"Sanxiao Xiaoyao San?" Zhao Fujin shook his head blankly, "I seem to have never heard of it."

"Fifth Sister, don't care about him, just talk about your poisoning." The woman in yellow shirt gently shook Zhao Fujin's arm, her tone was full of dissatisfaction with Song Qingshu, she often walked the rivers and lakes, and of course she also knew the stars and old immortals. Xiaoyaosan of Sanxiao Xiaoyaosan, but the Xiaoyaosan in my sister's mouth is obviously not the same thing as that.

"Yeah," Zhao Fujin nodded, and then looked at Song Qingshu, "Master Song, you asked us why we have suffered so much humiliation before in the Qiuxiang Tower, why don't we commit suicide?" r/↙↙↙, $.↑≮.□>

"What!" The woman in the yellow shirt exploded as soon as she heard it, and glared at Song Qingshu, "How can you be like this? Not only do you have no sympathy, but also so vicious?"

Song Qingshu looked embarrassed: "I was just asking casually..."

Zhao Fujin hurriedly grabbed his sister: "This can't be blamed on him, everyone will have such doubts. In fact, we don't want to commit suicide, but we can't commit suicide."

"Can't commit suicide?" Now even the girl in the yellow shirt is curious.

"Do you remember the emperor's wife?" Zhao Fujin looked at the woman in the yellow shirt, his eye circles a little red involuntarily.

"The emperor's wife?" The woman in the yellow shirt showed a reminiscence, "I seem to remember that she seemed to hold me when I was very young. She is a very beautiful and gentle woman."

Song Qingshu listened silently. When the two women mentioned the emperor's wife, he froze for a while before reacting that it was Song Qinzong's wife, Empress Renhuai.

"Jingkang's change, Jin Bing captured Bianjing City, and captured his father, the emperor's brother, and the two empresses, plus more than 3,000 female family members, clan families, and ministers who returned north. It was in April of the lunar calendar, and the weather in the north was still very cold. Our women’s clothes are very thin, and they often get too cold to sleep at night. We can only find some firewood, thatch, etc. to burn for warmth. Jinbing often takes the opportunity to molest us. At that time, the emperor’s wife was twenty-six years old, and she was the most beautiful woman. In addition to her age, and her outstanding beauty, she is the one who molested the golden guys the most."

"Although the emperor's wife is very gentle on weekdays, she is staunch and unusual in her bones. She never really took advantage of those golden men. In addition to her special status, the general Jin Guo specifically restrained his subordinates from bullying her."

"Later when we arrived at Daxing Mansion, the Jinren held a ceremony for offering prisoners, ordering the emperor, the imperial brother, his concubines, the clan, and others to wear the costumes worn by the Jinren people, wrap their heads with a kerchief, and wore sheep fur. I went to the Jin Taizu Agu Da Temple to perform the "raising sheep ceremony", and then ordered the empress dowager and the empress to enter the golden palace to "give a bath"."

"'Giving a bath' is nice to say, but it is just to cover up the sordid behavior of the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin. The emperor knew that she could escape the insults of ordinary soldiers, but she could not escape the luck of the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin. She didn't want to be insulted, so she didn't want to be insulted. He committed suicide by throwing water on the way into the palace."

"It's the chaste lady of Jingkang County who'has a clean shoe and gets a chaste. The drunk is alone and unbending'?" Song Qingshu went in and out of the imperial palace so many times, once saw a stone tablet next to a pool. He inscribed these four poems and the seal of Emperor Jin Guo. At that time, he wondered how sacred the chaste lady of Jingkang County was. He actually asked the Emperor Jin to erect the monument himself. Hearing what she said, he immediately reacted. come.

"Well, it's the emperor's wife." Zhao Fujin wiped his tears and continued, "The brand of Madame Chastity is nothing more than a cat crying and a mouse fake compassion. Later, a few people wanted to learn from the emperor's wife. Unexpectedly, they did not succeed in suicide. People were rescued back, and then those wolf-hearted people slashed them in front of all of us. Seeing them wailing in blood but unable to die, we people are angry and terrified. For fear of suicide, they will end up just like them."

"The people of Jin Guo were still worried, and they took another peculiar medicine called Xiaoyaosan. After taking this medicine, the whole person was like flying into a fairyland. At that time, those of us who were on the verge of despair, this point Happiness is enough for us to indulge ourselves..."

The girl in the yellow shirt frowned and couldn't help interrupting her and said, "Fifth sister, it seems that this kind of free and easy looseness is good for you?"

"It's not that simple." Zhao Fujin smiled bitterly. "After taking this medicine, it is indeed exhilarating, but this medicine has one of the biggest characteristics. It must be taken on time after an interval. If it is over time, it is not eaten. Medicine, the whole person will be as uncomfortable as falling into hell, and no one can bear that kind of taste!" As if thinking of the demonic memory, Zhao Fujin trembled uncontrollably.

Song Qingshu on the side immediately understood what Xiaoyaosan was in her mouth, and the effect was almost similar to that of poisons such as "opium heroin" in the previous life. No wonder that the people of Jin Guo could completely control these women in the Huanyiyuan. Take advantage of these methods!

Not to mention these pampered noble women, countless strong-willed heroes in previous lives, as long as they are contaminated with this kind of thing, they will become a soft-footed shrimp with tears in a few minutes. The power of these poisons is by no means human willpower. Contending.

"This is troublesome. To a certain extent, poison is insoluble." Song Qingshu frowned, and did not tell the two women what he wanted to prevent them from desperate collapse.

"Even if they are rescued, as long as there is no Xiaoyao San, they will probably cry and shout to come back to the Huanyiyuan." Song Qingshu's mood suddenly became irritable.

"In that case, the first thing we need to do is to get the antidote for Xiaoyaosan. Fifth sister, do you know where to get the antidote for Xiaoyaosan?" The woman in yellow shirt hurriedly asked.

Zhao Fujin looked dazed: "It seems that I haven't heard the information about antidote from Jin Ren in these years."

The girl in the yellow shirt just heard her sister talk about the miserable experience of those people at the beginning, her whole mind was messy, it was difficult to think like usual, and she turned to Song Qingshu subconsciously: "Hey, what can you do?"

Song Qingshu came back to his senses, just to see her sad look, couldn't bear to tell the truth to make her more uncomfortable, so he nodded: "I know what the antidote is for Xiaoyao San, leave it to me. done."

What is the antidote for Xiaoyao San? Of course it is Xiaoyaosan itself!

Kung Fu Song Qingshu has already thought about it now. In order to save these suffering women, even if it is drinking poison to quench their thirst, he can only try it temporarily. After saving them, he commissioned the poison king and Cheng Lingsu to help analyze the ingredients of Xiaoyaosan. See if a rescue can be found.

There are special skills in the art industry, and all I can do is trust them. After all, this is a wonderful world with all kinds of magical martial arts, as well as countless masters of flying and walking. These are unimaginable in the previous world, so there is no previous life. The antidote may not find a solution in this world.

"People in the world say that as long as the Golden Snake King wants to do, nothing can't be done." The woman in the yellow shirt felt the solemnity in Song Qingshu's eyes, and her tone became soothed. "Since you have spoken, then I am willing. I believe you."

Zhao Fujin's eyes showed a look of surprise: "I didn't expect Young Master Song to be so powerful?"

"This is just a false rumor, the five princesses don't need to be too serious," Song Qingshu smiled slightly, "I want to really do what I want to do as the rumors say, then I want to kiss your sister again now, you See if she will agree."

The girl in the yellow shirt seemed to be numb to his nonsense. Not only was there no anger this time, but she smiled: "If you can really save my hard-forgotten sisters, you can kiss whatever you want."

"Really?" Song Qingshu asked immediately.

The woman in the yellow shirt turned reddish: "You can save it first."

"Then I have to hurry up." Song Qingshu's expression suddenly shocked.

Zhao Fujin looked at his younger sister and then at Song Qingshu. Suddenly, he felt uncomfortable. He thought that he was also a princess, and was equally beautiful. Why did his younger sister be sought after by men like a fairy, but she could only become In the eyes of a man, the declining flower and the willow If the person rescued back then was me, now I am still a noble princess, and at the same time a fairy who is high in the hearts of men...

"Do you have any plans now?" The woman in the yellow shirt did not notice the change in her sister's expression. What she cares most now is how to successfully rescue the sisters.

Zhao Fujin suddenly woke up. What was wrong with him? My sister took such a big risk to save everyone. How could he have such an idea?

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I have a few immature ideas now, and I still need a few days to deliberate on them. I will tell you when I think about them."

The woman in the yellow shirt snorted: "In my opinion, the easiest way is to hold the Queen of the Kingdom of Jin. You and I should cooperate with each other internally and externally, and it is easy to hold her down."

"You can't do this." Song Qingshu subconsciously rejected it.

"Why not?" The woman in the yellow shirt snorted coldly, "I'm afraid that someone has been favored by the queen recently, and is not willing to do it to her, right?"

"I said Miss Yang, you obviously look like you don't eat the fireworks in the world, why are you thinking about it but there are so many dirty things in your mind?" Song Qingshu said silently, "What do you think I have to do with the queen?"

After being exposed by him, the woman in the yellow shirt was also a little embarrassed, and replied stiffly: "What does it matter if there are lone men and women in the same room."

"Please, I'm just a **** in her eyes, okay?" Song Qingshu looked depressed, "I really want to say that lone men and widows live in the same room. Is it better for us to get along better? Do we also have the same relationship in your heart? ?"

"Of course we are not the same!" The woman in the yellow shirt said hurriedly.

"They are lone men and widows, what can be different?" Song Qingshu quietly added, "Besides, I haven't taken off the queen's clothes."

"Don't mention that again!" The woman in the yellow shirt was annoyed and anxious, thinking that she thought he was a **** at the beginning, and Guifan Xinqiao asked him to take the arrow on her back for herself, so she wanted to find a place to sew in.

"Is Duke Xing here? Empress Empress calls you over." At this moment, a little eunuch's voice suddenly came from outside.

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