Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 790: Let you taste the feeling of being an emperor

Hearing the voice of the eunuch, worried that the other party would come in, the woman in the yellow shirt hurriedly shrank into the bed with Zhao Fujin's arms, Song Qingshu stretched out her hand, put down the curtain, and went out to open the door while putting on Xiaoxingguo's mask again.

"It's you again?" Song Qingshu saw that the two eunuchs at the door were the two little eunuchs who came to look for him last time, and couldn't help but feel happy. These two brothers have survived to the present, it must be said that they are full of character.

"Oh, father-in-law Xing, you still want to laugh. You haven't been to please your mother for a long time, and your mother has spoken out. If you can't find you again today, let our brothers and you go to pour Yexiang. "The two little eunuchs suddenly became anxious, and they stretched out their hands to pull Song Qingshu out.

"The two father-in-laws wait a moment, I'll go back and get something first."≠≠≠, £.√→.●r/>

Song Qingshu couldn't wait for them to refuse, so he closed the door without saying anything, and then hurried back to the room and said to the two women: "Now the queen is calling me over, I will go there to deal with it first, and see if I can take the opportunity to investigate Xiaoyaosan. Related information, you yourself are careful here."

"You... be careful yourself." The yellow shirt woman hesitated for a while and whispered.

"Huh, did the sun come out from the west?" Song Qingshu asked strangely.

"Hmph, you are now related to whether my sisters can get out of the sea of ​​suffering, what if I care about you?" the yellow shirt woman said angrily.

"Don't worry, I can deal with these situations a piece of cake... Wait, I remember now, this dress needs to be changed." With the lessons learned by Zhao Fujin, Song Qingshu really dare not wear this dress now. When I went to see Queen Pei Man, the ghost knew if she would smell anything. After all, besides Zhao Fujin, she still had the fragrance of a woman in a yellow shirt.

Song Qingshu did not shy away from it, and took off his clothes directly in front of the two women, revealing a well-proportioned and full muscle. Because of the nourishment of the true energy, a layer of crystal luster seemed to flow on his skin.

"What are you doing!" A shy and angry voice came from the woman in the yellow shirt. Song Qingshu turned her head blankly, and found that the faces of the two women on the bed were flushed, and turned their heads one after another.

"I change my clothes. I don't want to carry your scent on me. I will be seen by the queen later." Song Qingshu noticed the embarrassment of the two women and couldn't help laughing. "Are you guys? I'm leaving. Don't mind the light, but you are still shy?"

"Get out!" What responded to him was a pillow holding the master's anger.

"Hahaha~" After a long laugh, Song Qingshu turned and left.

Seeing Song Qingshu and the two little eunuchs disappearing in the distance through the gap of the window, the woman in the yellow shirt returned to the bed and said to Zhao Fujin: "Fifth sister, no one will come here usually. You hide here for a while, I Go and go back."

When Zhao Fujin saw her eager eyes, he couldn't help but stunned: "Are you going to follow Young Master Song?"

"Well," the woman in the yellow shirt nodded, "I always feel that he and the Queen of the Kingdom are not that simple. An dignified queen often finds a little **** in the middle of the night. There must be some hidden secret."

Zhao Fujin looked hesitant: "I think Young Master Song is a good person. He won't do anything that is bad for us."

"My dear fifth sister, how long have you been speaking for that person? Did you guys in the Qiuxiang Tower before..." The woman in yellow shirt took Zhao Fujin's arm and deliberately joked.

Zhao Fujin stretched out his finger and clicked on her forehead fiercely: "It's no wonder that Young Master Song said about you, what is in your little girl's head, I am worried that you will break Young Master Song. Event."

"Don't worry, Fifth Sister, I'm just following far behind, so I won't disturb them." The woman in the yellow shirt ran out in a hurry, afraid that she would refuse, and said as she ran, "Sister Fifth, be careful, I will soon Just come back."

Seeing his sister disappearing outside the door in an instant, Zhao Fujin couldn't help but shook his head, and at the same time sighed secretly: How good would I be if I could also be able to go up and down.


Song Qingshu followed the two little eunuchs and turned left and right, avoiding most of the guards outside Taihe Temple, but the guards are very tightly guarded, and they still have to face the guards. However, Song Qingshu did not expect that the guards saw the three of them. As if seeing the air, let them pass without even asking.

"This woman Pei Man really has the ability." Song Qingshu secretly sighed, thinking that after the last incident, King Wei had already controlled all the guards of the Taihe Temple. He did not expect that Pei Man would instigate some of them so quickly, although not many. But it was enough to make all of Wei Wang's arrangement of bamboo baskets to fetch water.

After entering Taihe Hall, the two little eunuchs consciously retreated. Song Qingshu walked in, and soon heard Queen Pei Man’s lazy voice: "Xiao Xingzi, this palace told you last time What is it?"

Yes, Xingshi's questioning is coming!

Song Qingshu's heart was bright, but his mouth deliberately pretended to be aggrieved: "The little one kept in mind the teachings of the empress, and came quietly after three days. Who knew that at the time, the outside of Taihe Hall were all strange guards. They interrogated it and broke the mother-in-law affairs, so they never dared to come in."

"Hmph, if something happened in Taihe Temple, you, a slave, dare to break the appointment, this palace has already sent someone to chop off your slave's head." Empress Pei Man's voice was full of suffocation.

Song Qingshu frowned when he heard it. Earlier, when Zhao Fujin talked about the tragic experience of the captured woman in Song Dynasty, he was already burnt with the cruel anger of the people of the Kingdom of Jin, and now he was screamed in a servile manner by the Queen of the Kingdom of Jin. I almost couldn't control my emotions.

"But your kid is clever. If you stupidly bump into the hands of those guards, it will be really troublesome for this palace," Queen Pei Man giggled and waved at him, "Sit down to this palace. For your kid's cleverness, this palace rewards you with a bunch of grapes to eat."

Song Qingshu looked depressed. Maybe grapes are a rare commodity for ordinary people in this world, but in the past life, even an ordinary citizen, what kind of fruit hasn't been eaten?

Dragon fruit, durian, cherries, blackcurrant, mangosteen... Any kind of fruit that can be found in fruit shops will blind you.

"Of course, if it's the two grapes on your chest, it's still worth a little bit." Song Qing was slanderous, but he wanted to learn from Xiaoxingguo and pretend to be flattered.

"How did you practice with those things that called you before?" Queen Pei Man, wearing a loose silk robe, lying on her side casually on the bed like that, asked while sucking the grape juice on her hand.

"Too much familiarity." Sitting on the queen's couch, Song Qingshu smiled bitterly at the large white skin exposed under the silk robe next to her. She really didn't regard herself as a man.

Empress Pei Man couldn't help but smile, obviously satisfied with the answer. She sat up straight and hooked her hands to Song Qingshu’s neck. She leaned into his ear from behind and let out a sigh of relief: "Today I will let you taste it. The feeling of the emperor."

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