Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 791: Prove your guts

"Huh?" Song Qing was dumbfounded for a while, what kind of rhythm is this?

"It makes you nervous." Seeing Song Qing's appearance as a goose, Empress Pei Man giggled and trembled. She didn't explain. Instead, she yawned and pressed her left hand lightly. With the red lips, the whole person looked very charming, and he lay on his side on the couch casually.

"Xiaoxingzi, how is my palace treating you?"

Such a question is simply a sub-question. Song Qing answered without thinking: "The mother is kind to the little ones, even if the little ones go to the sword and go to the bottom of the fire, they will not expect it to be rewarded."

He secretly screamed as soon as the words were spoken. The queen was so nice to a little **** with ulterior motives, only to blame from ∵∵∵, ≌.£▽.⊕I usually said such words too smoothly, now it’s good. Just hit the muzzle.

Hearing his answer, Pei Manhuang was very satisfied: "If you have a conscience, don't worry, this palace does not need you to go up to the sword mountain nor you to get out of the fire. As long as you do one thing for me, this palace will be satisfied. "

"Please give me your orders." Song Qing said bitterly. He had already thought about it. He wasn't so stupid to really help the other party. But this Empress Pei Man was obviously making a big conspiracy. Some news is also good, after he finds out what Empress Pei Man is going to do, it is time to escape.

Who knows that Queen Pei Man did not order specific things, but said with a smile: "This thing is not so easy to do, I am afraid that you have no guts."

Song Qing's heart trembled. The woman really had a big conspiracy. Of course, he still maintained that loyal appearance on the surface. He even deliberately pretended to be underestimated and hurt after hearing her excitement: "Xiao Xingzi now Everything was given by Niang Niang. Niang Niang told me to go east and I would never dare to go west. Although Xiao Xingzi was courageous before, but Niang Niang is my courage now, Xiao Xingzi is not afraid of anything."

"What are you talking about? What do you mean by your guts?" Empress Pei Man couldn't help but scolded, but she was not really angry. "Is there any guts? No matter how hard you say it, it's useless. It's better to prove it."

"How to prove it?" Song Qing was a little embarrassed. If the other party asked him to assassinate or something, how could he fool around.

"Touch me." Empress Pei Man's voice was full of ecstasy.

"Huh?" Song Qing has always been arrogant and profound, and he can hear the sound of a mosquito in a radius of more than ten feet, but when he heard what Empress Pei Man said, his first reaction was that he must have heard it wrong.

"Didn't you say you are brave enough, so this palace asked you to touch my body to prove it." Empress Pei Man smiled sweetly, but if you pay attention, you will find that the depths of her watery eyes are a little too much. Deep and calm.

Of course Song Qing didn't dare to be afraid, but thought it was a little weird. How could she make such an absurd request for a magnificent queen? Of course, he doesn't really care about this very much. A big beauty takes the initiative to touch it. Of course, he has no reason to refuse, but...

Song Qing quietly glanced at a faint shadow by the outside window several feet away, and smiled bitterly: Of course it’s okay to do this kind of thing in private, but it’s a different matter if someone is onlookers, even though his image in that person’s mind is already too bad No matter how bad it is, but if a woman asks me to touch me, I will touch it. It would seem too anxious. No matter how you say it, I should first push it and touch it...

"This woman is really shameless!" The woman in the yellow shirt who was hiding out the window could not help taking a sip, a blush was quietly stained with the roots of her ears. If she encountered such sordid things on weekdays, she would have drifted away long ago. Going, it seems that staying for a while will stain Dao Xin, but today I don't know what happened, she hesitated for a moment and didn't leave, but continued to look inside.

"This girl wants to see what the **** will do." The yellow shirt woman thought of a high-sounding reason to stay.

Seeing Song Qing staying there all the time, Empress Pei Man's eyes gradually turned cold: "Why, who said just now that I was so courageous and willing to listen to any orders from this palace?"

Song Qing glanced at the couch and couldn't help feeling that, Empress Pei Man was in her thirties, and she was a charming and charming woman. At this moment, she was lying on her side casually on the bed, presenting a young girl in trouble. The graceful figure, the rosy lips, the towering chest, the soft but elastic waist, the plump and **** buttocks are all tempting.

What's more, she is still a dignified queen of a country. Although Song Qing usually claims to be in control of the whole system, she now has to admit that such mature women are more attractive than some young girls.

"I haven't heard this kind of request when I'm so old, just touch it!" Song Qing confided. As for what the woman in yellow shirt outside thinks, that's her business.

Of course, he was not obsessed with sex, always remembering the hesitation and cowardice that a little **** like Xiao Xingguo should have, so although others walked over, his hand was only gently placed on Empress Pei Man's shoulder.

"It's not for you to touch here." Empress Pei Man is angry and funny. I don't know how many men in this world are eager to touch her body, but he is so good that he doesn't dare to touch it. It seems that the **** is the **** after all, if it weren't for her The other party needs to be used for things to be done, so she just slapped him to roll.

"If you don't touch here, where?" Song Qing looked at her blankly.

"For example, here, here, and here..." Empress Pei Man oozes a soft and slippery fingertip, and she seems to point randomly at several places on her beautiful body, and the woman in the yellow shirt outside the window looks red with red ears. , I wondered how could there be such a shameless woman in this world?

Song Qing is also the waterfall Khan: "I'm afraid this is not so good?" Hearing his words, the woman in the yellow shirt outside the window finally calmed down: It seems that she had misunderstood him a little bit before. Although he has some playboys on weekdays, but those No matter how much he is his lover, there is nothing wrong with it in the end.

"What this palace wants you to do requires great courage. You don't even dare to touch me now. How can this palace believe that you can accomplish that thing?" Empress Pei Man said coldly.

"Since Niang Niang is going to fist, then I'm not polite." Song Qing thought that the woman in the yellow shirt should be able to understand herself. I have already rejected it several times, but I can't hold her to keep asking. Besides, I also want to investigate. Intelligence.

Seeing Song Qing's hands stretched into the skirt of Queen Pei Man's clothes, the girl in the yellow shirt who was still secretly praising him suddenly straightened her eyes and almost stomped her feet with anger: "This bastard!"

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