Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 796: who are you

"Uh, what are you two doing? Get up quickly." There is a difference between men and women. Song Qing is inconvenient to go and help them directly. The two women feel that a soft force is coming from them in front of them. Helped up.

The woman in the yellow shirt couldn't help rolling her eyes. Unlike her sister who didn’t know martial arts, she knew that Song Qing had had countless opportunities to stop the two women from kneeling, but he just pretended to be a good person to help them after he had kneeled. It's horrible when people get up! However, she also knew that the other party was presumably before retaliating against herself, and she didn't know for a while whether to blame him or herself.

When she was getting distracted, Song Qing suddenly appeared in front of her, almost feeling the warm nose he exhaled on her cheeks. The woman in the yellow shirt subconsciously wanted to hide behind her. Who knew that the other party stretched out her arms and hugged them all at once. Her slender waist makes her unable to advance or retreat.

&∮v∮v∮v, ∷.→+.↖p; "What do you want to do?" The woman in the yellow shirt was flustered. At this moment, she even forgot that she not only knows martial arts, but also martial arts is quite high.

"Shhh, keep your voice down!" Song Qing didn't show the kind of anxious look as she expected. Instead, she had a solemn expression. "There are two people in the yard outside, both masters, one in the southeast and the other in the southwest. We solve one by one, and we must not let them make a sound to alarm the guards."

The woman in the yellow shirt realized that she had misunderstood the other party. After he reminded her, she used the air machine to investigate, and then vaguely noticed that there were people in those two places. She could not help but secretly exclaimed: Although this person is a bit greedy and lustful, he is all dressed Martial arts is really unfathomable... But can a person who is really lustful and lustful can do it if he has to cultivate to this level?

"Are you still distracted at this time?" Song Qing was about to act when she suddenly noticed that the woman in the yellow shirt was abnormal and almost laughed.

"I want you to take care of it!" The yellow-shirted girl Yudi was blushing, ignored him, and rushed out to the southeast corner.

Seeing the woman in the yellow shirt with a slender figure and lighter lotus feet, she rushed out of the window like a fairy in the sky. Song Qing couldn't help but sigh: She is so young that she can achieve such accomplishments in her cultivation, Huang Chang As expected of Huang Chang!

Song Qing didn't hesitate, Tasha Wuhen started to the extreme, much better than the light work in the Jiuyin Scripture, so even though he started later, he rushed to the yard before the yellow shirt woman.

The two people hiding in the shadow of the yard didn't expect them to come in front of them instantly. They reacted quickly. They immediately raised their hands when they saw something wrong, and the hidden weapons that filled the sky shot towards the two of Song Qing without stopping at the same time. Then flew out.

Their reaction is already witty enough. If an ordinary master touches them, even if they are not injured by hidden weapons, they will not have time to chase them. It's a pity that they are not ordinary masters, whether it is Song Qing or the yellow shirt girl, in the entire martial arts. China can be regarded as the top group of people.

I saw the woman in the yellow shirt raised her bare hand. The five fingers were slender and delicate, as if they were carved out of white jade. They instantly turned into the shadows of the sky. He took all the hidden weapons from the lasing and saw that the person had reached ten. A few feet away, she frowned her eyebrows, raised her hands, and shot back all the hidden weapons in her hands. All she heard was a muffled hum from the person, and she fell over her head and twitched twice and there was no more movement.

"This woman is really capable of playing the ghostly nine-yin and white bone claws." Song Qing smiled, facing the oncoming hidden weapon, his whole body seemed to be moving horizontally against the laws of physics. Three feet, just to hide those hidden weapons completely, and then a little toe, a distance of more than ten feet, in the black man's eyes full of horror, pinched his throat: "Say, who sent you Coming?"

His question was mixed with the soul-shifting method in the Jiuyin Scripture, and the man in black replied subconsciously: "The Queen...The Queen Empress sent us to monitor Xiao Xingzi. You can't let him leave the residence for half a step..."

"Queen Pei Man?" Song Qing frowned and crushed his throat bone easily. In fact, he himself didn't realize how much he has changed in the past two years. At the beginning, he came to this world from a society under the rule of law. He also imagined that he would never be stained with blood, but it was a pity that he was not a wild crane like Chu Liuxiang. Since he started to compete in the world, he had no choice but to kill or not. After being tempered from the battlefield of blood and fire, he is now much more cruel than he thought.

"Is there anything coming out?" The yellow-shirted female lotus feet lightly came to Song Qing's side.

"Queen Pei Man sent it because she was worried that my escape would ruin her plan." Song Qing replied subconsciously.

"What's the big deal?" The woman in the yellow shirt asked blankly.

"I don't know the details." Song Qing didn't want to explain more, deliberately breaking the topic, "You just used the method of thunderbolt and thunderbolt to shoot the hidden weapon back. It's really amazing."

The woman in the yellow shirt couldn't help giving him a white look: "Come on, compared to your inhuman lightness, what is my three-legged cat skill?"

Song Qing said with a smile: "If you are a three-legged cat, you are also a beautiful three-legged cat."

"I am not the silly women around you, I will be fooled by your sweet words." The yellow shirt girl snorted and turned directly away.

Song Qing was dumbfounded. This woman wouldn't have been abandoned by me in her previous life. Why do you see me so unpleasant?

"The queen just sent someone to monitor me. I shouldn't find any problems with the person under surveillance in a short time. You are safer here." Song Qing said to the two women after returning to the house.

"The son is going to leave?" Zhao Fujin tasted the subtext in his words.

Song Qing nodded: "I have other things to deal with."

"What other things, it's not about going back to see his princess wife." The woman in the yellow shirt sat beside her sister and said lightly.

Song Qing shrugged: "Ms. Yang is fine if she wants me to stay, but there is only one bed in this room, so she will be wronged by the two princesses and squeeze underneath."

"Go to hell! Who wants to keep you!" The woman in the yellow shirt grabbed the pillow on the bed and threw it over him. Song Qing had been prepared for a long time, and turned away with a smile.

After Song Qing's figure disappeared, Zhao Fujin suddenly glanced at his sister strangely: "Yingluo, do you like Song Gongzi?"

The woman in the yellow shirt turned red: "Sister, don't think about it, I just don't feel that there are so many confidantes around him, and there are flowers and weeds everywhere."

Zhao Fujin looked at her narrowly: "Who has he infected? Oh, when I remember, he seemed to have kissed someone on the mouth before..."

"Sister~" The woman in the yellow shirt suddenly refused to follow her, and counterattacked while scratching her, "I was not eluded by him before in the Qiuxiang Tower..."

"You're going to die!" The two sisters quickly became a group. If Song Qing was still here, she would be able to appreciate the beauty of the untidy and untidy clothes in front of her.


After tossing for most of the night, now the distant sky is also slightly white. In order to avoid being discovered at dawn, Song Qing rushed back to Tang Kuo’s mansion and avoided the servants. He quietly returned to his room and pushed Opened the door and found Wanyan Gebi dozing off by the table with her forehand on her cheek.

"Who are you?" Wanyan Gebi opened his eyes when he heard the noise and looked at him in surprise.

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