Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 797: Mrs. frightened

Wanyan Gebi still maintained her previous posture, with her delicate chin in one hand, her wrists exposed as white as snow, because she just woke up, her charming eyes were covered with a mist of bewilderment.

The light fell on her quiet and beautiful face, and the lines of her soft face seemed to be outlined. I don’t know if the light illuminates her or she illuminates the whole room. Song Qingshu is shocking her by the beauty of her nominal wife. Suddenly Noting the surprise and confusion in her eyes, I remembered that he had experienced so much tonight that he had forgotten to put on Tang Kuobian's mask after bidding farewell to the women in the yellow shirts. At this moment, he was unprepared. His face was exposed in front of Gobi.

After a few seconds of short-circuiting his brain, Song Qingshu noticed that Wanyan Gebi's towering chest was slightly up and down, as if a high-pitched scream was brewing, his figure flashed, and her acupuncture points were touched before she made a sound, and Gebi was soft. , The whole person fell softly.

Of course Song Qingshu was reluctant to have a close contact between her and the cold and hard ground. He stretched out his hand and took her in his arms. Gobi Jiao's body is soft and moving. Although there are two layers of clothes, Song Qingshu can clearly feel her body. The warmth and amazing flexibility.

Noting Gebi's panic expression and her body trembling slightly, Song Qingshu didn't want to frighten this gentle woman too much, so he said to her, "This beautiful lady, I will unlock your acupuncture points now. , But you are not allowed to shout, or I will take off your clothes."

Gebi's beautiful and delicate cheeks were dyed with a blush, and he blinked to indicate that he agreed to his terms.

After Song Qingshu unlocked her acupuncture points, Gobi did not yell loudly, as if worried that he would strip off his clothes. He lowered the volume very heartily, with a soft and soft voice: "Who are you...Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am," Song Qingshu shook his head. "It was a mistake to enter your house by mistake today. I hope Madam will not blame it."

Song Qing's book is handsome and extraordinary. After being tempered by strong winds and waves, she has a charming and special temperament on her body. Coupled with her kindness to her, Gebi's panic heart finally calmed a bit: "Since... since it was a mistaken entry, Of course, the concubine will not blame the son, but the husband of the concubine will return immediately, and the son will leave quickly, otherwise the fuchu guards will be disturbed. The son may want to leave ¤★¤★¤★¤★, mc→om is not so. It's easy."

Seeing Gebi was so scared to death, but she was still able to communicate with her compulsively and calmly, giving him a step down and threatening. If ordinary gangsters saw her use of both hard and soft means, I am afraid she would really be stunned by her. Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing that although Gebi looks dignified and weak on weekdays, he is very strong in his bones. He deserves to be a princess of a country, and he doesn't know how many women in this world have been killed in seconds.

However, Song Qingshu was so agitated by her, and she deliberately said: "The guards in the madam’s mansion are not in the eyes. As for the husband of the madam, since he can let such a beautiful wife stand alone in the vacant room, I don't think I will come back so soon." He walked towards the bed while holding her.

A panic flashed between Gebi's eyebrows, and her voice trembled: "Then... Then what do you want to do?"

Seeing her heart trembling eyes, Song Qingshu couldn't bear to continue to scare her: "Madam, don't worry, I'm not a treacherous man. I'm up and my wife's husband is a righteous brother."

After Song Qingshu gently laid her flat on the bed, he did not move any further. Instead, he let go of her body. Only then did Gobi relieved a little: "Brother righteous?"

"Yes, the next name is Song Ming Qingshu. If your wife doesn't believe it, you can wait for Brother Tang Kuo to come back and ask him." Song Qingshu replied.

"Are you the golden snake king in Shandong?" Gebi blurted out.

"Madam knows me?" Song Qingshu was surprised now.

Gebi nodded slightly. After all, Song Qingshu used thousands of remnants to break through the 100,000 elites of the Qing Dynasty before, and the scene where he was the last person to face the Man Qing iron cavalry calling for the wind and rain is too legendary, and it has been spread all over the world. Zhibang was even more concerned about this matter. The court in the court had been arguing about the battle for a long time. As a result, no one knew how Song Qingshu did it. As a princess of the Kingdom of Jin, she was more or less affected. Also heard some news.

"Since the son is my husband's righteous brother, he can enter the mansion with dignity, why is he acting like this... so sneaky, he returned my acupoint." Gobi suddenly realized that it was wrong, and looked at him reproachfully. .

Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly, and then untied her acupuncture points. "Madam doesn't know anything, my identity is sensitive. If you enter the mansion in an upright manner, I'm afraid it will cause trouble for your husband and wife."

As soon as the acupuncture points were unlocked, Gobi shrank to the corner of the bed subconsciously, far away from him, and when he heard his explanation, he was at a loss but soon realized that Jin Snake Ying was the confidant of Qing, and Jin and Qing were both. The country of brothers naturally regards him as an enemy. If he really swaggered into Tang Kuo's Mansion, he might indeed cause an unfavorable earthquake.

"Why did your husband bow to him?" A trace of sadness flashed between Gebi's delicate eyebrows, and his heart was very worried.

"I was shocked by Madam tonight. I am extremely sorry, this thing is now an apologize, and I hope Madam will forgive me." Song Qingshu took out an object from her arms and handed it to Gobi's hand, and then her figure flashed before disappearing. In the dark.

Seeing Song Qingshu's departure, Gobi's body softened. Looking at the jade birch in his hand, there was a faint layer of crystal brilliance flowing on the surface, which was obviously extraordinary. I thought of the word bi in his name. Can't help but smile: "This person is really thinking about picking gifts."

In fact, this piece of jade was a gift that Tang Kuobian carefully prepared for his wife in Kaifeng City, but it was a pity that he never had the opportunity to hand it to his wife. Song Qingshu had just thought of it and it was considered to have fulfilled one of his last wishes.

"Ma'am, ma'am?" Song Qingshu did not go far. He flashed to a place beyond Gobi's eyes. He quickly took out Tang Kuobian's mask and put it on. After confirming that there were no flaws in his body, he immediately turned back, just in time to see Gobi. Sitting on the bed in a daze, as if stunned, he walked to her and shook her shoulder.

Only then did Gebi wake up. He looked up and saw her husband standing in front of him. His eyes were covered with a layer of mist. The whole person suddenly fell into Song Qingshu's arms: "Smelly husband, bad husband, why are you coming back now!" "

Song Qingshu stiffened, and he hesitated for a while before putting his hand on her shoulder: "Madam, what's the matter?"

In response to him, Gobi's hot and sweet lips, Song Qingshu accidentally knocked his teeth with a soft and pink lilac slippery tongue.

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