Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 813: Soft outside and rigid inside

Wan Yanliang frowned slightly and sighed after thinking about it for a while: "You're good, tonight is indeed too hasty." Although he is lustful, it does not mean that he is a fool, whether it is Gobi or an apprentice. Shan Jing is not such a deceitful character. If you can't carefully design the layout and act in a hurry, it is easy to be spotted by the two women.

The two women have special identities. No matter who discovered the truth, the series of consequences are unbearable. After all, Wan Yanliang restrained ** and whispered: "Then we will find a time to plan well another day. We must make sure that we are foolproof, and forget it today."

"I mean it too." Song Qingshu slightly sneered, but she sneered in her heart. This Wanyanliang was really abnormal. In order to get someone else's wife, even at the expense of his own wife, he didn't know what he thought.

Now that the banquet has come to an end, Wan Yanliang chatted with him a few words at random and left. Gebi took the opportunity to walk over and said with a puzzled expression: "I feel like Hailing King values ​​you very much during this time, but you have clearly There is no friendship."

"It's probably Kaifeng's party. Let's share the hardships and make the relationship further." Song Qingshu secretly smiled bitterly. How could Yan Liang value me at this point? It's obviously that you value you.

"Perhaps," Gobi said, "tonight's banquet is almost over. I've been with Pucha's family just now, or let's go now."

"Alright." There are many people here, and Song Qingshu is worried that if he meets an old friend before Tang Kuobian, he will be in trouble if he doesn't know the other party. And he has another reason for not being an outsider. He just got a skin close with Gobi last night. The wonderful feeling made him feel aftertaste. He can't wait to go home and enjoy the boudoir with her.

After coming out of Pu Cha’s house, Tang Kuo’s carriage had already been waiting at the door, and had experienced two assassinations of the assistant carriage by mistake. Song Qingshu would dare to ride the carriage given by Yan Liang, even if the carriage was as luxurious as a Rolls-Royce. Don't sit! In order to make Gobi feel at ease, he also specially sent someone from his home to double the guard.

After the two got into the carriage, Gobi got on the side of the carriage intentionally or unintentionally, raising the curtains to look at the scenery outside. Seeing her sitting so far away from him, Song Qingshu didn't mind. He leaned against the wall of the car on the other side, carefully admiring the beautiful side lines of Gebi @@@@, m.∷.c※om, as soft as it is. Outlined in one stroke.

The two stayed in a stalemate for a while. Although Gobi didn't read Song Qingshu, he could still feel his gaze. The other side's gaze seemed to be substantive, and that part of her body would become hot.

Gebi's earlobes gradually turned red, and she couldn't hold on anymore, and looked back at Song Qingshu angrily: "You guy, why are you staring at others like this~"

"You are so beautiful!" Song Qingshu exclaimed sincerely.

"So many years..." Gobi had a sudden stop, and then sighed quietly, "It's been so many years, haven't you seen enough?"

"You're so beautiful, you won't be able to read it all your life." Song Qingshu blurted out.

"All my life?" Gebi muttered to himself, and shook his head after all, "I will become an old and ugly mother-in-law in the future, I don't believe you would like to see me like this."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "Even if you become an old woman, you are also the most beautiful old woman in the world."

Gobi gave him an angry glance: "When will the old woman be pretty or not?"

"Of course there is no distinction between others, but you are an exception." Song Qingshu just looked at her with a smile like this.

Gebi couldn't bear it anymore: "Okay, OK, you didn't have as many sweet words as you before." It's a pity that Song Qingshu's attention now is all on her beautiful face, and she didn't realize it for a while. The meaning of her words.

The two went all the way back to Tang Kuo’s Mansion, and took Gobi’s hand to help her get off the carriage. Song Qingshu deliberately did not let go. Gobi subconsciously wanted to retract, but Song Qingshu didn’t mean to let go. After several times, Gobi worried that the action would be too big to attract the attention of the subordinates, so he blushed and let him go.

When she was led all the way back to the bedroom by the other party, she finally became a little uncomfortable, and Hua Rong asked palely: "You...what are you going to do?"

Song Qingshu leaned into her ear and smiled twice: "Of course it's sleeping."

Gebi's face changed, and he subconsciously wanted to push him away: "But now... it's still so early now."

"It's already dark, where is it early?" Song Qingshu stopped her and hugged her into her arms, "I was woken up so early in the morning, and now we should add some sleep."

Before Gobi could react, he felt that the sky was spinning, and he was already in his arms in the next moment. His heart finally panicked, and he hurriedly struggled: "Don't...let me down."

Song Qingshu only regarded her as being shy and didn't care about it, so he kissed her cherry mouth directly.

After a cup of tea, Gobi finally pushed him away. Yun's temples were scattered and his breathing was short of breath: "No, not today."

"Why not?" Song Qingshu was stunned.

"Anyway, it doesn't work!" Gebi suddenly raised the volume and roared, and only then came to her senses when she saw the other's surprised eyes, "I...I feel a little uncomfortable today."

"Are you feeling sick? I'll find a doctor to show you right away." Song Qingshu hurriedly got up.

"No...no need," Gebi was a little lost when he noticed that the expression in his eyes was full of concern, "I...I'm here."

Song Qingshu was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, he was not so unlucky, just happened to ran into her aunt, wasn't it all right last night? But this kind of thing can't be helped, and he won't have any beasts in this situation.

"I'm not feeling well, so I'll go back and rest first." Gobi left a sentence, and didn't wait for him to agree, and hurriedly got up and left, leaving only a faint fragrance in the air.

Song Qingshu stretched out his hand, but after all he didn't force her to stay, so he had to lie down on the bed in a daze.

When Gebi returned to her room, her tears could no longer stop sullenly streaming down: "Wu Gu La, why are you so cruel, we used to make an appointment to live in the same old age..."

When Song Qingshu was assassinated in the afternoon, when Song Qingshu took the assassin's shocking sword with his fingers, Gobi's heart was not happy at that time, because she was too familiar with her husband, and her husband would never be so clever in martial arts!

Before the husband went home, she did not think much about the various abnormal behaviors because of the cold war between the two. At this time, once she began to doubt, all the clues clearly appeared in her mind, plus the thought of when she had made each other last night. That kind of weird strangeness, she finally realized that the other party was definitely not her husband.

Since that man is not his own husband, but after so long, the real Tang Kuo's debate has not appeared, obviously it has become more ill-fortuned.

"That...who is he?" After an unknown period of time, Gobi finally wiped away the tears on his cheeks, and his eyes began to regain focus. "Is he the murderer who killed the bones?"

Gobi felt tight all over when he thought that he had been tactfully under the murderer who might have killed her husband last night.

"That's not right, that person has a private seal of Wu Gu La, this kind of sexual object, unless Wu Gu La comes out, otherwise outsiders don't know its existence." Gebi became puzzled again, and it made her most puzzled. The thing is, why is this person's appearance exactly the same as Orang?

After thinking about it for half a day, Gobi felt that her mind was getting more and more confused, but one of them was very sure that she must not let the other party find out that she already knew the truth!

"Have you always acquiesced in the relationship between the husband and wife like this?" Gobi hesitated. Today, he pushed it off for physical inconvenience, but after that, does it mean that every time that person finds him to be affectionate, he refuses like this? A long time will definitely arouse his suspicion.

"Find a way as soon as possible to find out if he was the murderer of Ordination." Gobi got up and opened the cabinet next to him. He held out a box in the corner, and took out a shimmering dagger from the box. This is hers. Chastity Guard, after marrying Tang Kuobian, she has sealed her up, but she did not expect to see the light again.

She has already figured it out clearly. If the other party is really the murderer of the bones, then she will definitely avenge her husband. As for the strong martial arts that the other party has shown, she has never thought that there is no man in her heart that will protect herself from being affectionate. Woman under.

If the other party is not the murderer who killed the Orgy, but the person she guessed, then it is a blessing in misfortune. Just as I considered at the banquet, the big deal is to pretend to be stupid for a lifetime, and then leave for the husband. As for whether the child is born to the husband or not, as long as the children of the two are still surnamed Tang Kuo, what does it matter...

If Song Qingshu knew about Gobi’s thoughts at this moment, she would definitely have to look at her with admiration, because the image of Gobi in his mind has always been graceful and weak, but he did not expect to be able to weigh the various things in such a short period of time in the face of such a tremendous change. Kind of pros and cons.

Song Qingshu was no longer in the room at this time. Originally, he wanted to come back and have a good affection with Gobi, but he was turned down by the other party. It made him feel like a fire was burning in his heart. He could not fall asleep after tossing and turning on the bed, so he simply sat down. Up. Looking at the night sky outside the window, the lights on the side of the palace were faintly reflected, and he couldn't help but move his heart. Today, Gebi is not good, but Empress Pei Man is still there!

That thought arose in his mind, and he couldn't stop it anymore. Putting on Xingguo's costume, he took advantage of the night and drove towards the palace.

He often went in and out of the palace. He was already familiar with the road. He easily avoided the guards in the palace along the way. A few leaps and went to Xingguo's residence. He decided to see if the yellow shirt sisters were in any condition, but he was about to go in. , But found that an **** was knocking impatiently at the door: "Xingzi, come out quickly, I know you are inside, I saw the lights in the house just now!"

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