Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 814: Flash blind

Song Qing recognized that little eunuch, which was one of the two little eunuchs that Empress Pei Man had often sent to summon him before. After seeing his appearance, Song Qing couldn't help being happy. He just read Pei Man. As a result, she thought of going with herself.

But this can only be a joke. Song Qing knew very well that a woman like Empress Pei Man pursued the beauty of power and would never indulge in the love of men and women. Since she sent someone to find herself, it is estimated Her plan is about to start.

At this moment Song Qing was hiding on a big tree next to him. From his perspective, the little **** was knocking on the door outside, and the woman in the yellow shirt was hiding behind the door. She lifted the sword in her hand for a while and put it down, obviously. Moved to silence.

Noting the sudden murderous look in the eyes of the woman in the yellow shirt, Song Qing was shocked, and hurriedly f⊙f⊙f⊙, £.↙★. jumped to her and held her hand, what a joke, Killing a little **** is easy, but killing him will cause more trouble.

The woman in the yellow shirt was taken aback by this sudden change. It was almost a conditioned reflex that she carried Jiuyin's white bone claws and grabbed her. Fortunately, Song Qing had suffered several losses from her before. She had already expected her move and reached out. With a flick of her elbow, the woman in the yellow shirt felt her hands numb, and both of her hands suddenly became soft.

She was shocked, when did the Golden State Palace have such a master? When she was about to fight back, a familiar voice was already in her ear: "Don't make trouble, it's me!"

The woman in the yellow shirt turned her head and saw that Song Qing's nasty face was close at hand, and she couldn't help but sipped: "Why don't you let me go, why are you holding me so tight?"

"Unexpected accident, I'm just worried that the movement you made is too big." Song Qing released his hands and hurriedly separated himself.

"Huh, don't you know your virtue as a girl? Just say it if you want to take advantage." The woman in the yellow shirt is getting more and more annoyed when she talks about it. The horns were never touched by a man, but after meeting Song Qing, he was stripped of his clothes and healed, and he was hugged and hugged. He didn't know how much he suffered.

Song Qing smiled bitterly. Just as he was about to say something, the little eunuch's angry voice came from outside: "Xiao Xingzi, I heard your voice. If you don't agree, I will go back and report to the mother. When the empress blames it, you kid can't afford it!"

"I'm here, what's the reminder!" Song Qing replied, and then shrugged to the woman in the yellow shirt, showing a helpless expression, "I'll deal with him first."

Seeing him put on Xiao Xingguo's mask three times and five times two, he became another person in the blink of an eye. The girl in the yellow shirt opened her mouth slightly, and she was surprised: "Your disguise skill is really amazing."

"Do you have a lover or someone you like?" Song Qing suddenly turned around and smiled at her.

"No, why do you ask like this?" The second monk in the yellow shirt was puzzled. Did he answer this question to what he had just said?

I saw Song Qing shook his head regretfully: "That would be a pity, if you have a lover, I can reluctantly let you be like him and understand your lovesickness." Song Qing finished speaking quickly and opened the door and ran out. Get out.

The woman in the yellow shirt was shocked, worried that she would be seen by people outside, and she subconsciously hid in the shadows. Then she realized that it was Song Qing deliberately, so she could not find him to settle the account, and watched him hang her shoulders and arms. The little **** went further and further, and the woman in the yellow shirt couldn't help but sneered: "This **** is obviously the owner of the party, but sometimes he is as naughty as a child."

"Xiao Xingzi, I’m not talking about you when I’m a big brother. In the entire palace, if you hear the queen calling, don’t talk about us minions, even the concubine has to leave immediately. Someone came to invite you, and you still looked reluctant." On the way to Taihe Temple, the little **** began to chatter endlessly.

Song Qing said with a smile: "Brother, I just had an uncomfortable stomach. I stayed in the latrine for a while. Thinking of going to see the queen, I can’t go all over, so I changed my clothes and washed my hands. , This was delayed."

"Huh~" The little **** avoided his hand with a look of disgust, "You went to the latrine and still put it on me."

"Isn't it cleaned up?" Song Qing threw a small piece of gold to him, "If there is any offense, I still hope that the public will help."

"Golden?" The little **** subconsciously put it in his mouth and bit, his face suddenly relieved, "Well, people have three urgency, this is also impossible. When the lady asks, the buddy will round it up for you."

"Thank you, father-in-law." Song Qing sneered secretly. Just now I disliked me for going to the latrine, but now he gave the gold to his mouth without thinking about it. Gold is yellow and **** is yellow. If I really do. After the toilet, wipe a little **** on it, you can’t eat it yet...

"By the way, father-in-law, I don't know what the lady is looking for for me this time?" This piece of gold can't be spent in vain. You have to take something out of his mouth, so you can prepare yourself.

"Is it possible for our slaves to conjecture about Niangniang's thoughts?" The little **** said a high-sounding remark, and suddenly the conversation turned and lowered his voice, "Xiao Xingzi, don't blame my brother for not reminding you, you can get it later Be twelve-century to serve your mother. I think your mother seems to be in a bad mood today. All the eunuchs and maids in the palace were driven out by her. I am looking for you at this time, I'm afraid...hehe..."

The little **** didn’t say it thoroughly, and threw him a "you understand" wink. Song Qing secretly nauseated while thinking: the little eunuch’s vision is too low, only when Queen Pei Man is in a bad mood, but from his words I learned that Pei Man has already started to clear the field. Is it purely trying to continue the front with me or her unknown plan is about to start? Thinking of the heat that night, Song Qing couldn't help feeling dry.

"Old rules, you go in by yourself." The little **** led him to the gate of Taihe Hall, then turned and left. With the experience of the last time, Song Qing walked in in front of the guards. The guards really seemed to be full. I'm blind, I didn't even look at him.

"You are finally here~" Empress Pei Man's voice was slightly annoyed, but she quickly covered it up, "It's good to come, come and see the new clothes prepared by the palace for you, and see if it fits."

Song Qing has a weird look. Although he has always been very confident in his skills, it is impossible for a woman like Queen Pei Man to wash her hair out of her friendship and make clothes for her men like a little woman. .

But when he saw what clothes the other party had prepared for him, his heart suddenly became clear: I was really blind!

On the clothes rack is a set of golden five-claw dragon robe!

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