Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 830: Sudden murder

Da Xingguo put his hands in his sleeves, lowered his head and asked, "I don't know what the emperor is asking?"

"It's..." Jin Xizong hesitated, "It's just that King Wei behaved so ridiculously tonight. Could someone make a fool of it?"

"According to the existing intelligence, King Wei shows no signs of being intimidated by others. The guards on the periphery of Taihe Temple are also his confidantes. It should be regarded as self-defeating to suffer this kind of fate," Daxingguo said suddenly. only……"

"It's just what?" Jin Xizong hurriedly asked.

"It's just that there may not be no doubts in the whole thing. First, how absurd the king of Wei is usually, but it is too unreasonable to go straight to the queen's palace in the middle of the night, and there may be someone behind it. Second, the whole thing In retrospect, there are too many coincidences..." Daxingguo still has one sentence left, that is, if King Wei is not dead, the truth will be clarified by asking him, but he knows his master’s temperament, weak character, and very weak personality. He was irritable, self-sufficient, and could not be questioned. He didn't need to be in trouble for a dead prince.

The head of Jin Xizong: "Well, this matter will be investigated by your clothing store. Be sure to find out if anyone is behind it!"



At this time, the people in the Taihe Temple exchanged ideas with each other about ways to save people, but they were all rejected by reasons of one kind or another, and in the end they didn't determine a perfect plan.

"This matter can't be rushed for a while. Anyway, something like this happened tonight. The guard in the palace must be the most stringent. We don't need to choose to do it at this time." Song Qing said.

The woman in the yellow shirt turned her head: "It's okay to lie down for a few days. During this time, we will discuss it carefully, and we must come up with a seamless plan."

"Miss Yang~" After getting along with her, Queen Pei Man already knows that the woman in the yellow shirt is surnamed Yang, "I have something to say in advance."

"What?" The woman in the yellow shirt has no affection for this coquettish queen, her tone seems a little cold.

"The two countries of the Jin and Song are in hostility. If the girl returns tonight and uses what happened tonight to make us unrest in the Jin Dynasty, then this palace will not be polite." Although Queen Pei Man was laughing, ∮∮∮∮, m.□ The tone is full of threats.

"Oh? Then I would like to hear what is the rude way?" The yellow shirt girl sneered. She had indeed moved her mind in this regard. After all, she was not as naive as her two younger sisters, for the benefit of the country. What are the short-term alliances worth maintaining?

"The experience of your sisters in the Golden State in the past few years is not clear to you. Presumably, the subjects within the Southern Song Dynasty will also speculate, but there is no evidence. Even if your subjects doubt them, they are only suspicious, but if the girl wants to deal with This palace, then this palace does not mind the men they have served in these years, and even the details of the industry evaluations are printed as a booklet and distributed to the border of Song and Jin. At that time, although Song Dynasty is old, there will be no sisters like you. Where is the place for you?" Queen Pei Man's smile was full of cunning, like a fox.

"You!" The woman in the yellow shirt opened her apricot eyes and took a step forward subconsciously.

Empress Pei Man didn't care, and said calmly: "As long as you are tight-lipped about what happened tonight, this palace will naturally be tight-lipped about what happened to the princesses."

The yellow-shirted woman’s face was volatile, and she sighed, “Okay, you’re cruel.” She couldn’t do anything if she didn’t agree. Nowadays, the domestic ethos in the Southern Song Dynasty, along with the prosperity of Neo-Confucianism, pays much attention to women’s chastity. , Once the rumor spreads back, how can her sisters deal with themselves?

After a few people reached an agreement, they went to different things. The yellow shirt woman was not worried about her two sisters, and decided to stay in the residence of Zhongxingguo in the palace, and she could always take care of the two sisters and the people in Huanyiyuan. Song Qingshu slipped out of the palace overnight and went back to work. His Tang Kuo defense makes it easier to act in the future.

"Now the rescue of the Huanyiyuan has first seen me, I don't know how long Tang Kuobian will have to hide Gebi." Song Qingshu is also very contradictory. He feels that he is deliberately hiding the other party's immorality, but he also has his own selfishness. Bi such a beautiful and gentle wife, even a man can't refuse, and he is no exception. Once the showdown, he might lose each other forever.

Song Qingshu struggled with this problem all the way, until he returned to Tang Kuo's mansion without making a decision.

"Forget it, let it be." Song Qingshu sighed and took off his jacket. Although the knife wound on his back was not in the way, he still had to deal with it.

"Who?" Song Qingshu suddenly felt something, staring at the door.

"It's me." The door squeaked open, and a beautiful shadow came in, it was Gobi.

"You haven't slept so late?" Song Qingshu was a little surprised. This hour is when people are sleeping deep.

"There are so many thoughts in my heart that I can't sleep and have been waiting next door for you to come back."

Song Qingshu's words embarrassed Song Qingshu a bit. After all, his nominal husband was out of sight every night, and his wife couldn't find him. It was indeed a failure.

Seeing Song Qingshu starting to put on clothes again, Gebi glanced, and suddenly said in surprise: "Are you injured?"

"Skin trauma is not in the way," Song Qingshu replied unnaturally.

"Let me see." Song Qingshu couldn't refuse Gobi's words. After all, the two were a husband and wife in name, and it was not unusual for a wife to care about her husband.

Gobi couldn't help taking off his coat again, looking at the blood stains on his back, pursing his lips and groaning: "Why are you so uneasy?" While complaining, he took out his handkerchief and wiped it off for him.

Song Qingshu felt warm. He was attracted by the beauty of Tang Kuobian's sweet wife before, but after getting along with him during this period, he was more concerned about Gobi's ability to make the body feel warm at home.

"Give me the Jinchuang medicine, and I will bandage the wound for you." Although Gobi is dignified and weak on the surface, she is also a woman on the grassland. These things are naturally not a problem.

"Who hurt you on earth?" Gobi's fingertips ran across the skin near his wound, and there was a hint of inexplicable meaning in his voice.

"An unknown person, don't care." This is the first time Song Qingshu has seen the legendary Golden State's No. 1 master shot. As expected, Daxingguo is not in vain. I am afraid that this body is not under Wu Jue.

"The top masters in this world are really worthless." Song Qingshu was extremely depressed. Whether it was the deadly killer under the Queen or the guard next to Wei Wang, it would definitely not be the leader of some big schools to put martial arts on the rivers and lakes. Below, this Daxingguo is even more remarkable, and his cultivation is enough to compare with the Central Plains.

However, Song Qingshu was relieved when he thought about it. After all, Jin Yong's original work described more things in the rivers and lakes, and rarely touched on things above the temple. It is normal that the records of masters in these countries are missing.

While Song Qingshu was feeling emotional, he suddenly felt a warning sign, and suddenly a dagger with cold gleam crossed his neck.

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