Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 831: Bashful questioning

"What are you doing, madam?" At this time, there was only one person behind him, and that was Gobi, Song Qingshu was calm, confident to hide her knife at the moment the opponent shot, but he wondered why the other party did this, he hesitated It didn't take a shot at once.

"Madam?" Gobi chuckled slightly, with a hint of mockery in his laughter, "After acting for so long, do you really consider yourself to be my husband?"

Song Qingshu's heart sank, and his voice was bitter and authentic: "So you already knew it."

Seeing that he didn't deny it, Gobi looked complicated: "Who are you on earth?"

Song Qingshu sighed, and now there is no need to hide it anymore. He reached out to take off his face mask, but he heard Gebi sighed: "Don't move!" At the same time, the dagger on the neck became tighter. Minute.

"Didn't you ask who I am? I just want to take off the mask." Song Qingshu gave a wry smile.

"You are not allowed to move, I'll pick it." Gobi had seen his shots, and knew that his martial arts was strong, so he didn't dare to be careless.

Song Qingshu shrugged and said casually: "By the way, how did you see the flaws."

"Before on the carriage, you clamped the assassin's dagger with your fingers. My husband didn't have such a good martial arts." Gobi groped for the place where the mask on his face was.

"So, it's no wonder that your whole person became weird afterwards." Song Qingshu secretly scolded himself for being shrewd, why he was suddenly stupid here.

Kung Fu Gobi had already uncovered his mask and saw his appearance clearly. He couldn't help but lose his senses: "It really is you!"

Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows: "Can you guess it's me?"

Gebi's face was reddened: "I didn't know, but later I found out that my husband was a fake, so I thought you suddenly broke into his room before, and guessed that you might have been careless and forgot to wear a mask that time."

"Madam is really Bingxue smart, so you can guess the truth with such a clue, and I admire it!" Song Qingshu said sincerely.

"It's useless if you have any kind words at this time. What's wrong with my bones?" Gebi looked nervously waiting for the answer.

Song Qingshu sighed faintly: "Since Madam has guessed it, why bother to ask again."

Ge Bijiao, m.≯.co⊥m's blood faded all of a sudden, and she trembled: "I want you to kiss him."

"He is dead." Song Qingshu's voice seemed to hit Gobi's heart with a heavy hammer.

At this moment, Gebi seemed to feel the strength of his whole body was completely drained, and only after a long time did he recover his breath, and said coldly: "Who killed him?"

"If I am not me at this time, do you believe it?" Song Qingshu gave a wry smile.

"Don't believe it!" Gobi bit her lip tightly.

"I also know that you won't believe it. Fortunately, I was prepared. There is a blood book in my clothes. It was written by your husband before his death. You can read it." Song Qingshu secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, Tang Kuobian had a foresight. I deliberately left this blood book, otherwise I would not be able to clean it even after jumping into the Yellow River.

"Don't think about playing tricks!" The dagger in Gebi's hand pressed Song Qingshu's neck again, suspecting that he wanted to divert her attention and take the opportunity to get out.

"I didn't play tricks, you can see if you look at it." Song Qingshu raised his hands and signaled that he had no other thoughts.

After all, Gobi couldn't meet the desire for her husband's suicide note, so one hand continued to hold the dagger against his neck, and the other hand stretched out and fumbled in his clothes. After feeling for a while, she found out a letter. Blood book.

Gebi tremblingly opened the blood book, and his expression changed as he watched it line by line, and tears soon blurred his eyes. She couldn’t be more clear about her husband’s handwriting, and there were secret codes that both of them knew. Outsiders could never fake it. In the suicide note, Tang Kuo kept telling her feelings of reluctance and apology to her, and also mentioned the entrusted brother Song Qingshu. To take care of her and protect her...

Seeing the last five words, "Wugu Kujiebi", Gebi burst into tears.

"Madam, please come by." Song Qingshu sighed.

"Who killed him!" As if to be reminded, Gobi suddenly raised his head, holding a knife and continuing to press against him.

"I can tell Madam the murderer's name, but I hope Madam promises me one thing first." Song Qingshu replied.

"!" Gebi sneered secretly, this person probably begged himself to forgive the previous offense, hoping to spare his life.

But Song Qingshu’s answer was beyond her expectation: “I’ve been planning to avenge Tang Kuo’s brother, but that person is so powerful that I’m still not sure about it. I’ve gotten along these days, and I know my wife’s appearance She is weak, but she is actually a strong and intelligent woman, so she also asked her not to be impulsive when she learns the identity of that person, so that she will startled and frighten the snake, making the plan of revenge for Brother Tang Kuo defeated."

Gebi's face changed slightly, and he groaned for a while before he said: "Okay, I promise you."

Song Qingshu spit out three words: "King Hailing."

"Sure enough, it is him!" Gobi gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with anger.

Song Qingshu hurriedly reminded: "Madame, don't forget what I promised just now. Now I am about to gain his trust. I promised Madam that I will let Wanyanliang come back to avenge Brother Tang Kuo."

"No wonder you deliberately approached him during this period of time, just to avenge Orginal?" Gebi's expression finally eased a bit.

Song Qingshu's contact with Yan Liang is of course more than just this purpose, but he won't be so stupid at this time, just head: "Yes."

Hearing his answer, Gobi was silent, and the dagger in his hand was also loosened a little.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Does the madam plan to keep my neck with a knife?"

Who knows that Gebi didn’t take back the dagger when he heard what he said. On the contrary, it was a bit tighter than before: "Huh, I can’t hold you accountable for the murder of Ordon, you promised Ordon to take care of me and I can understand to avenge him and pretend to be him temporarily, but you..."

Gebi's cheeks were suddenly red as blood, biting her vermilion lip and staring at him fiercely: "Why are you taking advantage of others and taking advantage of me!"

Thinking of the other party's gentleness and amorous feelings that night, Song Qingshu's heart was suddenly shaken, but he quickly recovered, knowing that a bad answer to this question is likely to be overwhelming.

Although Tang Kuobian gave Gobi to him when she was dying, it was enough to listen to it. Gobi had an independent personality after all, and her status in the Kingdom of Jin was noble. If she didn't want to, wouldn't it be Tang Kuobian. Can you send it?

"Can't answer?" Gobi thought of the other party posing as her husband that night, and made herself very enthusiastic and tactfully greet him, and she couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry.

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