Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 832: Undead

Song Qingshu's thoughts were like electricity, thinking quickly: Answer because you are too beautiful, you can't hold it back for a while? Don't think about it, be sure that the other party's hands are up and down; or take Tang Kuobian's last words, righteously pretend to be her man, and turn that night's affairs into a reasonable and legal intimacy? Uh, even if Gobi didn't kill Tang Kuobian in the face of Tang Kuobian's sake, he would definitely be full of disgust for him from now on.

In fact, Song Qingshu is not worried about Gobi’s dagger. The opponent doesn’t understand martial arts. He has countless ways to escape from danger, and even if he doesn’t hide, as long as the body protector is lifted, she can’t break the body protector with a single stroke of her strength. Gas defense.

The reason why he was so entangled was because he wanted to transfer his image in her heart. After all, after this time of getting along, he had already subconsciously regarded Gobi as his own woman, and didn't want to lose her completely in the future.

"I have been running around over the years. Although I have known a lot of women, none of them make me feel at home. You are the exception. During this period of time, every time I see you waiting for me to go home with a gentle face, Calling my husband affectionately... I really have an illusion, as if you are my wife and we are a loving couple. But I know all this is fake, so I deliberately want to avoid you until I forgot to bring my mask back that night and scared you. Then you took the initiative to kiss me. At that moment, I just felt a bang in my head. I suddenly didn’t want to worry about that much. I just wanted to treat you as my wife. I just offended you, I'm sorry." Song Qingshu described a secret love in an extremely affectionate tone, which made him feel a little bit sore.

Routines, what Quantum is a routine! Zhiruo, Qingqing, Ah Jiu, Bing Xueer... I hope you don't blame me, you can also make me feel at home.

In Song Qingshu's private theater, he was already apologizing to several wives, and at the same time he secretly despised his own routines too deeply, but although he made up half of these remarks deliberately, at least one of them is true. Gobi really made him feel home a feeling of.

Gebiyu's cheeks are blushing, hateful: "You came here because I took the initiative to seduce you that made you uncontrollable?" But at this time, she was embarrassed in her heart. Looking back, the other party did deliberately alienate herself during this period of time. I, indeed, I took the initiative to kiss him that night...

Song Qingshu hurriedly replied: "How could it happen? It is my own feelings that shouldn't be vvvv, m.★.co↘m, and I can't control it and make a big mistake."

Gebi stared at him in a daze, suddenly his expression became extremely complicated, his eyes flushed, he threw the knife aside, and sobbed with his arms around his knees.

Song Qingshu let out a sigh of relief, and finally passed this level.

Looking back, I saw Gobi buried her head in her knees, her shoulders moved slightly, obviously crying extremely sad, Song Qingshu sighed, and reached out to hold her in her arms: "Cry, cry, it will feel good in my heart. Something..."

"Don't touch me!" Gobi struggled subconsciously.

However, Song Qingshu did not let go of her this time, instead he hugged her tighter: "You need to lean on a shoulder at this time."

Gobi stiffened, but didn't continue to struggle, so she shrank into his arms and began to cry out in pain. Song Qingshu didn't have a trace of desire in her heart, and gently patted her shoulder to comfort.

I don't know how long it took, Song Qingshu noticed that the crying in his arms gradually subsided, and when he looked down, he found that Gobi fell asleep in his arms because of excessive sadness.

Song Qingshu didn't put her on the bed to sleep, instead he hugged her tightly. He was completely helpless for the grief of her widowed husband. The only thing he could do was to give her a warm embrace.

Song Qingshu also rushed all night, smelling the elegant and delicate fragrance from Gebi's body, and the whole person gradually fell asleep.

When the sky in the east gradually turned white, Gobi suddenly opened his eyes and found that he was actually sleeping in Song Qingshu's arms, and the whole person froze suddenly.

Gebi looked at his clothes subconsciously, there were no traces of scatter, then he breathed a sigh of relief, and then he noticed that the opponent's hand was also very peaceful, just resting on his shoulder. Recalling that after falling asleep last night, perhaps because of the death of her husband, in her dream, she seemed to have fallen into an extremely cold ice cellar. The whole person was cold into the bone marrow, and when she was a little unable to support it, she seemed to hear a warmth in her ears. 'S voice has been comforting her and giving her courage. At the same time, her whole body seems to be surrounded by a warm stove, and the palpitating biting cold gradually disappears...

Seeing Song Qingshu's naked upper body, Gebi instantly understood what was going on, and her face was extremely red.

Wingfully raised Song Qingshu’s arm out of his arms, he glanced at the man who was still sleeping with a complicated expression, sighed faintly, and gently pulled a thin blanket over him. Went out.

Song Qingshu had been comforting Gobi last night, and didn't fall asleep until the dawn. At this time, Gobi left, he was confused and aware, but he was too sleepy and really didn't want to open his eyes.

After a long period of time, if Song Qingshu felt a little bit, Huo Ran opened his eyes and saw Gebi sitting on the side of the bed in a daze.

"Madam, what are you?" Song Qingshu hesitated.

Gebi smiled bitterly: "Although I really want to do a memorial service for Wogu, I also know that before the revenge is reported, I can't let Wanyanliang be alert. The only thing I can do now is to keep his filial piety for him. , But I can't let the next person know, so I have to come to your room, I hope it doesn't make you feel bad."

"The madam has a deep and righteous affection for Brother Tang Kuo, and it is too late to admire her, so how can she feel unhappy." Song Qingshu has the time to look at her carefully, and she is dressed in a white filial service, with a touch of sadness on her face. The color of the whole person looked particularly lovely.

As the saying goes, women have to be pretty and filial, but I really don’t want to deceive them! Song Qingshu couldn't help thinking that in the Viscount's mansion, Shuang'er was also dressed in filial obedience, and they were also very charming and lovely.

Song Qingshu's heart swayed, and then he secretly despised himself. He just lost her husband, a poor survivor, how could he think of these messy things!

While he was out of wandering, Gobi suddenly knelt in front of him: "Wan Yanliang, the dog thief has been trusted by the emperor's brother over the years, and there are countless masters under his command. I am a woman who wants to avenge the bones and has no power. Uncle is a well-known hero in the world, and he is also the brother of Jinlan, and I hope my uncle will avenge him!" —

Thank you Feng Ah Yin for your reward, and also thank other readers for their monthly pass support!

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