Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 860: Heartless

The expression of Song Qingshu who was hiding in the tree suddenly became weird. If he was not sure that he was hiding well, Ouyang Feng would never find out. He thought that the other party was deliberately showing favor in front of him.

Thinking of Ouyang Feng sending Huang Rong to his mouth, Song Qingshu had to sigh with emotion that this old poison may be a fascinating western poison for others, but to him, it is completely a lucky star.

First sent Huang Rong, and now he pushed Zhao Min into his arms. Song Qingshu really wanted to kiss him to express his gratitude.

"Miss Zhao, why didn't you speak?" Ouyang Feng looked at Zhao Min not far away jokingly.

"I have nothing to do with Song, so you don't have to worry about it." Zhao Min's face was blue and red, and everyone was in full view. Even if she really has a relationship with Song Qingshu, how am I embarrassed to admit?

"Hahaha," Hearing her answer, the happiest non-gongsun was, "Mr. Ouyang, you heard her answer, it's not that I don't give you face."

Ouyang Feng snorted, his face sinking like water, standing there noncommittal. Gongsunzhi also ignored him. Although he was very afraid of Xidu's name, his golden sword and black sword were not vegetarian. He thought that even if the martial arts were slightly inferior to Ouyang Feng, the gap would not be too big, and he really fought. , He is not shocked, not to mention that both sides are now in the same camp, he does not believe that Ouyang Feng will turn his face for an outsider and himself.

"Hey hey, the princess looks pretty good. I will catch you obediently. I won't embarrass you. If I don't know how to lift up, don't blame me for destroying the flowers." Gongsunzhi rubbed his hands while leaving his saliva and leaned towards Zhao Min. past.

The second old Xuan Ming's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly said in a low voice, "Princess, we will try our best to hold him for a few breaths, and you should run out of the chaos." The two of them are not the kind of loyal protectors. However, Mongolia has always been rewarding and punishing. If they escape and abandon their masters, Mongolia will pursue them. They will survive, but it is better to let them go. Once they get away with their lives, they can get rich rewards when they return to Mongolia.

Zhao Min shook his head, standing still without a trace of fear: "I won't go, don't worry, he can't hurt me."

"Yo?" Gongsunzhi suddenly heard her

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Happy, "Is it possible that the princess empress is also a martial arts master?"

Zhao Min smiled slightly: "Although I know martial arts, compared with the Unfeeling Valley Master, the little girl's three-legged cat kung fu, of course, can't make it to the table."

Seeing her smiling like a flower, Gongsunzhi was suddenly fascinated. He only hoped to talk to her more and listen to her soft voice, so he didn't rush to do it. Instead, he asked with interest: " Why is the princess believing that I can't hurt you?"

The corners of Zhao Min's lips rose slightly: "Because someone won't let you hurt me."

Gongsun Zhi's heart moved, and he hurriedly looked back at Ouyang Feng. He saw that the other party's eyes seemed to be open and closed, and did not show interest in this matter. He couldn't help but relax: "The princess counted on Mr. Ouyang at this time. It’s too late."

Zhao Min shook his head: "I am not referring to him."

"Who is the county lord referring to?" Gongsunzhi looked around with some trepidation, seeing that the audience was already under the control of their group, and he was even more relieved, "Could the princess bring any other masters? "

Gongsun Zhi also heard about Wanyanliang's previous encounter with her deflated. If the old demon heads such as the Daoist Taoist, the King Kong Sect Master, and the Golden Wheel Fa King hid in the dark, he would be in danger.

Zhao Min pursed his mouth and did not answer. Gongsun kept on guard, and waited for a while. Nothing unusual happened. When he thought that he had been famous for a long time, he was baffled by the little girl with a casual sentence.

"Hmph, I want to see who else will rescue you at this time!" Gongsun Zhi grinned and stretched out his hand to grab her, but he was cautious by nature, always guarding against secret attacks when he made moves, so the speed was not so fast.

Seeing Gongsunzhi's hand getting closer and closer, Zhao Min took a deep breath, his chest rose and fell slightly, and then his red lips opened slightly, and a clear voice resounded through the audience: "Song Qingshu, you have no conscience, do you just watch me being caught by this thief? Bullying?"

Song Qingshu, who was watching a good show on the tree, almost didn't fall down. He thought that with the yellow shirt girl and his own martial arts, hiding in a tree so far away, even Ouyang Feng could not find it. How could Zhao Min find him? ?

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) As soon as Min’s words came out, the audience fell into a weird silence. Ouyang Feng’s eyes exploded, and he quickly surveyed the audience for a week, trying to find Song Qingshu's trace; Murong was struggling with each other. Bo and Song Yuanqiao also stopped their hands tacitly. Murong Bo had fought Song Qingshu before. They were a little afraid of each other's martial arts. The three of Song Yuanqiao were shocked. Wasn't Zhao Min and Zhang Wuji paired? How could they get together with Song Qingshu?

Gongsunzhi also suffocated his figure. At the Golden Snake Conference, his golden sword and black sword were destroyed in Song Qingshu's hands. The two in his current hands were rebuilt later, and were far less sharp and smooth than the previous two.

He was eliminated by Yang Guo early, and he had no intention of staying to watch the follow-up martial arts competition. However, he had heard a little about the subsequent battle, knowing that Song Qingshu defeated all the masters all the way and won the throne of the Golden Snake King, and martial arts is likely to be above him.

"Song Qingshu? Hey, I happened to find him to avenge the sword." The reason why Gongsunzhi is still so confident is because his defeat in Yang Guo's hands was only a momentary carelessness. I didn't expect that the mysterious iron sword in the opponent's hand was such a magic weapon. A sharp weapon, he talks about his experience in cultivation base, he is above Yang Guo. With his true ability, he has enough confidence to compete with the major players. Therefore, although he is a little jealous of Song Qingshu, who won the first prize, he is not. Cowardly before fighting.

After Gongsunzhi finished speaking, he didn't find any trace of Song Qingshu, and he couldn't help but laughed: "The princess, the man you are counting on, seems to be just a brave gangster, how about you?"

"Master Valley?" Zhao Min laughed disdainfully, "It's just a dog under Wan Yanliang's, and want to fight this county owner's idea?"

Although he took refuge in Wanyanliang, Gongsunzhi is also a grandmaster-level figure after all. He was named and scolded by the dog. Nowhere could he hold his face: "Little bitch, shameless!" he said and waved. A slap slapped her face.

Seeing this, the two elders Xuan Ming were shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop the opponent, but the combat effectiveness was really a bit scum under the serious injury, and Gongsunzhi easily shocked him: "Get out of the way."

Seeing Gongsun Zhipu's big slap getting closer, Zhao Min simply closed his eyes. Although his face was calm, his trembling eyelashes still showed inner tension.

(End of this chapter)


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