Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 870: Double Shu Jingyan

The imaginary pain did not come, Zhao Min only felt that the whole person fell into a warm embrace, and then a familiar voice rang in his ear: "You are so sure that I will save you?"

The corners of Zhao Min's lips rose slightly, and then faintly opened his eyes, looked up at the man holding him, giggled and said, "Are you willing to be bullied?"

The woman in the yellow shirt who still stayed in the tree couldn't help but sip in secret: In broad daylight... It's really vulgar, adulterer and adulteress!

"Master, what's the situation?" Seeing Zhao Min lying in Song Qingshu's arms with a shy expression on his face, the Wudang Three Heroes almost didn't stare at them, Zhang Songxi couldn't help pulling Song Yuanqiao's sleeves.

"Yes, Miss Zhao is not He Wuji..." Among these elders, Yin Liting has the best relationship with Zhang Wuji. First, his wife Yang Buhui and Zhang Wuji have the same siblings. Second, he was broken by Dali Jingang's finger. The limbs were also cured by Zhang Wuji, so when he saw Zhao Min lying in the arms of another man, he was messed up in the wind.

Song Yuanqiao also smiled bitterly: "Don't ask me, I'm just stunned." He had heard Ouyang Feng say that before, he didn't take it seriously, after all, in his opinion, Zhao Min and his son can't fight each other. Relationship, so seeing the scene today, he was even more surprised than the two juniors.

Murong Bo's pupils shrank slightly. Song Qingshu was holding Zhao Min with his arms half-hearted at the moment. His expression was calm and light. Gongsunzhi's face was flushed. It was obvious that he had all the energy to suckle, but he couldn't get rid of the wrist caught by the other party.

Ouyang Feng also laughed loudly: "Brother Song, how long hasn't seen you now? Your martial arts have improved so much. You have been hiding nearby for so long, and I didn't even notice it."

"Brother Ouyang praised, I heard what you said to Ms. Zhao just now, and I took down this favor." Song Qingshu replied with a smile, without looking at Gongsun from beginning to end.

"Don't tell me," Ouyang Feng hurriedly waved his hand, "I haven't sent this favor out yet, and the other girl Zhao is not rare at all, waiting for you to personally save the beauty."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but glanced at Zhao Min, still so picturesque and beautiful: "How do you know I'm nearby?"

Zhao Min was about to answer, but the sound of Gongsun Zhihe hum came suddenly in his ear. He glanced at him, and only felt that his face was very abhorrent, so he could not help but snorted: "You first get rid of this nasty ghost. Tell you."

"Okay." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, "Since he wanted to hit you just now, then I will call you back and vent your anger." After he waved his hand, he slapped Gongsun Zhi's face.

Because he had one arm around Zhao Min, he would have to loosen and hold the other's hand if he wanted to slap Gongsunzhi in the face. Gongsunzhi heard their conversation clearly. As a master of one party, he would be caught in full view. He slapped the face, how will he get on in the future?

So as soon as he got out of trouble, he hurriedly assumed a defensive posture, thinking that he could seal all subsequent changes in the opponent's moves. Who knew that with a snap, he felt a hot pain in his left face, and he was immediately embarrassed.

"He bullied you just now, it would be too cheap for him to just slap the left cheek." Song Qingshu's quiet voice came in his ears, but Gongsun Zhi heard the spirit of death, and hurriedly used his best to save his own money. Protect your right face.

Who knows that Song Qingshu’s hands seem to be invisible and intangible, so they are easy to wear

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) Through the blockade built by his hands, another loud slap rang out, and a huge force came from his right cheek. Gongsunzhi's whole person was like a heavy sandbag, drawing a parabola. He fell heavily to the floor several feet away.

Gongsun Zhiren fainted when he was still in mid-air. Half of the reason was that the opponent's hands were too strong, and the more reason was the feeling of humiliation. He was the overlord of the dignified one who was played by the opponent in full view, thinking about the future. I'm afraid I won't have the face to see people anymore, the whole popularity rushed into my heart, and he fainted without following it in one breath.

Ouyang Feng and Murong Boqi shook together. Although they can beat Gongsunzhi, they will never be as easy as this, let alone tell the opponent in advance which side to slap, and then break through the opponent's tight defense to win. .

You must know that a master at Gongsunzhi's level may not be able to achieve that there is no flaw in his body, but if he protects a certain part of his body with iron heart, it really guards the copper wall and the iron wall, and the water does not leak, but it is lightly relaxed by Song Qingshu's hand. Song broke through the line of defense!

With those two slaps just now, even Murong Bo didn’t even see what was going on. If Ouyang Feng understood, he only felt that Song Qingshu’s move seemed easy and simple, but it contained the truth between heaven and earth. In an instant, Ouyang Feng was a little frustrated: When the two met on Shenlong Island, Song Qingshu's martial arts boy was high, but he was still obviously inferior to him. As a result, every time he met afterwards, his martial arts was so fast, I am afraid that he is already in his own hands. It's above... Well, all these years, I have tried my best to chase the world's number one name, but in the end it was just a beautiful dream.

If Ouyang Feng is only somewhat distracted, Murong Bo is in deep fear. The reason why he dared to hijack Song Yuanqiao and others before was because he fought Song Qingshu in Huahai near Ping Yizhi’s residence. His martial arts are only between the first and second party. In order to rejuvenate the country of Yan, of course he is not afraid to offend the other party, but how long has it been since then, how did Song Qingshu's martial arts improve so fast?

The three Wudang heroes on the other side were surprised and delighted. Zhang Songxi and Yin Liting were nothing more. After all, they had seen Song Qingshu shot at the Golden Snake Conference. Song Yuanqiao’s memory of his son still remained before the Lion Slaughter Conference. It's pretty good among the younger generation, but compared to the real masters in the arena, it's still not on the stage. I didn't expect that after the ups and downs and sufferings of the lion slaughter conference, it has grown to this point now.

Although there is still a bit of sorrow about the murder of his son Mo Shenggu, is there anyone in the world who doesn't want his son to have the ability?

Song Qingshu didn't care about everyone's reaction. After fanning Gongsunzhi, his attention returned to Zhao Min: "You can tell me now how I know I'm nearby, right?"

Noting the straight eyes of the people, Zhao Min realized that she was still half nestled in Song Qingshu's arms. She was used to seeing the wind and waves, and she couldn't bear it, so she hurriedly stood up straight and pushed Song Qingshu at the same time. After opening, I cleared my throat, blushing, and said, "I thought it was strange before that the masters captured in the coat-in-court would make them take a poison called rouge drunk, making them weak, but just now Song... …Song Daxia and the others, there is no sign of poisoning at all. It can only show that someone has detoxified the three of them in advance."

"The inner courtyard of the Jin Kingdom Palace in the depths of Huanyiyuan is an extremely mysterious institution. Song...Song Daxia and others were imprisoned, even in this county.

(To the end of this chapter, please turn the page) The Lord doesn't know, that day and next there is still this ability to detoxify them, and after thinking about it, you are the only son. "

Song Qing expressed surprise in writing: "The princess is really icy and snowy, and I can infer it with just such a clue. I really admire and admire it!"

Zhao Min couldn't help but give him a white look: "You are a good person, but there is nothing good in your bones. I have been bullied here for so long and I didn't see you come out and help me. Humph, tell me honestly, if so If I don’t force you to come out, are you not going to show up anymore?"

Song Qingshu chuckled: "Why, I...Isn't my father and them here? I just thought that you are not in danger for a while, so I'll just... take a look first and talk about it."

Zhang Songxi on the side couldn't help but hit Song Yuanqiao with his shoulder, and said jokingly: "Big brother, they all say that the married daughter is splashed water. I think your son is not much worse. If you see you threatening Being able to calm down, he hurried out to protect her after a word from the other girl Zhao."

Song Yuanqiao heard a black line, and the look in Song Qingshu's eyes suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

Zhang Songxi’s voice is not small, and he did not deliberately suppress it, so Zhao Min heard it clearly, and couldn’t help but blush: "Uncle Zhang, your Wudang Seven Swordsman are famous in the world. With three enemies and one, if you are If Qingshu comes out to help you again, isn't that showing that you look down on you?"

"Yo yo yo," Zhang Songxi was immediately happy. "Who was Zhang Sixia who was talking about Zhang Sixia, threatening us from time to time, and now he changed his name to uncle so quickly?"

It is Zhao Min's nerves that are too strong to bear his jokes, and can't help but blush and sip: "Bah, it's no wonder that you Wudang sent out some bastards. It turns out that the upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked."

Zhang Songxi laughed haha: "It's rare to see Miss Zhao being shy. This trip to the Golden Kingdom is also worth it."

Zhao Min was anxious. Just as he was about to refute, a cold voice suddenly came from mid-air: "Now that the powerful enemy is feeding around and in a tiger's den, Song Gongzi still has a leisurely and elegant retelling of the old. Did you forget this trip? the goal of?"

Everyone looked up and saw a woman wearing a light yellow shirt slowly descending from mid-air, her clothes fluttering, and blue silk flying, like a fairy who can't eat fireworks in the world.

Seeing her graceful, beautiful appearance, coupled with that beautiful hand, everyone in the field was shocked, and no one spoke for a while.

The woman in the yellow shirt just walked to Song Qingshu's side and looked at him quietly.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Of course I didn't forget."

Noting the expressions of the two of them during the conversation, Zhao Min suddenly smiled sweetly: "This sister is not jealous, right?"

"This **** who kills a thousand knives just treats him as a treasure. I will eat his jealousy?" The yellow shirt girl snorted badly.

However, the rest of the people in the field suddenly looked strange. If there was nothing wrong with them, how could they call others to kill a thousand knives? This tone was clearly a lover's little temper.

Looking at the two stunning women on the left and right next to Song Qingshu, one bright and charming, the other charming, even Ouyang Feng, who has always been a bad girl, was a little jealous: this stinky boy's peach blossom luck is really simple! If my poor Kerr had half of him... No, 30% of the ability to pick up girls, Huang Rong's girl would have given me a grandson long ago.

(End of this chapter)


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