Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 863: Clear as ice

Murong Bo is full of confidence. Dou Zhuan Xing Yi is the magic weapon of the Murong family's survival of the martial arts. He is best at group battles and defeating the strong with the weak. If the enemy does not understand the mystery, it is easy to be exhausted and die. Although Song Qingshu's previous skills were a bit appalling, Murong Bo still had the full confidence to win the final victory.

But he soon couldn't laugh, because he realized that no matter how he urged Dou Zhuan Xingyi, he couldn't get rid of the opponent's strength, because Song Qingshu simply attacked with a single finger, but this finger contained incomparably fierce strength. Domineering sword spirit.

A few years ago, Murong Fu suffered under Duan Yu’s Six-Maid Divine Sword. Murong Bo paid attention to this. Now he finally understands why. Dou Zhuan Xing Yi can move the power of the world's fists, but it is a sharp invisible sword. The breath is powerless.

After delaying this moment, Song Qingshu's fingers were closer to his body. Murong Bo had lost the best time to dodge, and when he was forced to do nothing, he had to sacrifice his own box-pressing skills-refer to!

The Murong family is proficient in martial arts in the world, but the deepest is still two martial arts, one is to fight to change the stars, and the other is to join the finger. After practicing to Xiaocheng, the finger strength can attack more than seven or eight feet, killing people. Intangible, in terms of the power of the fingers, it is still above the Shaolin Wuxiangjiezhi, Mokozhi, Duluoyezhi, and Huahuazhi. It combines the softness of the Huahuazhi, the rigidity of the Duoluoyezhi, and the non-phase. The advantages of the various fingerings of Jie Zhi Yin and Maha Zhi Qiang are theoretically better than the Yi Yang Zhi of the Duan Clan of Dali.

However, there is no good or bad fingering, the user's skill is the most critical factor, and Murong Bo's skill is obviously already high enough. Participation refers to his secret treasure of the box, he will never use it unless he is a last resort, but Song Qingshu's sharp sword spirit has already made him feel the threat of life, in this case he can no longer take care of so much. After touching the fingertips of Song Qingshu, he touched the fingertips of Song Qingshu.

When the fingers crossed, Song Qingshu's whole body was shocked, but Murong Bo made a strange cry, and hurriedly flew back several feet, his fingers tucked in his sleeves and trembling, his face was ugly to the extreme.

Song Qingshu felt qi and blood in his body churning, and a faint tingling sensation came from his fingers, but he believed that Murong Bo's situation was definitely worse. He pressed down the pain of his fingers and took another step in Murong Bo's direction.

Murong Bo saw his pupils shrinking slightly. At this moment, Ouyang Feng suddenly appeared between the two of them, looking at Song Qingshu and saying, "Brother Song, Mr. Murong had offended Daxia Song and others before, and he was just acting on orders. Brother, why bother? Hard to force each other?" Although he didn't want to participate in the struggle between the two masters, he and Murong Bo belonged to the Hailing Palace. If Murong Bo was allowed to have trouble, he would not be easy to explain to all parties.

Song Qing wrote Shen Rushui: "Brother Ouyang wants to do it with me?"

Ouyang Feng smiled wryly: "We don't know each other, but we don't have to do it this time. Now the guards of the palace are coming here. The Daxing country is known as the top master of the Kingdom of Jin. If we lose both sides, Don’t you let people take advantage of it?"

Seeing Song Qingshu's silence, Ouyang Feng continued: "I heard what you said just now. You have received great favor from Mr. Murong before. Although your brother has repaid his kindness, if Mr. Murong's father hurts you, he will think about it. There will be some guilt."

Song Qingshu's ear moved, and he heard benevolence

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Sure enough, a lot of people came here from the direction of the palace, knowing that the guards of the Golden Palace finally discovered the abnormality here, plus a Daxingguo who does not know the foundation, if it is to stay at this time It's really unwise to come down and join Wan Yanliang's men.

"If that's the case, then I will save my brother this time," Song Qingshu paused, then turned to look at Murong Bo, "It's nothing but three things, Mr. Murong can do it for himself."

Murong Bo snorted coldly, his lips moved, but after all, he didn't refute anything.

Song Qingshu then greeted the yellow shirt girl and Song Yuanqiao and others to protect the princesses of the Song Kingdom and retreat to the established route. Seeing that they had taken their goal away, the warriors of the Hailing Palace looked to Ouyang Feng for advice. Ouyang Feng was only slightly Shaking his head, after Song Qingshu and the others had left, he stretched out his hand and ordered that all the members of the Ten Fragrant Soft Muscle Sanitary Clothing Academy should be killed. Only then did he lead his men to retreat from another direction. It was lively just now. In the blink of an eye, the Huanyiyuan became deadly silent.

"Thank you, Mr. Ouyang, for your helping hand." On the way back, Murong Bo squeezed a smile and thanked Ouyang Feng.

"Mr. Murong is polite, I don't know how his husband is injured?" Ouyang Feng asked curiously.

Murong Bo's face changed slightly, and he quickly concealed his past: "I have suffered a little injury, there is no major problem, Mr. Lao Ouyang has bothered."

"It's fine if it doesn't matter." Ouyang Feng glanced thoughtfully at the blood stains on Murong Bo's feet.

After returning to the Hailing Palace, Murong Bo disappeared even with Wan Yan Liang, and went straight back to his room. After closing the door, he tremblingly stretched out his hand. The fingers were already bloody, and the index and middle fingers were out of thin air. It's a small half!

"Song Qingshu, the revenge of the severed finger today will be returned ten times in the future!" Murong Bo said with a grim face and gritted his teeth.


After Song Qingshu and his party left the palace, there was a carriage waiting in the secret place long ago. After the princesses were loaded into the car, they were ordered to change into the prepared clothes, and then the convoy drove to the city gate in a mighty manner, because there was Queen Pei Man. The tokens given, even though the gate was closed, their group still escaped the gate without any risk.

"Your hand is nothing?" Zhao Min and Song Qingshu were sitting on the front of the first carriage, and when they were free, they hurriedly took Song Qingshu's hand and looked at it.

"Others are nothing, but the pain is terrible." Song Qingshu took a deep breath.

Zhao Min's face changed slightly: "It's not that the bones have suffered any damage, or let them go first. Let's go back to the city to see the doctor first, right?"

"That's not necessary," Song Qingshu suddenly looked back at Zhao Min, "If the princess is willing to condescend to give me a blow, maybe my fingers will not hurt soon."

Seeing the smile on Song Qingshu's lips, Zhao Min realized that he had been teased by the other party, and threw his hand aside angrily: "Bah, I want to be beautiful."

Song Qingshu looked depressed: "Hey, hey, your face has changed too quickly, right? Just now in the palace, you had a mouthful of brother Qingshu, shouting very affectionately."

Zhao Min's face was reddened, and she couldn't help raising her chin: "At that time, deep in the tiger's den, I, a weak woman, had no other choice but to pull your tiger skin as a banner."

"You are ashamed to call yourself a weak woman?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but roll his eyes.

(To be finished in this chapter, please turn the page) The Lord said to pull my tiger skin, then you admit that you are a fox? "

"What if I am a fox? The fox is so smart." Zhao Min wrinkled Qiong's nose, without any unpleasant expression at all, but looked extremely proud.

"It's not just a smart fox, it's a pretty vixen!" Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing while looking at Zhao Min's charming cheeks.

"Bah, the dog can't spit out ivory." Zhao Min smiled and cursed, but his eyes were full of smiles, there was no real sense of anger.

"By the way, how is the antidote of the Three Corpse Brain Pill?" Song Qingshu suddenly remembered the poison in Zhao Min, and hurriedly asked.

"Hmph, you only know that you are traveling around the mountains and playing with other women, so how can you take my life and death to heart?" Zhao Min glanced at him pityingly.

"Don't get me wrong, there is nothing between Miss Yang and I." Song Qingshu said hurriedly.

"Miss Yang? Is that woman's surname Yang..." Zhao Min muttered to herself, and suddenly snorted, "I didn't say who it was, so why don't you confess her to her with a guilty conscience?"

Song Qingshu was speechless for a while, secretly regretting in his heart, and it was not worth the loss to quarrel with the woman.

Zhao Min knew how to measure. Seeing that he hadn’t spoken, he stopped making troubles unreasonably. Instead, he started talking about business: “After I separated from you last time, I returned to Ruyang Palace and mobilized all the resources, but Murong Jingyue’s was not found. Whereabouts, only recently did I receive a message saying that he is likely to be in Daxing Mansion, so I came to take a look."

Zhao Min’s remarks are half-truth and half-truth. Although there is no concealment about Murong Jingyue, in addition to looking for Murong Jingyue during her trip, she also shouldered the task of Mongolia sending her to provoke the domestic unrest in Jin. Regarding the latter point , She did not tell Song Qingshu.

"Murong Jingyue is in Daxing Mansion?" Song Qing said in writing that he had lived here for a while as Tang Kuobian, but he didn't find out who might be Murong Jingyue in disguise.

"I'm not very sure, so I need to check it out." Zhao Min frowned and said.

In the carriage behind, the woman in the yellow shirt listened to many sisters talking about the sufferings they had suffered over the years. Her eyes quickly turned red, and she was in a sad place. Suddenly, she saw Song Qingshu and Zhao Min sitting in the first carriage through the curtain of the carriage. At the front of the car, she leaned close together and whispered in an intimate manner, and her mood was suddenly upset. Although she quickly realized the strangeness of her emotions, she did not think about other places. She only thought that she was from the Song Dynasty, and she was born with a dislike of being Mongolian. Human Zhao Min.

"Song son, now we have left Daxing Mansion, the next journey will take care of the son." The yellow-shirted woman tapped her toes and gracefully floated beside the two of them.

"We just left Daxing Mansion not long ago, I'll show you some more road." This was also discussed with Song Qingshu before. After all, he still has a lot of things to do in Daxing Mansion, and it is impossible to send them back to the Southern Song Dynasty.

The woman in the yellow shirt showed hesitation, even though she subconsciously did not want to say goodbye to Song Qingshu so soon, but when she saw him and Zhao Minqing, I was upset, and finally she was invisible and not upset: "No need. That’s it! It’s enough to have Wudang heroes escorting us."

While Song Qingshu was hesitating, suddenly there was a clear female voice not far away: "Your Excellency hugs the left and the right, I really envy others!"

(End of this chapter)


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