Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 864: Shameless

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, why is this voice a little familiar?

Zhao Min and the girl in the yellow shirt also looked up at the same time, only to see a large group of people wearing white turbans suddenly popping out of the grass not far away to surround the group of them.

Song Qingshu was slightly embarrassed, he was too careless, patronizing and talking to Zhao Min, he didn't even notice that he had entered the enemy's encirclement.

"Vacuum hometown, no birth mother~"

"Vacuum hometown, no birth mother~"

"Vacuum hometown, no birth mother~"

&+≦+≦+≦Bar, ↓.¢£.≧p;……

After the group of people surrounded them, they all assumed a strange posture, chanting words in their mouths, and the buzzing sound made a group of women feel dizzy.

"What are they talking about?" Song Qingshu was confused. He understood every word of these words, but they couldn't understand them all together.

The female in the yellow shirt looked a little uncomfortable: "They are members of the White Lotus Sect. The White Lotus Sect believes in the inanimate mother. She believes that the inanimate mother is an ancient Buddha who is inexorable from the heavens. She wants to save the children of the world and return to the heavens. To avoid catastrophe, this heaven is the hometown of vacuum.'Hometown of vacuum, mother without birth' is a mantra believed by all religious people. You can understand that it is similar to monks calling Amitabha and the Western Paradise at every turn."

"White Lotus Cult?" Song Qingshu suddenly came to the spirit and looked at the White Lotus Cultists enthusiastically. You must know the film and television works in the previous life. The White Lotus Cult is the villain with the most appearances. Now that he is alive, how can he not be excited?

"By the way, it is written in the novel that you all have a Virgin Mary in the White Lotus Sect. How do you generally set it up? Come to think of it, the saint is savage and willful, and the Virgin is smoky and flattering. Isn't that true?" Song Qingshu I can’t help thinking of Qin Xian'er, An Biru, the two masters and apprentices in "The Best Family", the two white lotus demon girls, one big and one small, Lin San is really sex... Oh, no, happy.

"Asshole, you dare to insult the saint of this sect!" The group of Bailian Sect was furious, and they drew out their knives to rush over.

Song Qingshu shrugged indifferently, and to be honest, although the number of each other was large, for his current cultivation base, it was simply a mob.

"Stop it!" At this time, a soft voice came from behind the crowd, and Bai Lian taught everyone to quiet down quickly.

Song Qing revealed a different color in writing. This voice was charming and tactful, which was very different from the previous voice. Could it be that she had heard it wrong just now.

The Bailian cultivators quickly separated and revealed a small path. Two slim women walked out slowly. Although they were dressed in plain clothes, their brilliance was looming. They walked like a weak willow, even though their faces were covered with a veil. But just by Gu Panjian's beautiful eyes, you can be sure that they are two beautiful and unprovoked women.

However, if you look closely, there is still a difference between the two women. One smiled and added a touch of charm, while the other was cold and frosty. If she didn't guess wrong, she said the previous sentence.

Song Qingshu looked at her vigorously again. In fact, with his current cultivation level, such a layer of veil would be difficult to block his gaze. After seeing the opposite aspect, he was very sure that he didn't know her, but why did the other person look in his eyes? It seems that there is faint anger, and it feels like knowing yourself?

"Tang Saier, I didn't expect to bother you to go out in person this time." The yellow shirt goddess is a little nervous. These years, Jianshan Academy and Bailianjiao have fought hardly. She is the saint of Jianshan Academy and Bailianjiao. Tang Saier had dealt with him several times, and the other party was not in martial arts under her. In addition, she was shrewd and cunning, and she knew a lot of wicked tricks. Every time she dealt with it, she had a headache.

"If you want to deal with a fairy-like figure like your sister, how can you feel relieved if you send others to the Saint King?" The charming and graceful woman in the lead laughed, obviously it was Tang Saier in the mouth of the girl in the yellow shirt.

"When did Bailianjiao have an extra saint?" The woman in yellow shirt looked at the woman next to Tang Saier. There was a trace of worry in her beautiful eyes. It would be difficult for her to cope with Tang Saier alone. The last strange saint who was juxtaposed with her identity, and a large group of white lotus masters, was really a little troublesome for her own group to deal with.

She subconsciously excluded Song Qingshu. Although she was cold on the outside, she was an extremely strong woman in her bones. She would never ask for help if she had no alternative.

"This is a girl who has recently joined the sect. No matter her appearance or martial arts is below me, she has made great achievements several times. The Saint King personally canonized her as a saint." Tang Saier said. He sighed suddenly, and said, "I thought I had my sister's help this time. This trip is a sure thing. I didn't expect the saint of Jianshan Academy to be clean and clean, but it was only a long time since I saw her. Hooked up with a concubine, this concubine looks calm and relaxed, it seems that martial arts is very high."

The woman in the yellow shirt was furious, she quietly glanced at Song Qingshu, just to meet his smirking gaze, her heart jumped, she hurriedly turned her head, and glared at Tang Saier: "What kind of concubine is not a concubine, this is your Bailian Cult. Demon girl's style, I don't dare to get along with you."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile. He looked at the enchanting woman and said, "This beauty, is the concubine in your mouth talking about me?"

Tang Saier also smiled: "This young man's mouth is quite sweet, you can't even see others, how do you know that they are not ugly?"

Song Qingshu looked at her up and down, eyes dazzling her graceful body: "The girl has picturesque eyebrows, her chest is shrugged, her voice is so charming, if such a woman is ugly, there will be no good-looking girl that day. "

Tang Saier was amused by him and trembled: "Don't you worry about the anger of the female partner next to him when he says that? I have just noticed that this girl can't help pouting."

Zhao Min, who was mentioned by her, smiled slightly: "He is the one who forgets the temper when he sees a beautiful woman. I'm not used to it. But as a woman, I kindly remind you that this man is poisonous. Be careful and sink in."

Song Qingshu looked at her depressed: "Are you complimenting me or hurting me?"

"Guess?" Zhao Min blinked his big eyes and looked at him with a smile on his face.

"I don't know if I will get into it, but I think the girl has already gotten into it," Tang Saier suddenly turned to the yellow shirt woman again, "Zhao Yingluo, your rival in love is a bit powerful, you look so beautiful and smart, and you are so smart. Cute, my sister is a little worried for you."

Song Qing revealed a different color in writing. Most people know that the female in the yellow shirt is surnamed Yang, and few know that she is a princess of the Song Dynasty. This Tang Saier is really magical.

The woman in the yellow shirt hadn't answered yet, Zhao Min had already put his arm around Song Qingshu's arm and giggled; "Brother Qingshu, is there really such a good compliment from this sister?"

"In broad daylight, it's really shameless." Song Qingshu didn't answer, when the woman next to Tang Saier suddenly spoke, causing a group of people to look at each other.

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