Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 876: By mistake

"Uh~" Song Qingshu looked embarrassed and extremely depressed, "I didn't know you were a female before."

"Then you know now, don't you let it go?" Wan Yan Zhongjie snorted, a hint of pink was faintly visible on her cheek.

Song Qingshu withdrew his hand in a jealousy, and even being robbed by a little girl, he was also very upset in his heart and couldn't help but replied: "Cut, such a small breast, you treat it as I want to touch it."

"What are you talking about?" Wan Yan's eyes almost didn't burst into flames.

"It's nothing, I said that good men don't fight women." On the level of hooligans, Song Qingshu can be said to be the grandfather of this aspect, how can he be fooled by a little girl film. ≈≈≈,v.↗↗.√

Wan Yan Chongjie suffered a dumb loss. Seeing Song Qingshu's rogue face, he knew that he would not be able to get any benefits if he continued to fight, so he said with a straight face: "Quickly unlock my acupuncture points."

Song Qingshu hesitated for a while, but decided to relieve her acupuncture points. The other party somehow said that she was also Gobi's niece, and she had to look at the Buddha's face regardless of the monk's face. Secondly, with her martial arts, she was not afraid of making waves.

Seeing Song Qingshu's volley, the acupuncture points on his body were unlocked. Wanyan Zhongjie was shocked, but he didn't show it at all. He moved his arms and beckoned to him: "Okay, accompany me to kill Wanyan. bright."

Song Qingshu laughed angrily: "Why should I accompany you to kill Yan Liang?"

"Because I know your secret." Wan Yan Zhongjie turned around and smiled at him. She had to admit that although she was young, she already had a vaguely breathtaking charm.

"What's the secret?" Song Qingshu asked calmly.

Wanyan Chongjie had his hands on his back, and looked around while turning around him. After a long time, his thin lips lightly opened: "Because you are not my uncle Tang Kuojian at all."

Song Qingshu's heart jumped and replied blankly: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Wan Yan Zhongjie smiled slightly: "When you assassinated Yan Liang last time, you clamped my sword with two fingers. I was very suspicious at that time. Although Tang Kuobian is adept at arching horses, they are all on horseback. He doesn’t know how to fight in the rivers and lakes at all. I checked it out on purpose. No one had heard of Tang Kuo’s martial arts. In order to reconfirm, I attacked you again just now, and it really proved you His martial arts are unfathomable. Then please tell me, how can you be Tang Kuobian?"

"Who can I be if I'm not Tang Kuobian?" Song Qingshu was a headache. He showed martial arts carelessly at the time, but was seen through by Gobi and her. It was really a mistake.

Wan Yan Zhongjie shook his head: "I don't know who you are, and I don't want to know, I just need you to help me kill Wan Yan Liang, and I can keep a secret for you."

"What if I don't help?" Song Qingshu said coldly.

"You pretend to be Tang Kuobian, and you definitely want to use his identity to plan a major event. If everyone in the capital knows that you are a fake, how can you accomplish your goal?" Wan Yan Zhongjie raised the corner of his mouth. "Don’t say anything else, just say my aunt, who is known as the number one beauty of the Kingdom of Jin. How will she react when she knows the truth? If those suitors in the past knew that the goddess in their hearts was actually caught How would a man react when he fell asleep? I kindly remind you that now at least one-third of the nobles in the capital were the suitors of my aunt back then. You can weigh the consequences yourself..."

Before Wanyan Chongjie finished speaking, she felt a flower in front of her, and then she was pressed against the wall. The hand pinched on her throat was like an iron hoop, making her breathless.

Song Qingshu looked at her quietly like this, and said in a cold voice: "I killed you, wouldn't it be a hundred?"

After the initial panic, Wanyan Chongjie has now calmed down and looked back at him calmly: "Do you think I didn't make preparations before I came to see you alone?"

"What do you mean?" Song Qingshu was taken aback.

"I know that this time I'm here to meet a very dangerous person. How could I come without preparation?" A hint of sarcasm appeared on the corners of Wanyan's lips. "I have already made proper arrangements. If I don't go back on time, , The news that you faked Tang Kuobian will spread to the whole capital."

"How capable is your little girl? If I kill you, I will follow the vine to find your connector. If you kill him again, it will be fine." Song Qingshu said nonchalantly.

"You don't even know who my connector is. Where are you going to kill?" Although Wan Yan Zhongjie was young, he was not fooled by him. "In fact, even if I tell you, you can't find him. "

"Oh? I don't believe it." Song Qingshu deliberately said aggressively.

"You don't have to deliberately arouse me, I dare to tell you that you are not afraid that you will find him," Chongjie snorted, "Every three days I will go to the street to find a candied haws seller. He will naturally know that he will be fine when he sees me. , Your secret will not be leaked out. There are so many candied haws sellers in Beijing, and you will find no one if you know it."

Song Qingshu frowned and suddenly realized the flaw: "Huh, you are obviously lying to me, you aristocratic lady, how can you show up so often, and if you have something that day, such as summoning in the palace, you can't go. What should I do if I see that person selling candied haws?"

I don’t know that Wanyan Chongjie didn’t panic at all, and calmly replied: "I have an appointment with that person. If I suddenly have something to do, I will send another person. When the time comes, I just need to confront him with the signal. nothing."

"What is the secret code you agreed?" Song Qingshu added another force.

After Wanyan Chongjie, a small face suddenly turned red: "The person I sent would ask him'how to sell candied haws', and he would answer,'A bunch of gold and silver in twos and threes', and the person I sent would answer. "It's so cheap, I'll pay 50 taels of gold and 50 taels of silver." Then the other party knows that I'm safe and sound."

Song Qingshu frowned, why is it so like the incision of Tiandihui? Loosing her neck, Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "I always think you are lying to me, how can you tell me all the secret codes?"

"Of course I'm lying to you." Wanyan clutched his neck, panting heavily, "What candied haws and the secret code are all fake, I won't be so stupid to tell you the truth, just I want to use this method to make you understand, don’t look at my young age, I know a lot about these rivers and lakes, and I’m already prepared to be foolproof."

"Well, you won." Song Qingshu said lightly, even though he still doubted whether what Wan Yan Chongjie said was true, but he couldn't take any risks.

"Why are you killing Yan Liang?" Song Qingshu asked suddenly.

"You don't need to worry about it, you just need to kill him for me." Wan Yan Zhongjie said as he tore off the black clothes outside and threw it aside, revealing a water-green girly skirt, and then pulled Song Qingshu walked out of the alley.

Her hands were soft and icy, Song Qingshu was slightly startled and asked, "Where to go?"

"Qingfeng Tower, Wan Yanliang was drinking there today, and the guards around him are much weaker than usual." Wan Yan Zhongjie replied without looking back.

"Do it today?" Song Qingshu murmured secretly, originally intending to agree to it temporarily, first hold her steady, and then do it. He doesn’t care much about Wan Yan Liang’s life and death, but he cares about how the power of the Jin Kingdom’s upper echelons will be redistributed after Wan Yan Liang’s death. Finally, there is an opportunity to intervene in the Jin Kingdom’s senior leaders. He still needs time to make arrangements. When Liang died, he would never find such a good opportunity again.

Song Qingshu was hesitating whether to use the soul-moving method to control her, and then slowly asked her the information of the connector. Suddenly, his eyes went dark, and he looked up, and there was a group of sturdy people in front of the alley. .

"Miss Zhongjie?" the leader asked.

Wanyan Zhongjie frowned slightly: "You are?"

"My master would like it!" the leader replied.

"Who is your master?" Wan Yan Chongjie subconsciously took a step back.

"Miss Zhongjie will know when it arrives." The leader replied coldly.

"This young lady is not interested in people who hide their heads and show their tails." Chung Jie took Song Qingshu and walked back. As a result, there was a word of ragged clothes on his body. Several people had jumped behind them, blocking their retreat.

"What do you mean?" Zhongjie's face suddenly changed.

"We are just acting on orders, and please miss us not to make it difficult for us." Although the leader looks respectful, he doesn't feel the slightest sense of politeness.

"It seems that there are still a lot of mad bees and butterflies around you." Song Qingshu was eager for someone to make trouble, and at this time he was gloating.

Zhongjie shook his head slightly, lowered his voice and said in his ear: "These people are masters, unlike the dudes in the capital that can be moved by the emperor. It seems that this time the visitor is not good. These people will be handed over to you. ."

Song Qingshu stunned: "Why don't you do it yourself?" Although the martial arts of the heavy festival are not enough in front of him, they can be regarded as first-class masters in the rivers and lakes, and they are more than enough to deal with these warriors who are kept by others.

Zhongjie explained in a low voice: "No one in the capital knows about my martial arts, and I don't know who is behind them. In case it is revealed that martial arts has been passed to Wan Yanliang, he is likely to be in touch with the previous assassinations. Event, I can't take this risk."

Song Qingshu was depressed: "It is well known that Tang Kuo argues that he can't know martial arts. I was caught by you once I revealed it. How dare you move it a second time?"

"I won't make a move, and you won't make a move. Shall we let them grab it?" Wan Yan Zhongjie's eyes opened wide, with incredible colors in their eyes.

"If you get caught, you will be arrested." Song Qingshu thought very thoroughly. If he solves these people, he will be pulled by Gobi to assassinate Yan Liang. He is worried about this. He is stupid. Time to shoot.

"You!" She almost died of anger. She encountered similar troubles on weekdays. Which man next to her was not a tiger and rushed out to save the beauty. Even those who didn't know martial arts had to pretend to have martial arts. , Just for fear of being underestimated by her, who knows that the man I met today, obviously martial arts, must deliberately pretend to be incompetent in martial arts.

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