Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 877: Mysterious master

"Sister Chongjie, please go to the sedan chair!" The group of warriors faintly came over, as if as long as she had the meaning of half rejection, they would use strong. △¢,

After struggling for a long time in Zhongjie, she finally gave up the idea of ​​shooting. After all, she didn't know who was behind the other party. She exposed that it was too dangerous to be able to martial arts. Before killing Wan Yan Liang, she must remain as harmless as a white rabbit. image of.

"It's okay to get me on the sedan chair, but I want him to accompany me." Zhongjie suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed to Song Qingshu.

This group of people brought only one sedan chair. Obviously, they planned to invite her alone at the beginning. She didn’t expect that she would have a companion by her side. At this time, Wanyan Chongjie deliberately did this to remind the group of warriors, once they decided Killing people, then Song Qingshu can't even think about it.

Song Qingshu frowned, and instantly understood what she was thinking about. While judging whether or not to shoot, he listened to the group of warriors: "No problem, get on the sedan chair."

Don’t Song Qingshu stunned, even Wanyan Chongjie was stunned. Such a sedan chair is obviously designed for a single person. There may be room for one person to sit on, but if two people sit, it will definitely be too crowded. She With an unbelievable face, he asked, "You let me squeeze with him?"

The leader frowned slightly: "Sister Chongjie, please get on the sedan chair soon."

Song Qingshu next to him immediately became happy. He dismissed the idea of ​​taking action. Instead, he became a little curious about the owner behind these people, so he quickly got into the sedan chair, and Jin Dama sat down in it.

Wanyan Zhongjie's eyes straightened, and he pointed to the situation in the sedan chair and said angrily: "Look for yourself, where can two people sit on such a sedan chair?"

"It's okay to squeeze." The leader's face became a little impatient, "Are you sitting or not?"

Wanyan Chongjie took a deep breath and calmed down the agitated mood: "Sit down!" She was curious about who was behind the scenes. She didn't dare to reveal her trump card until she knew everything.

But Song Qingshu sat like a big master inside, leaving almost no space left. Wan Yan Zhongjie gave him an angry look: "Rang."

"I like to sit like this since I grew up. If you can't squeeze it down, just sit on my lap. I won't despise you." Song Qingshu was completely indifferent to the girl's request.

Wan Yanzhong hurriedly smiled: "Go and ask, how many men in this capital want to hug me, but who has ever succeeded? If you want to take advantage of me, just go straight, why bother to circumspect."

Song Qingshu curled his lips disdainfully: "Who wants to take advantage of a girl with you, her **** are like steamed buns, and she doesn't have a few taels of meat on her body. What's the use of having a beautiful face?

Wanyan fainted and fainted. Except for the chest, the other parts are perfect. I don't know how many men are salivating. Is this **** blind or blind?

Because she had already entered the sedan chair, people outside couldn't see the situation inside, only when she was already seated, she soon carried the sedan chair and set off. When he got up the sedan chair, Wan Yan Zhongjie's center of gravity suddenly became unstable, and he staggered into Song Qingshu's arms.

Song Qingshu held up his hands and motioned that he hadn't touched her: "Hey, this is your initiative to take advantage of me."

Wanyan Chongjie has never been so close to a man, let alone fell into a man's arms, and hurriedly blushed to explain: "You bastard, it's because they suddenly got up and I didn't stand firm."

Song Qingshu sneered: "You are a master of martial arts. This shock makes your next game unstable. Are you cheating a three-year-old child? If you want to take advantage of me, just go straight, why bother?"

Wanyan Chongjie didn't expect to take turns in Feng Shui so quickly, the other party used her own words just now to ridicule. She didn't know how to explain for a while, and she simply lied: "What if my sister is trying to take advantage of you? Get out!" Breaking his thigh and moving to the other side, he squeezed into the fleeting space.

"Hey, squeezed so tightly, I can feel the heat on your body, and the girl's family is not ashamed." Song Qingshu couldn't help reminding.

"According to the seniority, you are my uncle, OK? What's wrong with sitting with your elders." Wan Yan Zhongjie rolled his eyes, unwilling to continue entangled with him on this topic, and then asked, "Do you think they are behind Who’s the master of?"

"How do I know this?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile when she saw her anger, "but I know that their master is mostly a woman."

"Why?" Wan Yan said in a strange way. You must know that these people outside suddenly appeared. She is still at a loss. Why does Song Qingshu know the gender of the other party?

Song Qingshu pointed to the two bodies next to each other: "If their owner is a man, they would never have the guts to let me and you squeeze in a sedan chair."

Wanyan Chongjie instantly understood that if a man kidnapped her, he would mostly covet her beauty. In this case, if these people allow themselves to be taken advantage of by another man, wouldn't they add to their master? Only if their owner is a woman, they didn't hesitate to lock the two together.

"Who is this **** and why has such a keen insight?" Wan Yan Zhongjie quietly glanced at Song Qingshu's side.

Song Qingshu fell into contemplation: "Woman? Is it Zhao Min?" He also knows that this kind of speculation is really sloppy. Even if a woman wants to kidnap her, it might be out of jealousy, or her man was taken seriously. Jie was fascinated by her wanting to retaliate and so on, but his first reaction still thought of Zhao Min.

"It's no use thinking too much." Song Qingshu quickly gave up all kinds of speculations, closed his eyes and started to calm himself, Wanyan Zhongjie next to him was not angry at first when he saw it, but soon he was a little admired in his heart. The calm temperament may be because he was emotionally infected, and she quickly calmed down, just like the other party, closing her eyes and resting her mind.

I don't know how long it took, the sedan chair suddenly shook, Wanyan Chongjie opened his eyes all of a sudden, can not help but secretly, did not expect that he would fall asleep, really careless.

When she opened her eyes, she realized that she had unknowingly put her head on the shoulders of the man next to her, and noticed that there was a water stain on the other's clothes. She subconsciously wiped the corner of her mouth, and her face instantly turned red: " Too embarrassing, I was drooling even when I fell asleep! I hope he didn't find out..."

Wan Yan Zhongjie raised his head wingedly, just when he met Song Qingshu's smirking eyes, he became stiff and hurriedly raised his fist: "You are not allowed to go out just now, or I will shake your secret out too!"

"What is the secret that makes Sister Zhongjie care so much?" A beautiful female voice suddenly heard outside.

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