Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 878: Role reversal

It turned out that the sedan chair had a sense of shock just now because the sedan chair had already reached the destination. Although Song Qingshu was deliberately observing their route along the way, the sedan chair had been specially treated and had no window. Except for the front door, it could be completely covered. Sealed, since he couldn't see the outside scenery, Song Qingshu was also happy and relaxed, and he simply regained consciousness from beginning to end, until the sedan chair reached the destination, he didn't know where he was now.

However, when he heard the voice of the woman outside, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth inadvertently: "I can't find a place to break through my iron shoes. It takes no effort at all."

Soon someone opened the car door, Wan Yan was curious about the identity of the other party, and quickly walked out. When she saw the face of the woman in front of her, she couldn't help being stunned.

Her mother was the number one beauty in Jin Country in the past, and she is also recognized as the number one beauty in Jin Country in the next generation. Wan Yan Chong Jie is quite confident about her appearance, but the face of the woman in front of her is flushed. Photographed by Rong Guang People are very beautiful, with three points of heroism, three points of heroism, and at the same time they are graceful and luxurious, and they have a stern attitude, which is awe-inspiring and dare not look at him.

"This beautiful sister specially invited me over. I don't know what's going on?" Wanyan Chongjie quickly woke up. He is now in a dangerous situation. How can he still have the time to sigh about the beauty of others? Sly eyes rolled around, but when she found out that she was in a bad situation, she couldn't help frowning.

It turned out that she subconsciously thought that something like a sedan chair would stop at the door or in the courtyard, but now when she saw it, she was surrounded by dark stone walls, and she was obviously in a secret room.

"My sister is not surprised at the same day, but I really admire my sister." The woman's smile suddenly stagnated because she found that there was another person in the sedan chair.

"Who is he?" The woman frowned and looked at her subordinates.

"If you go back to Miss Zhao, this is Tang Kuobian, who was with Sister Chongjie just now. He has a special identity and is inconvenient to deal with it casually. The subordinates were worried about leaks, so they had to invite him back together."

"Princess, is that the husband of Princess Gobi?" The girl Zhao asked hurriedly.

"It's right here. Could it be that Miss Zhao knew my wife?" Before the subordinate could speak, Song Qingshu walked out of the sedan chair and looked at him with a playful look ¤¤¤¤, m.√.co±m This Zhao girl, it seems that her guess is correct, the master behind them is indeed Zhao Min.

"Princess Gebi is the number one beauty in the Kingdom of Jin. This girl has also heard of her name for a long time, but it's a pity that she has never seen her." Zhao Min has recovered at this time, although one more person was a little surprised, but she was originally Just planning to investigate Gobi, her husband hit the door just in time.

"That's really a shame, you should be able to talk very well." After Song Qingshu came down and looked around at will, he saw the same scene as Wanyan Zhongjie, and he was also shocked, secretly guessing what it was here. where.

Zhao Min glanced at him suspiciously. For a moment, she seemed to have seen an acquaintance, but it felt like it came quickly and went quickly. She quickly returned to normal: "How did the horse know my surname Zhao?"

Song Qingshu was shocked and pointed to one of her subordinates next to her: "Didn't he call you Miss Zhao just now?"

"Oh." Zhao Min was noncommittal, seeing Song Qingshu thankfully. Fortunately, someone really shouted, otherwise he would have missed it when he was proud.

But before he was happy, Zhao Min said coldly: "Seal his acupuncture points and tie him up."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was stunned, his thoughts turned sharply, and he wondered where the flaws were revealed, but after thinking and thinking, he couldn't think of anything wrong, so he had to suppress the impulse.

At this moment, Zhao Min’s subordinates have already stepped forward to seal his acupuncture points. Song Qingshu’s current cultivation base is a simple matter of shifting the acupuncture points. Let the other party'seal' his acupuncture points, and then he will be blocked. Tied up.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Did I offend Girl Zhao?"

"That's not true. It's just that this girl will interrogate you alone later. I'm a slender woman. I always have to just in case." Zhao Min smiled sweetly. She will interrogate the two about Song Qingshu later. I don’t want to be heard by Xu Wang’s subordinates, so I will drive out everyone else in the house later. Her martial arts are not high or low. Naturally, it is more than enough to deal with a girl, but Song Qingshu’s image nowadays She is a man with a beard and a beard. Of course she has to guard against it.

Song Qingshu rolled his eyes when he heard it, thinking that you are a weak woman all day long. In fact, countless men are not your opponents. This is so thick-skinned that it is also a leverage.

Fortunately, the shackles on her body didn't really restrain him. Song Qingshu didn't care too much, so she wanted to see what medicine she sold in the gourd.

Seeing him calm down so quickly, a hint of appreciation flashed in Zhao Min's eyes: "The horseman is really good-natured, it's no wonder that he can be favored by the number one beauty in the Kingdom of Jin."

Song Qingshu smiled faintly and didn't answer. Instead, Wan Yan Zhongjie next to him interrupted and said: "This beautiful sister, he is three and five thick, and it doesn't matter if he is tied up, my skin and tender flesh, No need to tie it."

Zhao Min slightly lowered her head. According to the information, Yan Chongjie didn’t know the slightest martial arts. She herself learned from various famous masters. She was able to pass martial arts so-soly on the rivers and lakes. Seeing the girl’s pitiful face, she agreed to it. .

Song Qingshu secretly smiled while watching, the old fox met the fox, and Zhao Min was going to suffer this time. He knew the martial arts of both of them. Although Zhao Min's martial arts was good, the martial arts of Wanyan was even higher. After all, he dared to assassinate many master guards. The complete Yanliang, coupled with mental arithmetic and unintentional, wait a minute Zhao Min, hehe...

Seeing that Song Qingshu had been tied to the wall, Zhao Min waved his hand to signal all his subordinates to go out. After the people had gone clean, Wan Yan asked again: "Sister Zhao, you took so much trouble to find me. What's the matter?"

"In fact, it's nothing, but my sister wants to ask you about someone." Zhao Min replied.

"I don't know who the elder sister wants to ask?" Wan Yan Zhongjie was startled. She thought of many possibilities, each of which was directed at her, but she never expected this answer. Who is more important than herself?

"Song Qingshu!" Zhao Min said word by word.

Song Qingshu, who was tied next to him, jumped in his heart. He knew that Zhao Min would definitely check himself, but he did not expect that she would use this method to check himself. At this time, he had to lament that people are not as good as heaven, and Zhao Min spent all of his energy. I tried to find me, but I found it first.

Although this is a secret room, Song Qingshu will know what place it is as soon as he goes out, and it will be clear which prince Zhao Min is hiding behind by then.

"Song Qingshu?" Wanyan wrinkled Qiong's nose, "This name is familiar."

Zhao Min smiled with joy: "Do you know the news about him?"

"I remembered," Wanyan Zhongjie patted his forehead, "It is the golden snake king who caused a stir in the Qing Dynasty in Shandong some time ago. I heard that he used the power of one person to call the wind and rain to destroy the 100,000 troops of the Qing country. I have long ago I want to meet such a great hero."

Although Jin Guo and Qing Guo are allies, but Wan Yan's father and grandfather were all involved in the high-level power struggle of Jin Guo. After failure, they were executed. Only their orphans and widows were bullied. Therefore, her heart In fact, there is no feeling for Jin Guo in the depths, on the contrary, he hates all Jin Guo people. Of course she was happy when she heard Song Qingshu beat the Qing army so hard that even Jin Guo was shaking in the opposition.

Song Qingshu's expression on the side was extremely weird. He thought that the falsehood was really powerful. He obviously only used thunderstorms to hinder the charge of the thousands of cavalry in the Qing Dynasty. In the end, he was able to wipe out his entire army by relying on everyone from the Golden Snake Camp. It's just me and defeated the Qing army? One hundred thousand horses, even one hundred thousand pigs stood there and let me chop, I couldn't finish chopping it for three days and three nights.

Zhao Min frowned: "Don't you know him?"

"Should I know him?" Wan Yan Chongjie also looked surprised.

Looking carefully at her expression and seeing that her look didn't look like a fake, Zhao Min continued to ask: "Think about it, have you known anyone during this period, or is there any strange person around you?"

"No wow, just like before, there are no suspicious people." Wan Yan Zhongjie answered simply.

"If you think about it again, he must have appeared next to you." Zhao Min took a sip of tea and said calmly.

Wanyan Chongjie was curious: "Why does Sister Zhao insist that he will show up next to me? I have seen his name on the previous Di Bao, and occasionally I hear friends talk about him, but he It's far in Shandong, and it's not related to me. Why does it appear next to me?"

Song Qingshu next to him is also continous, obviously he is also curious as to why Zhao Mincha himself found Chongjie.

Zhao Min put the teacup on the table, as if a little annoyed and said: "Because that **** has a special feature, he will hook up with the most beautiful girl wherever he goes."

"What?" Song Qingshu didn't fall to the ground. This reason is too unreasonable.

Wanyan Zhongjie was startled at first, and then chuckled: "My sister's way of thinking is really unique, but I am very happy to think that my appearance can be recognized by my sister."

Zhao Min frowned: "Sister Chongjie, you may not figure out the current situation. No one knows that you are with me now. If you can't give me a satisfactory answer, I won't let you go."

"It's my sister who didn't understand the current situation." Wan Yan Zhongjie put a smile away, "The reason why I was willing to play with my sister before was only because I was worried that you were coming for me, but now I know that you are just looking for grievances. Han is only, then I forgive my sister for not being with me." As soon as the voice fell, he reached out and buckled Zhao Min's throat.

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