Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 881: Long-sleeved dance

"At that time, Taizong died, after the game of various forces, the current saint finally ascended to the throne, but he was still young at that time, and the power of the court was jointly presided over by three heroes who helped him rise," Wan Yan Chongjie suddenly said. , In a particularly sad tone, recalled the events of the year, "These three are my grandfather Wanyan Zongpan, Hailing King's father Wanyan Zonggan, and Zhao Wang Wanyan Honglie."

"Wan Yan Honglie? He is Yang Kang's biological father in this world..." Song Qing did not interrupt Yan Chongjie, and continued to listen to her.

"In the beginning, they were all in peace. The three of them took care of state affairs together. Jin Guo's national strength quickly flourished and became one of the best powers in the world. However, the three of them are outstanding people, and they are not willing to share power with other people deep in their hearts. So it didn't take long for the three of them to start tumbling with each other, vying for power."

&▼▼▼, £.↗£.↙p; "At first, my grandfather had the advantage. After all, he was Taizong’s eldest son. After Taizong’s death, theoretically he should inherit the throne. However, under the checks and balances of all forces, he He had to return the throne to the descendants of Taizu, but the skinny camel was bigger than Ma, and his power was the strongest among the three ministers. It happened at that time that Wang Wang’s son Wanyankang was killed in the Central Plains. Wang was in a daze, so Grandpa took the opportunity to cut off Wang Zhao's wings and exclude them from the center of power. In the end, Wang Zhao was depressed."

Song Qing's face was weird. Why listen to her now that her grandfather was obviously not a good person back then, and she didn't mean to hide for the venerable at all?

Wan Yan Chongjie continued: "After squeezing out King Zhao, my grandfather was in power. Even another minister, Wan Yan Zonggan, respected him and looked forward to him. Gradually, my grandfather relaxed his vigilance, but Wan Yan Zong did nothing. His fangs gradually appeared. When Grandpa reacted, it was too late. In the end, Yan Zong tried to frame Grandpa for rebellion and put him to death. My dad was also imprisoned and died unjustly in prison..."

"Sorrow and change!" Seeing her sad expression, Song Qing didn't know how to comfort her, so she had to find a way to divert her attention. "But I don't quite understand. Your grandfather had already controlled the court. Why did Wan Yanzong make it so easy? Just come back?"

"Did you forget the identity of grandpa I mentioned at the beginning?" Wan Yan Zhongjie looked at the direction of the palace with a trace of hatred on his face. Regarding it as a thorn in the flesh, Wanyan Zonggan has mastered his psychology to successfully kill my grandfather." When she mentioned the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, she called him by name without any respect in her tone.

Song Qing sighed: "Since ancient times, when the struggle for the throne has been involved, no matter how weak people are, they will become cruel."

Wan Yan Zhongjie gave him a surprised look: "It seems that you are not a loyal and patriotic figure."

Song Qing laughed bitterly. He was called the Golden Snake King in a good way. He was just a counter-threat. He came from later generations. Once many of the concepts in his bones are spoken out, he might be regarded by all the monarchs in the world as a big rebellion: "Continue. , What happened later?"

"After grandfather and daddy's accident, our mother and daughter lost their protection. Umbrella, and because of my glamorous fame, many people gradually came up with her idea, but after all, her identity is sensitive and no one dares to do it easily. Until..." Wanyan Zhongjie's voice suddenly became icy, "Until one day, Wanyanliang that dog thief was drunk and broke into the mansion and sent my mother...my mother..."

Song Qing touched her hair lightly, and comforted: "Okay, I know, don't need to say it."

Wan Yan Chongjie gave him a grateful look, skipped this paragraph and continued preaching: "At that time, his father Wan Yan Zong was in power. Even if he did such a thing, no one around him dared to punish him. My mother asked for help everywhere in the capital, but no one in the capital was willing to help. Instead, some rumors spread, saying that my mother is so prodigal and that she will hook up with a wild man when her husband dies..."

"My mother abandoned herself in despair. The former gentle and virtuous mother disappeared and was replaced by a smoky and flattering woman. She wandered among many men and became a lewd woman in everyone's eyes. "At this point, she trembled uncontrollably.

Song Qing shook her head: "Your mother is also forced to be helpless. Your grandfather and father are dead, and you are guilty of sin. You may be demoted to slaves at any time. She is a womanly family, and only her beauty can be used, not so. If you do, how can you maintain this home? How can you protect you?"

"I don't need her to protect!" Wanyan Zhongjie suddenly exploded, "I would rather she took me to accompany my father to the burial, rather than seeing her doing something like that! After all, she was not afraid of death, so she chose Surprise!"

Seeing the excited look of the girl in front of him, Song Qing sighed: "The greatest bravery in this world is not to die heroically for a certain ideal, but to live humblely for a certain ideal. It is much harder to live than die."

Wanyan stayed for a while: "What do you mean?"

Song Qing glanced at the beautiful woman who fell asleep on the bed and said in a deep voice: "Although I don't know your mother's specific thoughts, I can roughly guess one or two. According to what you just said, the court should now Wanyan Zongqian and his son control, but now Wanyan Zongqian is nowhere to be seen, but Wanyanliang can only be ranked fourth in the court, and above him are Shanglingwanyan Zongxian, the left prime minister Zongmin, and the right prime minister first?"

"Wanyan Zonggan seemed to have some disease and chose to sue his old man and return home. He died soon afterwards. Then the people from other clan took the opportunity to take the lead..." Wanyan Zhongjie suddenly trembled, "You mean my mother did all this. No, it is absolutely impossible."

"Lingtang's long-sleeved dancers wandered around among the men. Not long after Wanyan Zonggan's illness, his power was divided by other factions. If all this has nothing to do with her, I don't believe it." Although Song Qing didn't know it. For details, but in previous lives, I have watched so many court dramas about court battles, and even the emperor has been in this world. The theory and practice are combined, and the angle and height of the problem are by no means comparable to that of a little girl.

"Unexpectedly, there is another person in this world who can understand and understand me..." A faint voice suddenly came from the side, Wanyan Zhongjie's body became stiff, and he turned his head incredulously. He was still lying on the bed before. Mother, now she is sitting up, her eyes are clear, how can she be half drunk?

Song Qing was also a little shocked. He didn't expect that the other party was pretending to be drunk, but he calmed down faster than Wanyan Chongjie, and smiled and replied, "Madam suddenly got up. It really scared me."

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