Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 882: Undead gathered together

Pucha Alihu took a deep look at him: "Even my biological daughter doesn't understand me, and even hates me. I didn't expect that a stranger could guess my mind. Nine in the past. Understand why Gebi would like you, and now I finally understand that being able to marry a man like you is the greatest happiness of a woman."

Song Qingshu was a little hot when she was praised, and said with a weird smile: "Madam praised."

"Mother, he's not Tang Kuo argued." Although Wan Yan Zhongjie still didn't recover, he subconsciously corrected him when he heard his mother's words.

"Huh?" Pucha Alihu suddenly showed a look of surprise, and only then did Wan Yan Zhongjie talk about the matter of discovering his identity.

&※∧wán※∧※∧Roba, ≡.◇≮.←p; Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Little girl, this is your fault. Why do you think I am a fake, because I know martial arts? If I remember correctly, Miss Zhongjie doesn't understand martial arts in everyone's mind, right now, but now she has a stunt. Can I suspect that you are also a fake?"

Wanyan Zhongjie was at a loss for a while: "You are arrogant, and you clearly admitted it before!"

"Did I admit it?" Song Qingshu looked at her with a smile.

After Wanyan Zhongjie stayed for a while, recalling carefully, the other party seemed to have never admitted that he was a fake from beginning to end, but he was only singing a one-man show there.

Pucha Alihu stretched out his hand and held his daughter: "Whether you are really arguing or not, in fact, for our mother and daughter, there is not much difference. The only thing we care about is, are you... the enemy? Is it a friend?"

"Whether it's a friend or an enemy, you can't control my choice, what does the madam think?" Song Qingshu looked at the mature and beautiful woman in front of him, and was full of emotion. No wonder she can walk among many men. There is indeed this capital.

"What the son said is quite true," Pucha Alihu smiled. "Listening to what the son said just now, it is obvious that there is no hostility towards our mother and daughter, and I am worrying too much."

"Madam has been dancing on the wire for so many years, it's good to be careful." Song Qingshu replied.

"Dancing on the wire? The son described it really appropriately." Pucha Alihu covered his mouth and laughed.

Wanyan Zhongjie frowned. Because of the shadows of these years, she subconsciously didn't like her mother to laugh with other men. When she saw this, she immediately interrupted: "Mother, are the things he said just now true?"

Pucha Alihu immediately put away his smile and sighed: "When your father had an accident, I wanted to accompany him, but at that time you were still young. If I go, you may not be able to live, and even if you live. When you come down, you will be miserable throughout your life. Originally, I was a little hesitant, until after Wan Yanliang broke into the mansion... Since then, I finally figured out that I want revenge, not only for your father and grandpa. Revenge, but also for myself, so I chose to survive. I have been humiliated over the years and looked down upon by my daughter. I have been shaken, but the sacrifices over the years have not been in vain. I finally succeeded in doing that. The old **** is killed..."

"Wait, you killed Wanyan Zonggan? Didn't he get sick and return home?" Wanyan Zhongjie said strangely.

"Do you think the old immortal would give up power so easily?" Pucha Alihu hesitated, but shook his head after all, "You still don't want to inquire about it in the process, you don't want to hear it."

After Wanyan Zhongjie, he was dazed for a while, and quickly reacted, his nose was sour, and he threw into his mother's arms: "Mother, I'm sorry, I have misunderstood you these years, woooo..."

Seeing the mother and daughter crying together, Song Qingshu didn’t bother them well. He came to Zhao Min and looked at her quiet sleeping face. After losing her senses, she had a headache. How to deal with her at that time is really a problem. It must be impossible to let go. Yes, but he didn't dare to leave it here either. The girl in Wanyan Chongjie was innocent on the surface, but cruel in her bones, so she turned around and killed Zhao Min.

Wanyan Chungjie threw herself at her mother and cried for a while, then suddenly raised her head: "Mother, you have already killed Wanyan Zonggan. I will kill Wanyan Liang again, so I can avenge my father and grandpa."

"Don't!" Pucha Alihu hurriedly grabbed his daughter, "Wan Yanliang has so many masters around him, you can't kill him."

"I can't do it alone, there is still him." Wan Yan Zhongjie pointed at Song Qingshu, "He promised me to help me kill Yan Liang."

"When did I promise you?" Song Qingshu looked depressed, this little Nizi really depended on me.

"If you don't agree, I will shake out your pretending Tang Kuo to argue," Song Qingshu was about to say something, Wan Yan Zhongjie quickly added, "Don't fool me with that set of holdings just now, when you see the capital Others believe it or not."

"Forget I'm afraid of you, Miss," Song Qingshu has a headache, "I will help you finish killing Yan Liang, but not now."

"When is that?" Wan Yan Zhongjie asked.

"Don't worry about it, I am working on a plan to deal with Yan Liang. You must not do anything to me." Song Qingshu replied.

"I don't believe it!" Wan Yan Zhongjie thought that I was not so foolish. He wanted to hold me back, but there was no door.

Song Qingshu's face sank, and Pucha Alihu hurriedly pulled her daughter: "Well, mother believes he won't lie to us."

"But Wan Yan Liang gave him his favorite carriage over and over again and again, and I don't believe he will kill Yan Liang." Wan Yan Zhongjie was also anxious, and hurriedly assassinated Wan Yan Liang by mistake in the sub-car. The story was told to his mother, and now even Pucha Alihu showed a suspicious look.

Song Qingshu curled his lips in disdain, and thought to himself: What is it to send a carriage? Wan Yanliang also gave me his princess to ride...

Noting the suspicious gazes of the mother and daughter, Song Qingshu thought: "If you don't believe it, I will take you to meet someone."

"Who?" the two women asked in unison.

"Gebi!" Song Qingshu replied in a deep voice. In fact, he was not trying to explain to the two women, but was worried that cooperation between the two sides under such suspicion of each other might cause some unnecessary trouble. Instead of this, it is better to be honest. Cooperation.

With his martial arts, with the mind and the unintentional, it is not difficult to kill Yan Liang. The difficult thing is what to do after killing him? This time, by coincidence, he was given a chance to enter the core circle of Jin Guo's power. It would be a pity if he was wasted like this.

After he learned that Wan Yan Liang had the idea of ​​usurping the throne, he had the prototype of a plan. First, let Wan Yan Liang eradicate the other core figures of the Jin Kingdom. When Wan Yan Liang is proud to become the emperor, he will replace it. This way Not only can we get rid of Wan Yan Liang, but also the authority of the Kingdom of Jin.

However, it is not so easy to replace Kangxi. The previous replacement of Kangxi was succeeded by various chances and coincidences. It can be said that he took the risk of nine deaths, and because of the rush, he had not had time to cultivate his own confidant team, which led him to become a confidant. After the Qing emperor, his control over the entire empire was extremely limited, even with the help of a world wizard like Dongfang Muxue.

If he had enough confidantes to help control the entire Qing country, it would not happen that the Qing sent troops to encircle and suppress the Golden Snake Camp. It was the consensus of all the high-level Manchu and Qing factions. Even if he was the emperor, he could not stop it. Once blocked, it is easy to arouse others' suspicion.

Later, with the help of Dongfang Muxue, with the help of a steady stream of intelligence, he managed to accomplish the miracle of winning more with less, and then took the opportunity to cleanse a large number of high-level people in the Qing country. Only then did he reluctantly let the Qing country truly be under his control. under.

This time in Jin Guo, he didn't want history to repeat itself. The last time he acted rashly, he was forced to be helpless. This time he had enough time, and of course he had to be fully prepared.

After turning the mother and daughter of Chongjie into allies, the three major families of the Kingdom of Jin have already obtained the second: Pucha family and Tangkuo family; borrowed Wanyan Chongjie to catch the line of Taizong; borrowed Yang Guo to catch the line of Zhao Wang; plus Pei Empress Man is also her own person. Once the final layout is completed, the degree of control over the Kingdom of Jin will by no means be comparable to that of pretending to be Kangxi as a nameless emperor before hastily.


Song Qingshu hugged Zhao Min, then brought the mother and daughter of Wanyan Zhongjie, and then quietly returned to Tang Kuo’s Mansion in the night. When Gebi saw that he had brought so many people back, he couldn’t help but startled: "Song... ,How is this going?"

Song Qingshu put Zhao Min on the bed and pulled the quilt over her body: "Don't worry about this, you should know the two of them, right?"

Gebi glanced at the mother and daughter and nodded awkwardly. It's okay to have a full face, and occasionally stop by. Aunt and eldest aunt yelled very affectionately, but it was Pucha Alihu. The two did not have much friendship. , Only limited to knowing each other, plus what Pucha Alihu has done over the years, Gebi, who has always been gentle and self-respecting, doesn't look down on her very much in his heart.

After Zhao Min was set up, Song Qingshu told Gobi what happened today. He heard that their mother and daughter had been avenging Wanyanliang and his son all the time, especially when he heard that Pucha Alihu has endured humiliation over the years, Gobi. All of a sudden, tears welled up.

Because of Tang Kuo's debate, Gobi suddenly felt like the same enemy, and seeing them, mother and daughter, suddenly became much more cordial.

"You call us, don't you just tell aunt about us?" Wan Yan Chongjie was a little dissatisfied. If one person knows this kind of thing, their mother and daughter are more dangerous, not to mention Song Qingshu said before. The way to make them believe that he is dealing with Yan Liang, but so far, she doesn't know whether the other party is worthy of trust.

"Of course not. Haven't you been curious about who I am?" Song Qingshu grabbed the beard on his face and took off the mask, revealing his true face.

Song Qingshu was not afraid of things that would cause his discomfort to leak out because of this. Tang Kuobian's biggest feature is his beard. If it is not a very close person, most people will only regard this as the ordinary disguise with a little beard. Shu, how can you realize that he can be exactly the same as another person?

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