Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 885: Wang Po selling melons

Zhao Min shrank back in fright, and was ashamed and angry: "You dare to be rude to me, I will definitely break your body into pieces!"

"Frighten me?" Song Qing looked at her carefully, "Why don't I dare? Ms. Zhao has to recognize this fact. You are now my prisoner. I don't think you have any power to resist."

After the initial panic, Zhao Min quickly calmed down: "Tang Kuobian, do you know who I am?"

"Oh, girl, don't tell me that you are a fairy from the sky who came down to see the people's sentiments?" Of course Song Qing knew her identity, but Tang Kuobian shouldn't have known it, so he took the opportunity to pretend to be stupid.

"I am from the Royal Palace of Ruyang of Mongolia. ↑↑↑, ⊙.↙≯.♂ Princess Shaomin, if you dare to offend me, don’t say that you are a gangster, even your Golden State will not be able to withstand the Mongolian Empire. Anger. If the Mongolian army presses the border and points out to you, what will you say will end up? Oh, yes, your beautiful wife may suffer tenfold and a hundredfold humiliation. Is this what you want to see?" Zhao Min The conversation turned, "Of course, if you let me go, I can assume that this time has not happened, and can use various resources to let you enter the core power of Jin Guochaotang. It will not be impossible at that time, you What do you think of my proposal?"

"I'm so scared~" Song Qing made the classic embarrassing expression on TV in the previous life, and quickly put away her smile, "But there is a prerequisite for everything the girl said, that is, Mongolia knows that you have fallen into my hands. It's a pity that no one knows you are here now."

Zhao Min snorted coldly: "If people don't know what they can do, there is no impermeable wall in this world. With our Mongolian intelligence capabilities, we will find out the truth sooner or later."

Song Qing shook his head: "Although you are making a lot of sense, you still can't convince me. Think about whether there is any other reason, or I will start taking off your clothes." While talking, she rubbed her hands with a smirk, Song Qing I admire myself. Now I put this expression on the screen of my previous life, playing an adulterous role, and maybe I can become a lot of people’s new childhood shadow, "Rong Zhuge", "Don’t Talk to Strangers" Feng Yuanzheng in "", Yin Zhiping in "The Legend of Condor Heroes"... Collective likes.

Zhao Min finally got a little panicked. When she met such a non-intrusive master, she found that the ingenuity in the daily life was useless: "Don't, don't come here..."

"Scream, scream as much as you want, no one will save you even if you break your throat." Song Qing laughed even more weirdly, stretched out his hand, and made a crisp sound of torn cloth, and Zhao Min's coat was instantly torn to half. .

Zhao Min exclaimed, and hurriedly reached out and hugged her chest to block the sudden appearance of Chunguang: "You bastard!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Song Qing picked up the torn clothes and sniffed it between her nose, showing a look of intoxication, "It's really fragrant." At the same time, she felt chills in her heart. She obviously wanted to scare her, how did she feel more and more. More into the play.

"Shameless!" Zhao Min trembled with anger. "If you dare to touch me, my man won't let you go?"

"Oh?" Song Qing stopped and asked with interest, "I don't know who the princess man is?"

The first thing that emerged from Zhao Min’s head was Zhang Wuji. After all, the two had an unforgettable love before, but now Zhang Wuji’s soul has become the old monster of King Ming. Zhao Min subconsciously did not want to mention him, and then suddenly there was another in his head. Another name popped out, and he blurted out: "Song Qing, the king of the golden snake!"

Song Qing was stunned, but he didn't expect to hear his name.

Noting his reaction, he was as witty as Zhao Min didn’t know there was a show, and hurriedly said: "My man has the power of ghosts and gods, knows how to call the wind and the rain, one man, one ride, and the entire Qing tenth army is wiped out; he is also annihilated. A peerless master, a hero who defeated the world at the Golden Snake Conference, once broke into the Forbidden City alone, killing the corpses all over the field, making Kangxi terrified. Ask yourself if a small horseman's mansion is better than the Forbidden City in Manqing, Longtan and Tiger's Den?..."

Song Qing couldn't help touching her nose. This series of exaggerated words was really ashamed! But... it seems pretty cool?

He was only intending to scare him, but when he saw this, he used his strength to go downhill, stopped his hand movements, and said solemnly: "Hey, the son is the woman of the Golden Snake King! The Golden Snake King is wise and powerful, with supernatural powers and boundless powers. Immortal blessings, longevity and heaven, how dare the women of his old family dared to offend them? I hope that Miss Zhao will forgive her sins and forgive her sins."

Zhao Min was immediately dumbfounded, Mongolia has destroyed countless countries, and his subordinates have gathered masters and hundreds of elite soldiers. In the end, Song Qing is not as good as the face?

"Cough cough!" Noting Zhao Min's sluggish expression, Song Qing also knew that she had acted a little too exaggerated just now, and hurriedly changed her conversation, "If Miss Zhao is really Song Gongzi's woman, of course the villain dare not offend him, but his elderly Although it is handsome, charming, suave, and everyone loves flowers to bloom, it can be said to be fascinated by thousands of young girls, but I have to check whether the girl is his woman before I know if it is found out that the girl is indeed Song Gongzi. The woman who is here, lift the sedan chair right away... Oh no, BMW sent the girl back, and apologized to the girl. But before that, I hope the girl stays here and don’t make it difficult for me."

Zhao Min was stunned to hear, but just nodded subconsciously and watched him leave.

Song Qing secretly wiped out a cold sweat. Is it easy for herself? I want to put her at ease, and at the same time, I can’t make her hopeless and do any self-harm. I can only use this kind of detrimental idea after thinking about it. Up.

Zhao Min has mixed thoughts at this moment: Song Qing is so smart, if he knows that someone is inquiring about my relationship with him, he should be awakened, and he will definitely follow my words and come to rescue me quietly, but let him know It's really embarrassing to pretend to be his woman over and over again...

"Wait, Tang Kuo argues that a Golden State consort, why would he be so afraid of Song Qing, who is unable to fight with his eight poles, and there is still a way to check our relationship?" Zhao Min finally woke up and looked back on what he had just said. , Her face suddenly became brilliant, she couldn't help biting her lip and snorted: "Song Qing, you bastard!"


Hearing Song Qing coming out of the secret room, Gobi got up in a daze, and the quilt slipped quietly, revealing half of her white fragrant shoulders: "Has that girl Zhao been settled?"

"Yeah." Song Qing nodded, recalling the flustered expression when Zhao Min's clothes were torn just now, and only felt that a fire was rising in her lower abdomen, and she got into the bed three times and five times, causing a song. Exclaimed.

"You guy, do you really think of me as your wife..." Gobi's helpless and shy voice came from inside after a burst of red waves.

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