Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 886: borrow

Since the last incident in the Huanyiyuan, the entire Daxing Mansion has become a lot of people. The guards patrolled the streets every other day. In the next few days, there was also a lot of noise in the court. A series of dazzling officials went up and down. Song Qingshu decided to enter the palace. Check with Queen Pei Man about the availability.

The guards in the palace were even more exaggerated. With Song Qingshu's light work, I felt that it was a bit hard to get in. In the end, I had to run to Taihe Hall with the appearance of Xiaoxingguo to beg to see Queen Pei Man.

At this time, the eunuchs and palace ladies in the Taihe Hall were quiet. It turned out that Empress Pei Man was furious, but when he heard Xiao Xingguo begging to see him, his anger disappeared and he waved to everyone at his Royal Highness: "Let him in, you go down first. , You don’t need to serve here anymore?"

"Yes!" The eunuchs and palace ladies bowed their heads and walked out in relief.

"This Xiao Xingguo is really fortunate for the empress. When the empress heard him coming, the smile bloomed on her face."

"That is, I don't know what is good about that little eunuch, do you think he is the face of the empress?"

"Quiet! You **** don't want to kill you, dare you to talk nonsense like this?"


When passing by these eunuchs, Song Qingshu vaguely heard their private discussion, and couldn't help laughing: They didn't guess wrong, in a sense, he was really the face of Queen Pei Man.

As soon as he entered the Taihe Temple, Queen Pei Man greeted me with a wisp of fragrance: "My son, have you finally come to see me?"

Looking at the mature and glamorous woman in front of him, Song Qingshu secretly sighed that the two of them were just exchanging interests to get what they needed, far from talking about feelings, but as a queen, his noble status still made him very much. A sense of accomplishment of conquering.

Song Qingshu laughed, took off the mask with one hand, and put his arms around Pei Man's soft waist, and went straight to the first place. Empress Pei Man was a little surprised, but did not show the slightest retort.

"Why, afraid that I would take advantage and leave?" Song Qingshu laughed.

"How could the son be like that, not to mention..." Empress Pei Man touched his face with a finger, and said with a smile, "What's more, the son is such a handsome and handsome character, even if I leave directly, I will There is no loss."

"The empress is really pleasing, and I don't know why the emperor doesn't like coming to you." Song Qingshu stretched out her hand and squeezed her smooth chin, and couldn't help but wonder.

"I will only please real men, what kind of men like Wanyanquan." Empress Pei Man mentioned the emperor, her tone was not so respectful.

"Why isn't he a man?" Song Qingshu roughly had a guess in his mind, and still asked.

Empress Pei Man turned red and gave him a careful look: "Don't be angry after I said."

"Do you think I am the kind of petty person?" Song Qingshu laughed.

Empress Pei Man leaned into his ear and whispered: "He...every time he comes in, he leaks. Does the son think he is a man?"

Song Qingshu was stunned: "Isn't it so sad?" It's no wonder that the emperor heard that the emperor had a weird temperament and killed the minister at every turn. It turned out that a hidden physical illness caused a psychological abnormality.

"The son doesn't think it's a decayed flower and a willow, right?" Empress Pei Man said suddenly and quietly.

Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "You are his wife, so what do you care about this kind of thing."

"The son is really open-minded." Empress Pei Man suddenly smiled, took a grape on the table, peeled it and fed it to Song Qingshu's mouth.

Song Qingshu asked while eating grapes, "By the way, how did the court react after those Song Dynasty princesses escaped?"

Queen Pei Man covered her mouth and smiled: "The son must be asking if they are being chased by soldiers? Don't worry, now Wan Yanquan is all focused on dealing with King Chang Sheng. How can I take care of those little fish and shrimps? Let me deal with it, now they should have successfully returned to the Southern Song Dynasty."

"That's fine. You mentioned that Wan Yanquan was dealing with King Chang Sheng?" Song Qingshu asked.

"Yes," Queen Pei Man replied, "The emperor has removed a series of officials for various reasons and investigated and dealt with them. These officials have exactly one thing in common, that is, they are very close to the King of Changsheng, and even have always been in harmony with him. The king of victory had made friends, but was still reluctantly regarded as a neutral faction. The front of the palace was inspected by Yan Tesi, and the emperor was dismissed by the emperor for negligence. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the emperor was about to attack the king of Changsheng. King Sheng is anxious like an ant on a hot pot, I guess he can't sleep anymore, giggle~"

Song Qingshu frowned slightly: "Manny, with all due respect, now that King Wei is dead, King Changsheng is also unsafe, and Wanyanquan's body does not seem to last long. Once he dies and has no heirs, the throne will definitely fall. In the hands of others, I am afraid that the empress may not be able to be the queen mother by then. All this seems to be a wedding dress for others."

"In the beginning, Wang Wei was removed for self-protection, and I didn't think so much when I was forced to do so, but now I have an idea." Empress Pei Man smiled softly.

"What's the idea?" Song Qingshu was most worried about her secretly colluding with Wan Yanliang. Although this woman was very obedient in front of her, how could she be a spotless white lotus after sitting in the queen's position for so long? Song Qingshu didn't dare to believe her completely, even though they hadn't found any substantial relationship between them these days, whether in her or in Wanyanliang's place, he still didn't dare to take it lightly.

"The son just mentioned that I can't be the queen mother. The biggest problem is that the emperor has no heirs, but what if I give birth to a prince?" Empress Pei Man's eyes flickered.

Song Qingshu was shocked, and hurriedly took her hand to get her pulse up. After coming to this world, she became a good doctor for a long time. Although it is not a Xinglin master, it is still possible to simply get the pulse.

Queen Pei Man giggled: "Itches, don't make it, they are not pregnant yet."

Song Qingshu said strangely: "Then why are you so sure? Isn't Wanyanquan a little ill..." It's no wonder that Wanyanquan has 3,000 beauties in the harem. As a result, two sons died and the other was killed over the years. .

Soon Song Qingshu felt a little chill on her back. She seemed to be no better than Wanyan. There were not a few women who had a close relationship with him, but no one was pregnant. It seemed that there was no right to despise Wanyan. Hey, at least two others have come up with it?

Of course, Song Qingshu has other reasons. The main reason is that he came from later generations and these women in history... always make him have a kind of ethical worry. Looking at the "Xun Qin Ji" written by Huang Yi, Xiang Shaolong lived three times in Qin. Huang Yida didn't dare to let him leave a seed for the life of the Palace Sixth Courtyard, so he could only find someone else to adopt a son...

For various reasons, Song Qingshu subconsciously didn't want to have a child so early, so every time he refines Qi, what he shoots out is empty bullets. However, the "Huanxi Zen" he practiced is the supreme secret method of Tantric Buddhism. The attainments of Yin and Yang Qi can be said to be unparalleled in the world, so he is very aware of his physical condition and will never be as sad as Xiang Shaolong.

Empress Pei Man's charming laugh made him sober from his thoughts: "I used to count on that trash, of course, people are not sure, but now that I have a son, I am very sure."

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and asked in disbelief: "What do you...what do you mean?"

Queen Pei Man twisted her body and sat in his arms, and put her red lips in his ears slightly: "People want to find the son to borrow a seed. Then our son will be the emperor. Should the son borrow it?"

Song Qingshu felt a bit dry in his throat. He had to admit that Queen Pei Man’s proposal was very attractive. It would seem more concise and convenient to use this relationship to control the Kingdom of Jin. However, Queen Pei Man might not be so easy to control then. .

Despite his concerns, Song Qingshu is no longer the innocent boy he used to be. Now he is only interested in two kinds of women, one is the woman he likes, without any pure feelings of utilitarian nature, and the other is The woman who is good for her career, it is clear that Queen Peiman is the latter.

It can be said that after only a few seconds of hesitation, Song Qingshu agreed to the other party, causing Queen Pei Man to giggle: "Since the son agreed, then we will come now...how about making a prince?"

"Now?" Song Qingshu looked at the window, and it was extremely bright. In this broad daylight, he would be too courageous.

"Time waits for no one, who knows when that dead ghost will collapse, and he has to be pregnant before that, before he can use his hand to establish him as a prince." Empress Pei Man replied.

"Will he doubt then?" Song Qingshu frowned.

"I have my own solution for this, don't worry." Empress Pei Man giggled, and her white palms extended into his clothes.

Song Qingshu swallowed, in order to unify the cause, let yourself sacrifice chastity!


After a period of time without shame and irritation, before I knew it was the birthday of Emperor Jin’s Wanyanquan, because too many things happened in the capital during this period, the palace decided to hold a birthday banquet. Banquet officials and their respective family members came to challenge the bad luck of this period of time.

Early that morning, Song Qingshu took Gebi into the palace, and saw Changsheng Wang Wanyanyuan wandering at the gate of the palace and did not go in. Because Princess Taohua was still in the feudal mansion, he did not have any family members with him this time. People seemed a little anxious, and the officials passing by were aware of the recent abnormalities of the court, so few people dared to greet him. Compared with the usual people around him, it was a bit desolate at this moment.

"It's all a group of people who tend to be inferior to the flames!" Chang Sheng Wang Wanyan Yuan thought bitterly, suddenly his eyes lit up, and the people he had been waiting for had already arrived, and hurried over, "Brother Hailing, Brother Hailing !"

Looking at the somewhat embarrassed man in front of him, Wan Yanliang's mouth showed a playful smile. He used to win the limelight from time to time, and when he met himself, he called Hailing King. How could he call Hailing King brother like today?

"Is there anything wrong with King Chang Sheng?"

Wan Yan Yuan nodded, took Wan Yan Liang to the corner, and whispered: "Everyone should be aware of my situation during this period. Brother Wang has always been well informed. Can you tell me about this birthday banquet? Is it a Hongmen Banquet?"

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