Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 887: Instigate the pillow

Wan Yanliang suddenly showed hesitation, took a private look, and became hesitant: "This..."

Wan Yanyuan suddenly became anxious: "Brother Hailing, with our friendship, don't you have to die? The last time we were in Qiuxianglou, didn't we make an appointment to advance and retreat together?"

Wan Yanliang hurriedly pulled his sleeves: "Keep your voice down, these words have reached the emperor's ears, and I can't eat them, and no one will help you at that time."

"Brother Wang, I have become Liushen Wuzhu recently. You can give me an idea as to whether I will go to today's banquet or not." Wan Yan Yuan said anxiously.

"Of course I'm going. Today is the emperor's birthday. If you don't go to be impeached by the supervisor, the emperor can't find a reason!" Wan Yanliang hesitated for a while, then added in a low voice, "If you don't go in the past, you have to go. , But you have to be careful. You'd better not drink any alcohol today."

"What do you mean?" Wan Yan Yuan was dazed and didn't react.

"The kings and suns nobles who were poisoned in history don't know where they are..." Seeing that the blood on Wan Yan Yuan's face faded, Wan Yan Liang knew that the fire was almost over, and hurriedly added, "It is inconvenient for me to say many things, brother you be careful."

Despite the panic in his heart, Wan Yanyuan still looked grateful: "Thank you, Brother Wang."

Seeing Wan Yan Yuan's staggered back when he left, Wan Yan Liang sneered to himself: Among the brothers in this generation, all of them are in such a wasteful manner, and none of them can compare to mine.

Tu Shanjing saw Wan Yanyuan leave and walked over from the side: "Master, what did he tell you?"

"It's nothing, just complain." Wan Yanliang smiled.

Tu Danjing said with some worry: "The emperor has obviously been going to take him at this time recently. Isn't the prince and him so close to be afraid of burning himself?"

"Don't worry, I have my own measures." Wan Yanliang said while holding his wife's hand, who knew that Du Shanjing retracted his hand subconsciously.

Seeing her husband's stunned expression, Tu Shanjing hurriedly said: "Someone is here."

Wan Yanliang turned around, just in time to see Tang Kuobian walking over with Gebi.

"Master, long time no see." Song Qingshu arched his hands at Wan Yanliang, and at the same time glanced at Du Shanjing, Princess Hailing hurriedly lowered her head, her expression a little unnatural, and her white skin had a pink color.

"Brother Tang Kuo!" After Wan Yanliang returned the salute, her eyes kept looking at Gobi. Today she wore a water-green palace dress, matching her slim and moving body. There was a sudden feeling of standing there. With the feeling of being overwhelmingly beautiful, his wife, Tu Danjing, is also a well-known beauty, but standing with her is obviously eclipsed.

Originally sacrificed his wife’s innocence that night, Wan Yanliang still felt a bit of a loss in his heart, but seeing the beautiful and incomparable woman in front of him, thinking of the scene of her tactful love under him that night, he felt that it was simply worth the money. But if he knew the truth, only a brothel woman was with him that night, and she might vomit blood with anger.

The two couples entered the palace while chatting. Although they were talking about some serious things, each of them had their own thoughts.

Wan Yanliang wondered when to find another opportunity to exchange with Tang Kuo to relive the customs of that night, but he also thought that his plan was at a critical juncture recently. I am afraid that there is no time, and he is very entangled for a time.

Tu Danjing seemed a little bit disheartened. She always felt a hot look on her along the way, which made her think of the thrilling experience that night. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, she might have already weakened her legs.

Gebi smiled, but her heart was cold: Orang, I will avenge you, and I must let Wanyanliang's wife go away and the family will die.

Song Qingshu was recalling what Wan Yan Liang said to Wan Yan Yuan just now. Although he was far apart just now, he was able to hear clearly by deliberately eavesdropping based on his cultivation.

"Wan Yanliang would remind Wan Yan Yuan so kindly?" Song Qingshu frowned slightly, always feeling something strange in it, but he couldn't understand it for a while.

The banquet was held in the Renzheng Hall, and the eunuchs and court ladies were in and out of the arrangement. The princes and ministers who came in gathered in twos and threes to chat and talk. After Song Qingshu and his party entered the hall, Wan Yanliang suddenly said: "Madam, you will chat with them for a while. I have to go out beforehand."

"Hey~" Tu Shanjing stretched out her hand to hold her husband, but she didn't expect her husband to leave after speaking. She didn't give her the opportunity to object. When she thought of facing the man alone, she felt uncomfortable, and because of today The banquet was held in the palace, and the guards of every minister stayed outside the palace, and Du Danjing felt no sense of security at all.

As soon as Wan Yanliang left, the atmosphere on the scene became extremely strange. Du Shanjing was a little afraid of seeing Song Qingshu, but at the same time apologized for Gobi. If her husband hadn't come around, Gobi would not lose his innocence that night.

Gebi looked at the princess in front of her with interest, knowing that the other party didn't know that she already knew the truth, and seeing that Du Shanjing was about to pretend to be okay and greet herself with herself, she was overwhelmed with excitement: Wu Gu La, Have you seen it? Wan Yanliang's **** has been coveting me, but he didn't expect to bring his wife in. If you are alive in the sky, you must be very happy...

The three chatted at random, and Gobi got up and said, "Husband, you will accompany the princess for a while. I plan to meet those acquaintances in the palace."

As a princess, Gebi grew up in the palace. This statement is also reasonable. Although Tu Shanjing did not want to stay with Song Qing alone, she could not stop it. She could only watch Gebi also leave.

Recalling that Gobi had blinked at herself secretly when she was leaving, Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: Gobi was gentle and kind in daily life, but when it came to revenge, she had a dark belly.

"Wang Hao, it's still a while before the banquet begins. Why don't we go outside?" Song Qingshu needed to set a chess piece next to Wan Yanliang. Obviously, Du Shanjing was the most suitable candidate. Finally had an opportunity to be with her alone, how could he not rush to seize the opportunity?

Du Shan's head jumped in meditation, and he took a step back subconsciously, shook his head and said, "No...no, I have to wait here for the prince to come back."

Song Qingshu didn't care about her refusal, so he took her hand and walked out: "The prince has something to do, how can he come back so soon? Besides, didn't he just ask the princess to accompany me."

When he grabbed his hand, Du Shanjing almost didn't feel scared to death. After subconsciously glanced around, he was ashamed and anxious: "Let go!"

Song Qingshu smiled and ignored her, pulling her out in a self-explanatory manner.

"If you don't let go, I'll call someone." Du Shanjing raised her heart. If someone sees the current situation of the two, she will immediately fall into a situation where she will not be restored.

"If the princess wants to shout, just shout." Song Qingshu held her hand tightly, and didn't mean to loosen it at all.

Some people nearby seemed to perceive the movement here, and turned their heads to look here subconsciously. Du Shanjing almost cried: "I promised to go out with you, you just let go."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly and then let go of her hand. As soon as she got out of trouble, Shan Jing suddenly retracted her hand. People just happened to recognize her and greeted her one after another: "It turned out to be Princess Hailing, why? Didn't you see the prince?"

Tu Danjing recognized that the other party was a minister who was closer to her husband on weekdays, and her heart beat more fiercely. She took a few breaths in secret to calm the agitated mood, and then smiled and replied: "The prince has gone elsewhere. I'll be back soon..."

After dealing with the acquaintances along the way, Du Shanjing found that she had come to a secluded place with Song Qingshu unknowingly. At this time, the cold sweat had soaked her clothes, and the cool breeze made her feel uncomfortable.

"Wang Hao's acting skills are quite good." Song Qingshu looked at her with a smile.

Tu Danjing ignored his cool words, and hurriedly said, "Didn't we say that we have nothing to do with you after that night? Why are you still pestering me?"

Song Qingshu shrugged disapprovingly: "That's just wishful thinking of the princess. When did I agree?"

"Then what do you want to do to pull me out at this time?" Tu Shanjing said and looked around, for fear that some **** and maid would pass by and see the two of them. She knew that the people in the palace had broken mouths, even if nothing happened, they would be reported. What's going on, not to mention the two people are not clear at first.

"What do you want to do?" A weird smile appeared at the corner of Song Qingshu's mouth. He stepped forward and took her slender waist, pulled her into his arms, and then whispered in her ear, "I wanted to **** the princess at the time. "

Du Shanjing was immediately dumbfounded. She never thought that the other party would be so direct. She is always so high, no man would dare to be rude to her, but I don’t know why. At this time, she heard such rude and indecent words. Kind of inexplicable excitement.

"Are you crazy?" After all, reason had the upper hand, and Du Shan quietly pushed him away, looking at him in shock.

"Of course I am not crazy." Song Qingshu stretched out his hand to pull her as he said.

Du Shan Jing was ashamed and angry: "Don't look at what this place is? This is the palace! If someone sees it, it would be a great sin for the Jiu Clan."

"It's more exciting just because of this." Song Qingshu grabbed her and walked to the jungle nearby, "Don't worry, no one will come here on weekdays."

"Quickly let go!" Tu Danjing tried to break his hand, but it was a pity that he worked hard for half a day, but it was of no use at all.

"If the princess cooperates, we can end it as soon as possible. If it continues to do so, the longer the delay, the greater the probability of being discovered." Song Qingshu turned around and looked at her, "Anyway, today I am determined to taste the princess again. , Whether the princess will cooperate or delay, choose for yourself."

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