Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 888: Calculate each other

Tu Shan pursed his lips quietly, and didn't know how to answer for a while, cooperate? What's a joke, even if it is found out to do this kind of thing with your husband in the palace, it is a big crime, let alone with another man?

But the other party also made sense. The longer the delay, the higher the possibility of being discovered. Moreover, she didn't know what her husband was doing. If she came back and didn't see herself mobilizing the palace lady **** to find her, it would be even worse.

She hesitated for a while, and Song Qingshu had been dragged behind the small forest. Looking at the cubicles like a row of small wooden houses in front of her, she was dumbfounded: "Here?"

"This is a toilet for the emperor. It is specially used by the emperor and the concubines with honorable names. Except for the clean eunuchs, no other eunuchs and palace ladies will come over. In addition, there are banquets held in the palace today, neither the emperor nor the concubines. ↙wán↙↙Roba, ↓.≠≈.︽ will come here, can you rest assured now?" Song Qingshu has been in the palace for so long, and these places have already been figured out.

"But..." Tu Danjing opened her mouth slightly, wondering how this person is so familiar with the things in the palace.

"Don't be it." Song Qingshu took her by the hand and took her directly into a compartment. Although this is a toilet, because it is used by the emperor, it is very clean. Not only does it have no peculiar smell, but it also has expensive items. Incense, in terms of cleanliness and comfort, is even better than those star-rated toilets in the previous life.

Song Qingshu closed the door easily, and then looked at the woman in front of him with interest. Tu Shanjing's face turned red and white, and after all he sighed, untied the belt gently, and whispered while biting his lip: " Hurry up……"

"The princess has life, how dare you not follow?" Song Qingshu laughed more happily.


I don’t know how long it took, but Du Shan blushed and pushed the man away, tidying up his clothes and skirts, and was about to open the door to go out, but was grabbed by Song Qingshu, her eyebrows pierced and she was about to get angry. , But heard the other party whisper: "Quiet, someone is coming."

Tu Danjing hurriedly covered her mouth, a heart suddenly raised her throat and pressed her ear to the door to listen, and it didn't take long for there to be heavy footsteps outside.

"King Hailing, there are many people in other places with mixed eyes, so I pull you here and turn around. What I say here can be heard by my mouth and in your ears. I don't want a third person to know." One is slightly feminine. Song Qingshu recognized the voice of Emperor Wan Yanquan.

On the other hand, Tu Danjing was soft, and the residual flushing on her face quickly faded, replaced by endless paleness, because she also recognized that it was the emperor's voice, and what was even more frightening was that it seemed that her husband was also outside.

Sure enough, Wan Yanliang's voice quickly rang: "If the minister is not secret, he will lose his body. The minister still understands this."

"That's good," Wanyanquan nodded, and hesitated for a moment. "Do you think I am too much of Wanyanyuan? I'm just such a brother. Is it possible that the matter of the Huanyiyuan before? I misunderstood him."

Wan Yan Liang was shocked. He planned for so long to get rid of the closest person to Wan Yan Quan and let him become a lonely person step by step. But from what I said earlier, Wan Yan Quan is not too stupid and hopeless. Yao, obviously realized that he has no children now. If there is no younger brother, then the throne will probably fall to a few other rooms.

Fortunately, I was prepared!

Wan Yanliang replied calmly: "Returning to the emperor, in fact, to judge whether King Changsheng has a ghost in his heart, there is a simple way for the minister."

"Oh? Come and tell me." Although Wanyanquan has always suspected that King Changsheng did the things in the dressing house, he only found some ambiguous evidence, so he inevitably hesitated in his heart. Of course, he was very interested in the simple way to find out the mind of Chang Sheng Wang.

The corner of Wan Yanliang’s mouth showed a weird smile that was imperceptible: “Today happens to be your majesty’s birthday banquet. Then, your majesty will find an opportunity to give King Chang Sheng wine. If he drinks without hesitation, it proves that he is loyal to your majesty. , If he hesitates, it proves that he may not be so open and upright in his heart."

The Wanyan Fighting Festival praised: "Wonderful, really wonderful! Hailing King, you are Zhuge's reincarnation." As the emperor, he naturally knows the historical allusions about the death of ministers with poisonous wine. This time he used wine to deceive. After finishing Yan Yuan, it was a clever plan!

Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue. This Wanyanliang was really sinister and vicious. Just now he told Wanyan Yuan not to drink, but in a blink of an eye he asked the emperor to give him wine...

Poor Wanyanyuan, I'm afraid I don't even know how to die. In the end, I will still remember the "kindness" that Wanyanliang reminded him!

Song Qingshu was fortunate that he had been in the dark all the time, otherwise he would be calculated by Wan Yanliang, and the ghost would know what insidious tricks he would use.

The two people outside continued to chat for a while, and there was no valuable information. Soon they left one after another. Only then did Song Qingshu discover that Tu Danjing was already limp in his arms like a puddle of mud.

"Princess, look into my eyes." The reason why Song Qingshu was so anxious this time was mainly because he wanted to use the special environment of the palace to completely break Du Shanjing's guardianship and make the effect of the soul-moving great law more effective. As a result, she was so frightened in the middle of the journey. At this time, Du Shanjing's defense was already as fragile as a baby, and he immediately used the soul-changing method on her.

Du Shanjing raised her head, and when she touched the two extremely dark eyes, her eyes became loose.

Song Qingshu took the opportunity to give her an order, and Tu Shanjing murmured subconsciously: "Yes, master!"


When Song Qingshu returned to the main hall with Tu Shanjing, Wan Yanliang was looking for his wife's whereabouts. Seeing the two coming back together, he suddenly felt a little sour. Tu Shanjing was kept in the dark, but he knew clearly. What happened that night, and I don't know what Tang Kuobian took her out for.

"Madam, where did you go just now?" Wan Yanliang couldn't help asking.

Tu Dan smiled slightly, and replied softly, "I just wandered around outside."

"That's it." Wan Yanliang glanced at his wife suspiciously, wondering if it was an illusion, and always felt that Du Danjing's face was three points more delicate than before, but no matter how rich his imagination, he would not think of it. At this moment, Song Qingshu took the Gong and his wife out to eat a fast food.

At this time, it was almost time, and all the ministers were all together. Song Qingshu quietly blinked at Tu Shan, causing the other's cheeks to flush. After a haha ​​smile, he walked straight to the hall. Gobi was already seated. Seeing him, he couldn't help but wave his hand to greet him with a smile.

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