Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 893: exotic

Song Qingshu felt cold behind his back, thinking that the women in this world are really terrifying. There is Tang Saier before, and the existing Mrs. Peach Blossom, there is a mechanism hidden in the delicate red lips. It is really hard to guard against.

I was thinking that his expression suddenly changed. There won't be any women hiding institutions in this world, right? Which man can guard against that? Song Qingshu only felt a chill between his legs.

Mrs. Taohua held her face completely to avoid alarming the guards outside the door with a collision. After she helped him onto the bed, she quickly released her hand, took out a handkerchief and wiped her face. There was a look of disgust on his face.

Throwing the handkerchief casually, Mrs. Taohua got up and wandered around the room. From time to time, she picked up some memorials of Wan Yan Quan to look at it, and poked her lips as she watched it. ∵∵∵, v.¢≮.≦

Song Qingshu secretly groaned. Seeing Mrs. Taohua's leisurely appearance, it was obvious that she didn't plan to leave, but planned to stay here until dawn. Should she hide on the beams and eat ashes all night?

"I don't know how she will deal with it after Wanyanquan wakes up?" Song Qingshu moved her gaze to Wanyanquan, and found that although his eyes were tightly closed at the moment, his face showed the appearance of Brother Pig, and the whole body was still unconscious. The ground was moving.

"Are spring dreams?" Song Qingshu quickly reacted. It should be the effect of the pink smoke, which seems to have the effect of confusing the mind.

No wonder she is so calm! Song Qingshu suddenly realized that if he guessed correctly, Yan Quan would only regard the things in his dream as real when he woke up the next day, thinking that he really went to Wushan with Mrs. Taohua last night.

"It's a good medicine!" Song Qingshu was amazed. When the time comes to get some of this medicine, it will be much easier to deal with Yan Liang in the future.

Mrs. Peach Blossom looked at it for a while, maybe she was tired, she threw the memorabilia casually, as if muttering to herself: "First remove the makeup on my face, so my skin can't stand it all night."

Song Qingshu felt refreshed, and it seemed that no matter what age a woman would take care of her skin carefully, it was just right to see how sacred this Madam Peach Blossom was.

Mrs. Peach Blossom looked around and came to a table with a bronze mirror, first took off the golden hairpin, then the earrings, and then the ten delicate fingers began to gently rub her face.

Song Qingshu looked at it with interest, but it didn't take long for his face to change. A woman with a high nose, snowy skin and autumnal blue color gradually appeared in front of him, and she knew it was not a Chinese native.

In fact, her current appearance is not too different from before, and she can still see the shadow just now, which is seven to eight points similar. But I don’t know how she did it. After a few changes, she actually concealed her biggest feature. Although Song Qingshu faintly felt that Mrs. Taohua’s nose was a bit stiff, she didn’t even think about it because she was a Jurchen. Thinking elsewhere, I didn't expect that she was actually a foreigner.

Rao is Song Qingshu’s previous life and met countless foreign beauties, such as Sophie Marceau, Alizee, Eva Green, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Aniston, Haydn Panettiere, Jennifer Connery, Megan Fox... is still shocked by the peach blossom lady in front of her. The years seem to have left no trace on her. Even if she is standing with Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo, people who don’t know will only think of her as a sister, but will not think of her. Almost a generation older.

She has both the shyness of a young girl and the style of a mature woman. Song Qingshu is racking her brains at this moment to think about who this woman is!

With her peerless appearance, she is an alien woman who will never be unknown. Suddenly, he suddenly thought of two beautiful alien women in Jin Shu.

Princess Xiangxiang is the wrong age, p!

Then there is only one person left, and that is Daiqisi, the former No. 1 beauty in the world, the purple shirt dragon king!

But according to the plot, shouldn’t the Purple Shirt Dragon King return to Persia with his daughter Xiao Zhao at this time? And Jin Guo has met Mrs. Taohua many years ago, and I feel a bit out of time.

Maybe it was Song Qingshu who thought too much, and unknowingly leaned out of the beam, it happened that Mrs. Tao Hua was dressing up in the mirror again, and she saw in the mirror that there was someone on the beam!

Mrs. Tao Hua was shocked immediately, but calmly picked up the golden hairpin on the table, raised her sleeves, and shot the golden hairpin at Song Qingshu silently.

Although Song Qingshu was a little absent-minded, the master's instincts were still there, and when he noticed the danger, he hurriedly drew aside, and dodged the golden hairpin that was coming soon.

Song Qingshu was even more frightened to be able to use an ordinary golden hairpin so superbly. This hidden weapon technique, probably very few can beat her in the arena.

A fragrant wind hit, and Mrs. Tao Hua had already attacked her face sinkingly. Song Qingshu hurriedly jumped from the beam to the ground with a little tiptoe, and the other side also got a little tiptoe, and the figure chased him quickly, which was more chic than Song Qingshu. , There is another unspeakable secret and weird, like a ghost like a charm, like a spirit like a strange.

Song Qingshu frowned. Although she looked a little familiar with this light gong, she carefully thought about the way it was quite different from the light gong masters she had seen before. Soon he laughed dumbfounded. No one is from China. Of course, the martial arts he learned is very different from that of Zhongyuan Qinggong. What's weird he has never seen before.

Song Qingshu wanted to hide just now because he was worried that their skills would leak and the beam would not be able to withstand the toss. If it was broken and the guards outside would be alert, it would be troublesome. Now that he is on the flat ground, he no longer has any scruples. See her. Pressing tightly, without evading, stretched out her hand to greet her with the palm of her hand.

It was too late to sigh with the feeling of skin and fat, but I felt a icy cold air from the palm of the hand, which soon passed from the hands to the chest. This cold air was completely different from the palm of the **** Xuanming, but it still made the masters of internal skills invincible.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, and as soon as his skill turned, the cold air disappeared, but Mrs. Taohua's face changed drastically at this moment. From the previous contact, she already understood that the other party's martial arts is far above her, and the surging palm power in the other party's palm. If it weren't for the secret method to resolve it, he would have been vomiting blood and seriously injured at this moment.

With a thought, she hurriedly tried to distance the two of them, but Song Qingshu would give her a chance to change her palms to claws, and firmly grasp her palms. Madam Taohua was restrained with one hand, and the other hurried to Song Qingshu. The big hole on the neck is attacked, and the angle is extremely tricky and weird. If the average Central Plains master encounters it for the first time, he may suffer a big loss, but Song Qingshu has now reached the state of returning to the basics. Although the martial arts situation is ever-changing, the essence is no different to him. Flicking her fingers on her wrists, Madam Peach Blossoms half of her body was numb, where is there any strength in her hands?

Holding her palm with one hand and her wrist with the other, Song Qingshu made a mistake with her hands when she saw her trying to resist, and locked her whole body with her own hands: "Who are you?"

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The monthly pass is agreed (treacherous face)

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