Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 894: Shoot yourself in the foot

Mrs. Taohua has always been pure and clean because of her doctrinal beliefs. Except for her husband, no other man has ever touched her body, even the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin just now. Her posture now seems as if her arms are hugging her breasts, but her wrists are not. Being firmly locked by Song Qing from behind, her whole person seemed to be snuggled in the other's arms, surrounded by the masculinity of strong men, she couldn't help being ashamed and angry: "Let go!"

Song Qing didn't realize that the two poses were a bit too intimate at this time. Now his attention is all on guessing the identity of the other party: "Who are you?"

Seeing that he was unmoved, Mrs. Taohua frowned, and when she raised her knees, a leg whip hit Song Qing's lower abdomen.

Song Qing took her legs together and clamped her legs firmly. Mrs. Peach Blossom tried several times, but couldn't pull her legs out. Seeing her move ≌↖≌↖≌↖, ↖.≌v.¤ more The more intense it came, Song Qing frowned and stretched out her hand to press her shoulder well. Madam Tao Hua suddenly felt that most of her strength was lost, and she no longer had the power to resist.

"You seem to have the shadow of Persian Mingjiao..." Song Qing frowned, recalling the scene of the battle with Mingzun. He still remembers the strange martial arts of the other party. Although the martial arts of this lady is far better than Not as exquisite as Mingzun, but still able to see some familiar shadows in it. He suddenly thought of someone in his mind and couldn't help but blurt out, "Are you the purple shirt dragon king Daiqisi?"

Mrs. Peach Blossom trembled and looked at him incredulously: "Have you seen me?"

Before Song Qing could answer, Daxingguo's voice suddenly came from outside the house: "The emperor, the emperor?"

Song Qing and Dai Qisi held their breaths at the same time, for fear that Daxingguo would hear something unusual.

"The slave just heard some movement in the room, did something happen to the emperor?" Daxingguo's voice continued.

Dai Qisi looked terrified, and now she has removed her makeup. If Daxingguo sees her, wouldn't her hard work for more than ten years be a failure? Looking at Song Qing hurriedly, his red lips parted silently, "What should I do?"

Song Qing shook her head and motioned to her to watch the changes.

Hearing that there was no answer in the room, Da Xingguo's voice suddenly became sharp: "The emperor, if you don't answer any more, for your safety, the minion will come in!"

Realizing that he was starting to push the door, Song Qing's expression changed, and she hurriedly released Dai Qisi's bondage, and quickly swept the room for a week. Since Daxingguo has been suspicious, she cannot hide on the beams of the room. It was the subject of his inspection. With Daxingguo's cultivation base, Song Qing was not sure that he could hide it from him.

After thinking about it, the only safe place in this room is Wanyanquan’s dragon bed. Song Qing didn’t hesitate, and jumped onto the bed with one foot. He lifted Wanyanquan to the corner of the bed and rolled up the quilt to cover the two of them. Body.

Damn it, squeezing into a bed with a stinky man, it really hurts my fame! Song Qing couldn't help but feel a chill when he thought of the culture that disturbed the foundation in his previous life.

Seeing Song Qing hid on the bed without hesitation, the Purple Shirt Dragon King subconsciously stomped her feet. She must not show her true appearance in front of Daxingguo now. The Dragon Bed is also her only hiding place, but when she thinks that there is a man inside. , She couldn't help but hesitate, but the door had already been pushed open. As long as Daxingguo took a few steps, she would be able to see all the scenes here. Her face was red and white, and after all, she gritted her teeth and shrank onto the dragon bed.

When Song Qing was disgusting with Wan Yan next to him, a soft body suddenly got inside the bed. He only felt the sweet smell of a different and middle-earth woman. He went straight into his nose, and the clothes of the two were pressed against their clothes, under their feet. As soon as the skin touched, I felt tenderness and greasiness, and my heart could not help but rippling. The depression just because I was about to be squeezed with Wanyan suddenly swept away.

The purple shirt dragon king is even more tight. Since the death of her husband Han Qianye, she has never been so close to a man. Even now her nominal husband, Chang Sheng Wang, has no choice but to get along with the situation today. When the stranger put the pillow together with the quilt, she felt very sorry for the dead husband.

"Chiba, I did everything for our daughter, I hope you don't blame me." The Purple Shirt Dragon King sighed secretly.

She and Song Qing faced each other's eyes at this time, and each other's breath fell on each other's face. The purple shirt dragon king's face turned red, and he turned his face away subconsciously. Song Qing was wondering another question. The Purple Shirt Dragon King was from Persia. He didn't have the cumin smell common in the West Asians in his previous life. On the contrary, he exhaled like blue, and the breath was very good, which is really weird.

At this time, Daxingguo had already walked in, and the two of them did not dare to change, and they listened to the outside in a calm manner.

After Daxingguo came in, he scanned the hall sharply for a week, and found nothing unusual. When he walked to the bed, Daxingguo pretended to accidentally drop a string of Buddhist beads on the ground, leaned over to pick it up, and took a piece at the bottom of the bed. There was still no abnormality, and he couldn't help but wonder. He had heard the sound of fighting in it just now. Could it be that he had heard it wrong?

But he quickly shook his head, his skills are superb, not an ordinary old-eyed eunuch, something must have happened in the room just now, so his eyes fell on the dragon bed.

"Minion Daxingguo, please peace to the emperor." Daxingguo didn't dare to open the curtain of the bed, and it was not a trivial matter to bump into the emperor.

The purple shirt dragon king inside frowned slightly, and now Wanyan Quan was stunned by her, how could he be able to take care of him.

Without hearing a response, Daxingguo was suspicious: "The emperor?"

Daiqisi knew that this would not work, so she replied: "The emperor is already asleep, what is the matter with the father-in-law?"

Da Xingguo recognized the voice of Mrs. Tao Hua, and thought that this woman had a clear and jealous appearance on weekdays, but hadn't she been put to sleep by the emperor? I had known so why at the beginning, if I had chosen the emperor, now the Sannomiya and the Sixth Courtyard are already colorless, and they have gathered a thousand favorites. No matter how much they are reduced to today, the servants are not recognized by the government.

"The slave just heard a little movement in the room, so come in and take a look." Although Da Xingguo was contemptuous in his heart, he was respectful.

"Nothing, you go down." Daiqisi yawned deliberately, as if she was sleeping.

"Yes." Although Daxingguo promised, his feet seemed to have taken root, standing still in place.

Daiqisi was also aware of it, and couldn't help but jump in her heart: "Is there anything else going on for father-in-law?"

"Please forgive me, the servant needs to confirm what the emperor meant." Da Xingguo replied in a deep voice.

"Didn't I just say that, the emperor is asleep." Dai Qisi deliberately said in a very dissatisfied tone.

"The minion shoulders heavy responsibilities, so be careful." Daxingguo paused. "The minion will open the curtain to confirm the safety of the emperor. I hope Madam will forgive me."

There was a panic in Dai Qisi's heart. Daxingguo's martial arts was unfathomable. Once he found an abnormality, he would alarm the guards in the palace again. Not to mention her, even if Mingzun was resurrected, it would be difficult to escape to heaven.

In a hurry, her mind flashed, and she said hurriedly: "How can you see me without clothes on my body now!"

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