Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 896: Incognito

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Madam's calming skills are admired and admired." Just now it took a big advantage, Song Qingshu is not good to continue to stay in the quilt with her, kicking Wanyanquan aside. The whole person stood on the ground again with a light leap.

"Since you didn't expose me just now, it proves that you are not a member of the Jin Kingdom court, and I have nothing to fear." Dai Qisi pulled the clothes that had slipped on her shoulders, and then turned around to look curiously after finishing the order. At him, "Who is the son on earth?"

Song Qingshu shrugged: "My identity is a bit sensitive, and I can't seem to find a reason to tell you."

Daiqisi was choked immediately. You must know that with her beautiful beauty, whether it was bright in the past or later in the Kingdom of Jin, countless heroes were fascinated by her peerless elegance and fell under her pomegranate skirt. In front of her, every man was anxious to dig his heart out to please her, how could he not answer a question like this one?

"The Purple Shirt Dragon King?" Song Qingshu looked at her up and down, and couldn't help but ask curiously, "I remember you should go back to the Persian Master with Zhao, why are you in the Kingdom of Jin?"

"You know Zhao?" Daiqisi was finally moved.

"It's been a long time since God has been with each other." Song Qingshu remembered that in the minds of those men in the previous life, Shuang'er Hezhao was recognized as the best wife candidate, and it was indeed a long time since God had been with each other.

"Then why haven't I heard Zhao mention you?" Dai Qisi looked at him suspiciously. Among the people Zhao knew, there was only one Zhang Wuji who had such a high level of martial arts, but Zhang Wuji would never recognize him. Does not come out.

"In the future, you will often hear her mention me." Song Qingshu smiled, "How come you have been asking me questions? Closer to home, why did you become Mrs. Peach Blossom from the Purple Shirt Dragon King?"

"Why should I answer you?" Daiqisi was choked by him just now, and now the feng shui turns around, and the same replied.

"Because you are now captured by me." Song Qingshu replied naturally, "Madam, it's better to cooperate with me. I'm afraid you can't stand the torture."

Daiqisi's face changed slightly, but she quickly recovered her composure, and she chuckled around her fingers: "Do you have a way to torture me here?"

Song Qingshu faintly 7777, m.≤.c≈om replied: "I naturally have my way."

Dai Qisi was startled slightly, the confidence in the other party's tone made her a little shaken, but after thinking about it, she couldn't think of the other party's ability to torture her in the emperor's palace, and when the time came, she would just yell at will. Xingguo brought it in and let the fish die.

Thinking of this, she became more confident: "I'm not a three-year-old girl, how can I be scared by you like this."

"Really?" Song Qingshu stepped forward in front of her, scared Dai Qisi hurriedly took a step back.

"What do you want to do?" Dai Qisi's face suddenly became unnatural, thinking that if the other party really did something evil after a while, she wouldn't let him succeed after all these years of hard work.

"Madam's eyes are like two crystal clear sapphires. They are so beautiful. I can't help but want to look at her a few more times." Song Qingshu stared at her quietly.

"Deng the disciple!" Dai Qisi's face turned red, and these three words popped up in her mind, but maybe because the other party's tone was not trivial, or for other reasons, she realized that she was not as angry as she thought. It just turned his face slightly in another direction unnaturally.

"How long do you have to watch?" Seeing him standing there, the skin on Daiqisi's neck was a little red, a little annoyed.

"Look at me until you see Madam." Song Qingshu replied.

"Look at you?" Dai Qisi turned her head in confusion and looked at him, only to come into contact with a dark and deep eye.

After she was unprepared, Song Qingshu sighed with relief. It seems that foreigners and Chinese are about the same. I was worried that Chinese martial arts would not be effective for foreigners.

"Where is the real Madam Peach Blossom?" Song Qingshu's first question.

"I am the real Mrs. Peach Blossom." Dai Qisi replied vaguely.

"How could it be!" Song Qingshu frowned, knowing that the Wanyanquan brothers were jealous for Taoyao's fight for the wind ten years ago. At that time, Daiqisi was probably still the purple shirt dragon king.

"Aren't you the Purple Shirt Dragon King of Mingjiao? Why did you become Mrs. Peach Blossom?" Song Qingshu would only think that the other party was lying to him if he didn't know what was the state of being removed.

"Because of Chiba." Daiqisi replied.

"Qianye?" Song Qingshu looked puzzled, and suddenly remembered someone alone, "Is your husband Han Qianye?"

"Yes." Dai Qisi nodded, and a gentle expression appeared on Qiao's face, as if she recalled the love between husband and wife in the past.

"Why did you become Mrs. Peach Blossom because of him?" Song Qingshu became more and more curious.

"Qianba was excluded from the family back then and had to accept a dangerous task. He knew that he had died for a long time, so he decided to go to Guangming to avenge his father, in the clear water and cold pool..." Daiqisi then began to describe how they met and loved each other. The story is almost the same as what Song Qingshu learned from "Tale of the Heaven and Swordsman".

"What kind of mission did Han Qianye accept?" Song Qingshu said strangely. In the original book, Han Qianye was only a character who showed up. Most of the time, they were mentioned occasionally. Although it is not a legend, it is related to the role of soy sauce. It's almost the same. The main reason why he can be remembered by many people is that he married Daiqisi, the purple shirt dragon king of Mingjiao, the world's first beauty, but his sense of existence is still not strong, but listening to Daiqisi's tone, it seems that Is there another secret?

Dai Qisi softly explained: "Qianye is the son of Han Qi, a famous official of the Great Song Dynasty. His uncle Han Dongzhe took the power of the Southern Song Dynasty. Han Dongzhe was very angry and wanted to restore the homeland of the Golden Kingdom from the northern expedition. However, the golden kingdom was prosperous and the northern expedition. The time was not ripe. In addition to the fact that the main battle faction and the Zhuhe faction in the Southern Song Dynasty did not give in to each other, Han Dongxuan decided to let Qianye come to the Kingdom of Jin first, and wait until the Northern Expedition in the future, in order to use it internally."

"But he went directly to Guangming?" Song Qingshu asked.

"Yes." Dai Qisi said, "He couldn't let go of his father's old hatred, so he changed his way to the light. Later I rebelled against Mingjiao for him..." There was a soft light on her face, and she felt regretful. No.

"I know that Mingjiao's rules are strict. As a saint, I should have been pure and pure for my whole life. Now I am married to a man. When the Persian Archbishop gets the news, he will definitely send someone to arrest us. In addition, our husband and wife have offended the Mingjiao of the Middle Kingdom. Many people, they may not be able to tolerate us, so I discussed with Chiba and decided to pick up the task assigned to him by Han Dongzhu again, and take this opportunity to hide his name in Jin Guo."

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