Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 897: Return to the Central Plains

Song Qingshu doubted: "Aren't you living in seclusion on Spirit Snake Island?"

"Ling Snake Island is just a cover, we don't spend much time there, but sometimes we need an identity to walk around the rivers and lakes, so our husband and wife changed their names to Mother-in-law Jinhua and Mr. Silver Leaf from Lingsnake Island." Yee explained.

"Small hidden in the wild, big hidden in the city, hiding in the Golden State is indeed a good idea." Song Qingshu couldn't help but admire.

With his approval, Dai Qisi also smiled, and the room was suddenly full of light: "I came to Daxing Mansion with Chiba. By chance, we met Wan Yan Quan and his younger brother Wan Yan Yuan who were not yet emperor at the time. People seem to treat me very...very admiringly. After discussing with Chiba, I decided to pretend to be brothers and sisters, and deliberately approach the two. They are very distinguished in the Kingdom of Jin, and they can be □wán□□Roba, v.∧ →.↘In order to complete the tasks that Chiba is responsible for more conveniently, and secondly, we hide in the Jin Dynasty imperial family. In the future, even if people from Mingjiao come to our door, we will have the power to protect ourselves.

"So you later married King Chang Sheng and became Mrs. Peach Blossom?" Song Qingshu looked weird. Is this Han Qianye really eager to let his wife marry other men?

"Yes, I discussed with Chiba about whom to marry at the time. At that time, we learned that Wanyanquan was about to inherit the throne. We were worried about the inconvenience in the palace, so we chose Wanyanyuan. It's ridiculous that they two were jealous. I thought I would love Yan Yuan more." Although Dai Qisi is now accused of her sanity, her disdain in her sneer is still fully revealed.

Song Qingshu thoughtfully: "Do you think Wanyanyuan is more in control?"

Dai Qisi nodded slightly: "Yes, on the wedding night, he rushed into the bridal chamber with a look of a monkey, but how can I be taken advantage of by such a stinky man, so he stunned him with the smoke of the Western Regions. , This Persian wonder medicine can also make him hallucinate, thinking that something happened to me."

Song Qingshu glanced at Wan Yan Qi, who was still drooling while lying on the bed even though he was asleep. The fan of the Western Regions she mentioned should be the powder smoke that came out of her mouth just now. Wan Yan Yuan is really unlucky and thinks that Married a stunning princess for more than ten years, she never touched the other person's body from beginning to end.

"Later, I wanted to go back to live in his fief. Wan Yanyuan loved me very much at that time, and was worried that his brother Wan Yanquan would have a covetous heart for me, so he immediately agreed. But he held an important position in the court, most of the time. We must stay in the capital, so that Chiba and I can stay together in his fief..." Daiqisi continued to explain.

Song Qingshu was a little sympathetic to the King of Changsheng when he got up, and his head was almost green into a grassland...Wait, it doesn't seem to be green either. Daiqisi and Han Qianye were originally a husband and wife...

After thinking about it, Song Qingshu could only sigh: Your circle is really messy!

"That time was the happiest time in my life. Unfortunately, it didn't take long for Qianye to be poisoned by the Western Territory Tutuo. We went to seek the treatment of Hu Qingniu, the sphenoid doctor immortal. It was a pity that he couldn't save him, and he said nothing outside of Mingjiao. Healed, Qianye didn’t last long before he let go," Dai Qisi showed a trace of hatred on her face, "but then I finally found the opportunity to kill Hu Qingniu and his wife to avenge Qianye..."

Song Qingshu nodded. According to the plot in "Evening the Heaven and Slaying the Dragon", Zhang Wuji was right at the time when Zhang Wuji was in Xuanming's palm, seeking medical treatment in Butterfly Valley, and the whole plot was right.

But what he cares more about is the Western Region Tutuo who poisoned Han Qianye mentioned by Daiqisi. There are many analyses on this on the Internet in the previous life. The most reasonable speculation is that the Tutuo is Guangming Youshi Fan Yao pretending to be hidden in Ruyang. Kutotuo in the palace.

Fan Yao was also overwhelmed by Dai Qisi back then. He was arrogant and handsome. In addition to being in a high position, even Yang Dingtian and his wife thought they were a match made in heaven. Unfortunately, Dai Qisi simply rejected him. That's it, confined to the canon that the saint of the Archbishop of Persia must remain a virgin all her life, Fan Yao can understand even though he is depressed.

Who knows that Han Qianye came later, no matter his appearance, martial arts is far inferior to him, but Dai Qisi fell in love with each other unhesitatingly, in order to marry him even directly apostasy, how can the arrogant Fan Yao stand it? Because of jealousy and hatred, Han Qianye was finally calculated.

Song Qingshu didn’t know if this was true, but he was not interested in redressing Han Qianye’s justice, and continued to ask: “But I got the news. Later, when the Persian Mingjiao came to the battle of Spirit Snake Island, you and Xiao Zhao both went back to the Persian Archbishop. Is it?"

Dai Qishen said: "Xiao Zhao is my daughter. According to the canon, she automatically inherited my former sainthood status. In addition, the Persian Archbishop passed away at that time, so the Persian Archbishop invited Xiao Zhao back to the general altar to teach. Lord, because of this relationship, I have also been spared the pain of torture."

"After we returned to Persia, we found that the situation of the Archbishop was not optimistic. The Mongolian army of the Western Expedition gradually wiped out the countries of the Western Regions, and even threatened the safety of the Archbishop of Persia. We sent countless masters to try to assassinate the high-level Mongolian leaders, although they killed quite a few. Mongolian princes and generals, but they have never been able to hurt their profuse sweat Temujin."

Song Qingshu was shocked when she heard her words, she didn't know how much blood and tears were in her words. No wonder the death rate of high-level Mongolians in this world is so high. The second generation of the Golden Family was almost completely wiped out, and only Temujin was left. As well as several princes of the third generation of grandchildren, the reason why Xixia's recruitment of relatives was postponed last time seems to be because Xu Liewu was assassinated and seriously injured. However, it is conceivable that in order to assassinate so many high-level Mongolians, how many masters must be sacrificed by the Persian Mingjiao.

Sure enough, Daiqisi’s words confirmed his conjecture: "The Archbishop of Persia has been for thousands of years to help the Western Regions not fall, and even the principalities and lords of Europe have to vie for us. Seeing our eyes and acting, the Archbishop has for thousands of years. The accumulated strength is far from what the Central Tuming religion can compare. There are countless masters in the teaching, and there are many dead men. But in these years, in order to assassinate the high-level Mongolian, the masters in the middle school have nearly lost their losses, and even the former leader was killed in battle. I am. When He Xiaozhao returned to Persia, the situation of the Archbishop was already extremely difficult. I suddenly remembered the arrangement in the Golden Kingdom over the years, so I decided to return to Middle-earth and use the Golden Kingdom to contain Mongolia and give the Archbishop a respite."

Song Qingshu suddenly frowned and asked, "Did you not get Mingzun's instructions?" Since Mingzun was reborn in Zhang Wuji's body, he would definitely not sit back and watch his lair be wiped out by Mongolia. He would definitely find ways to get in touch with the master.

"Ming Zun?" Dai Qisi was shocked, "Did Ming Zun drop the oracle?"

"It's okay, you continue to say." Song Qingshu shook her head. It seems that she is not clear about this matter. Maybe she just missed the news when she came to Zhongtu.

Daiqisi recovered her calm and slowly said, “Who knows that it hasn’t been long since I came back, but found that Wanyanyuan is in a precarious state. Although we are a fake husband and wife, he has treated me well these years. I didn't want to sit back and watch, so I went to the palace to see the emperor, and the son knew all about the rest."

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