Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 898: Surprise

"It turned out to be like this." Song Qing asked a few more questions about the Persian Archbishop. Daiqisi answered them one by one. Seeing that there was nothing to ask, Song Qingshu snapped his fingers and moved Daiqisi away. The soul state is awakened.

Unlike the intrigues of various countries in this world, Song Qingshu from later generations knows very well how powerful Mongolia is. Therefore, in his heart, Mongolia is the ultimate **oss. Now, the Jin Kingdom and the Qing Dynasty can only be regarded as elite monsters. It is necessary to do things that harm the anti-Mongolia plan for the immediate benefit.

Although Daiqisi is a member of Mingjiao, Song Qingshu now needs Mingjiao to hold the Mongolian pace. In a sense, Daiqisi and him are on the same line. He was in Heimuya before and even Mingzun could temporarily let go. , Not to mention a purple shirt dragon king.

"What did you do to me just now?" After she woke up, Daiqisi was stunned for a while, trying to remember what happened just now, but she couldn't remember it, but she just remembered the feeling that she couldn't refuse the other party's request, and she subconsciously stepped back. Step, looking at each other in horror.

Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "What are you doing with your chest, do you think I'll take the opportunity to take off your clothes? I'm not so dishonest, and again, I haven't seen it just now."

Daiqisi's face turned red. It turned out that she had just quietly checked that her clothes were in good condition, and there was no trace of being passive: "What did you do to me?"

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything unfavorable to you," Song Qingshu paused. Seeing her suspicious face, he added, "We are not enemies, at least not in a short time. You just need to remember this. Up."

"Then who are you?" Daiqisi looked at him in surprise.

Song Qingshu opened the back window, and when he was about to walk away, he couldn't help but pause when he heard what she said. He turned around and smiled: "My surname is Wang, you can call me the next door Lao Wang from now on."

After a flash of his figure, he disappeared into the night sky, Daxingguo guarded on the other side. Although there were many people guarding this side, it was difficult for ordinary guards to detect it with Song Qingshu's light work.

"President next door?" Dai Qisi muttered to herself, "Why is this name so strange? Could it be that he is from the Western Regions, but he doesn't look the same."


Song Qingshu has been familiar with the Golden Palace ≡⌒≡⌒≡⌒≡⌒, m.≥.co▽m is too familiar to be familiar, and where there are secret whistles, the guards will patrol every few minutes. He is very familiar with it, if someone is there. Observing from the side, you will only see a ghostly figure strolling in the palace, with a strange sense of elegance.

It didn't take long for him to return to Taihe Temple, only to find that Empress Pei Man had already fallen asleep. He awakened the other party angrily: "For your sake, my trip can be said to be a trip to Dragon Lake and Tiger Den. As a result, you fell asleep here. "

Queen Pei Man woke up quietly, looked at the man standing next to the bed, and giggled: "You also know that people are queens, and the court ladies and eunuchs around them follow at all times. Only by sleeping can they be sent away and wait for you to come back. Don't be angry, how is the investigation going."

A dignified queen begged softly in front of her. To be honest, Song Qingshu was still proud: "As you might expect, as soon as Mrs. Taohua entered the palace, Daxingguo sent the maid to bathe and change clothes, and then your husband threatened the life of King Changsheng. , She also followed."

Song Qingshu repeated what was just now in a few words, but of course he would not tell the truth. Instead, he concealed Dai Qisi's identity, and the rest was half-truth. Anyway, in Wan Yan's heart, he thought the whole thing was like this.

"That **** Taoyao, I knew this fox Meizi would come to seduce the emperor one day." Empress Pei Man gritted her teeth.

Song Qingshu frowned: "From the perspective of the whole thing, Mrs. Peach Blossom is also the victim, right? Your emperor husband is the initiator."

Queen Pei Man leaned her head and asked, "Is Mrs. Peach Blossom beautiful?"

In Song Qingshu's mind, Daiqisi's graceful figure and that beautiful face appeared, and he subconsciously replied, "It's really beautiful."

Empress Pei Man couldn't help but snorted: "I know that Hu Meizi is best at hooking up men. Since she came to Beijing that year, all the men around her can't help but fall in love with her, even you are no exception. ."

Song Qingshu couldn't laugh or cry. It was terrifying for a woman to be jealous. She really wanted to get up. Although Daiqisi had fascinated a few men, she had to do it as a last resort, and she didn't do anything to sorry her husband Han Qianye. What Empress Pei Man did is more like Hu Meiziyi.

Realizing that he was a little disapproving, Queen Pei Man was very upset and stretched out her hand to hold Song Qingshu's hand: "Don't leave tonight, stay with me."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu thought that you had just returned someone else to be Hu Meizi. This style of painting has changed a bit quickly.

Queen Pei Man gritted his teeth and said: "My husband is going up against other people's wives. Feng. Now I am having fun. I also want him to taste his wife and other men's upside down."

Song Qing didn't have much interest when he came to the book, but after a few words from her, she set aside an evil fire. Since all the queens have sent out invitations, would it not hurt her face if she refused?

In the room is the finest sandalwood, coupled with the sweet fragrance of the unique woman in the bed, Song Qingshu’s body bones quickly become crisp, and Queen Pei Man bit his ear and laughed insidiously: "You must work hard, I It is necessary to get pregnant early to assign the status of the child, otherwise the night will have many dreams, and it may be cheaper for Taoyao's fox Meizi."


In the next few days, a series of events took place that shocked the courtiers. Before Wanyanquan, they thought that the emperor was going to take action on Wanyanyuan, and Wanyanyuan’s escape behavior on the birthday party was even given to the emperor. An honest and upright confession, even Wan Yan Yuan himself thought so, and fled to the fief overnight.

But then Wan Yanquan not only did not condemn him, but instead successively issued a series of imperial decree to comfort the King Changsheng. At the same time, some officials close to the King Changsheng were also promoted, making the minister Zhang'er monk confused. .

Some well-informed people already knew about Madam Taohua's entry into the palace one night, and immediately understood all the abnormal orders from Wan Yanquan. After all, this kind of thing is not a glorious thing, so people who know it dare not go out. Most of the ministers are still in a state of persecution. They originally wanted to beat the dog in the water. The two brothers suddenly reconciled. The emperor's ministers who waved their flags couldn't help but worry about gains and losses.

Cang Dang!

In Hailing Prince's Mansion, Wan Yan Liang swept everything on the table to the ground with anger: "It's really unreasonable. Seeing that King Chang Sheng is about to die, as soon as Tao Yao got out of the horse, Wan Yan changed his mind. The greedy female **** is trapped in it, Wanyanquan is really not a big deal!"

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