Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 899: Shameful shame

Obviously, Wan Yanliang belongs to the few people who know the inside story. Although he has always been lustful, beauty is just a plaything to him, and he will never be confused by beauty and cause delays in business. Seeing that Yan Qi was so fascinated by Tao Yao that he was kind to Chang Sheng Wang, Wan Yan Liang couldn't help being angry and contemptuous.

"The prince calms down, and the prince calms down." Xiao Yu, a confidant on the side, persuaded, "Because Wanyanquan is not a big business person, you have a chance, the prince."

Wan Yanliang suddenly turned his anger into joy: "Yes, you like to listen to these words."

Xiao Yu smiled disapprovingly, and continued: "The prince, in fact, to solve the king of Changsheng, it is just a matter of stepping at the door, so why bother to get angry."

"∞≧∞≧∞≧,+.√≮. How simple it is." Wan Yan Liang frowned, "Wan Yan Qian likes Tao Yao so much, and Tao Yao is not the kind of unprincipled woman, both of them. A certain consensus must be reached between them, Wan Yanquan treats King Chang Sheng well, and Tao Yao obeys him in return."

Thinking of Taoyao, who was astonished as a heavenly man, Wan Yanliang became indignant. He was actually overwhelmed by the two brothers of Wanyanquan. Hey, when he is the king of Japan, he must hold Taoyao in one hand and Gebi in the other. Songs on the dragon bed every night, that is the happiest in the world.

Seeing Wan Yan Liang’s look like Brother Pig, he didn’t need to guess Xiao Yu to know what he was thinking. He couldn’t help but cough to remind him to return to business: “The prince thinks Wan Yan likes this kind of sneaky possession of Tao Yao, or prefers to be upright and upright. Take her to the palace?"

"Of course I received the wanton play in the palace..." Wan Yan Liang blurted out, noticing the expression in Xiao Yu's eyes, he couldn't help but smiled, "But Tao Yao is after all Wan Yan's brother-in-law, how could it be upright? Guangming received in the palace?"

"Normal conditions are indeed impossible, but what if there are special circumstances?" Xiao Yu smiled extremely strangely.

"Special circumstances?" Wan Yanliang's eyebrows moved, and he couldn't help but be very interested.

"Didn't Chongyi Army Jiedu Udai report a soldier's rebellion recently?" Xiao Yu reminded.

"Yes, I remember this, but the scale of this rebellion was small, so it was quickly suppressed." Chongyi Army Jiedushi Udai was one of Wan Yanliang's confidants in the army, and he was full of expressions. I couldn’t help but think of the other’s glamorous wife, Mrs. Tang, but I don’t know why. Every time I thought of her before, Wan Yanliang couldn’t resist the urge to push her down, but I thought of her recently. There is no response at all.

Maybe I'm tired of playing!

Wan Yanliang didn't care too much. He didn't know that Song Qingshu's soul was removed at the beginning, which caused him to no longer be able to show interest to Madam Tang.

"Tang Kuobian is really a green tortoise. My sister and wife have been played with by this king." Thinking of his pride, Wan Yanliang almost couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Yu coughed and continued: "The dossier of this rebellion has not been reported to Wanyanquan. We can just use this to get rid of King Changsheng."

"How to do it?" Wan Yanliang couldn't help but shocked.

"So and so..." Xiao Yu leaned over and explained in a low voice in his ear.

Wan Yan Liang frowned: "Wan Yan Quan will be so stupid to believe it so obviously that she is so arrogant and blamed?"

"The prince can rest assured that the reason why Wanyanquan can play with his brother's wife is because he is the emperor. If one day the throne falls into the hands of King Changsheng, how can he not report such a shameful shame? What is afraid is that the throne will be inherited by his younger brother. Even if he really knows in his heart that it has nothing to do with King Changsheng, he will pretend to believe that King Changsheng is the master behind the scenes." Xiao Yu said confidently.

"And there is another reason. If King Changsheng was executed for treason and Taoyao, the princess of Changsheng, also became a prisoner, Wan Yanquan would be able to put her in the coat yard, hey, coat. The courtyard is in the palace, even if he let Taoyao wait in bed every day, how would the people outside know?" Xiao Yu and Wan Yanliang looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths were full of smiles.

Wan Yan Liang put himself in the role of Wan Yan Quan and performed some deductions, and found that Wan Yan Quan is indeed very likely to choose this way. He couldn't help being overjoyed: "Xiao Yu, you are really the reincarnation of this king, Zhang Liang, waiting for the success of the future. , This king named you the king of the Xi clan!"

The Liao Kingdom can be roughly divided into three powers, one is the royal Yelv clan, the other is the descendant Xiao clan, and the other powerful force is the Xi Ren. Back then, the Liao Kingdom was almost wiped out by the Jin Kingdom, and a large number of nobles were captured and in a difficult situation. It was very tragic. In order to change their destiny, these captured Liao people secretly took refuge in Wan Yanliang. Although Xiao Yu was surnamed Xiao, he was an outstanding figure among Xi people.

"Thank you, prince!" Xiao Yu bowed and bowed, Wan Yanliang couldn't see the weird light flashing in his eyes at this time.


In addition, Changsheng Wang Wanyanyuan ran back to the fief like a bereavement dog. He wanted to take his wife away and fly high, but he learned that Taoyao had already gone to Beijing first, and counting the days, it happened that his front foot left Beijing and her back foot arrived in the capital.

Although he was afraid in his heart, he loved this beautiful wife very much in his life and decided to venture back to the capital. When he was still on the road, he received the emperor's imperial decree. Not only did he not mention his sins, but gave him a big reward, but Wan Yanyuan was not happy at all. Instead, he thought of some possibility and couldn't help but sink in his heart.

As soon as possible, Wan Yanyuan finally rushed back to the palace of the capital. When he saw his wife Taoyao, he couldn't help but want to go forward and hug her.

Daiqisi was already able to deal with these affectionate behaviors, and she moved away without showing a trace to make him jump for a moment. Before he could speak, she opened her mouth to let the servants around leave first.

Wan Yanyuan's heart shuddered, knowing that his wife was going to talk to himself about business. After everyone had left, he finally couldn't help asking: "Have you been to...have you looked for that person?"

Daiqisi sighed deliberately: "If I don't find him, how can you stand here safely."

"Then he... has he done anything to you?" Wan Yanyuan's voice trembled a little.

Dai Qisi faintly replied: "Why does the prince have experienced so many things, how can he still have illusions like a three-year-old child?"

Wan Yanyuan was furious: "That beast really bullied you!"

"He bullied me, what can you do?" Dai Qisi quietly looked at her nominal "husband".

"I..." Wan Yanyuan was speechless for a while, yes, what can I do? People are the emperor and the king of a country. One imperial decree can make my head fall, and what can I do!

Daiqisi sighed, and continued: "You must be mentally prepared. In the next few days, he will call me into the palace from five mountains."

Wan Yan Yuan showed an unbelievable expression, and suddenly stood up: "Wan Yan Quan, this dog thief, is simply deceiving people too much!"

Seeing his furious look, a faint smile appeared on the corners of Daiqisi's lips: "Master, shall we turn it back?"

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