Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 900: Murder with a knife

"Reverse...reverse?" Wan Yanyuan trembled. Although he was very dissatisfied with that elder brother, he never thought of rebelling from the beginning to the end. After all, their house was originally thin, plus Wei After the king died, he was the only heir to the throne, so he was still full of illusions.

Although she was not a real husband and wife with him, Daiqisi was still very aware of the temperament of her "husband", and knew that it would be difficult for him to make a decision unless he was driven to an end.

"If you are afraid, just forget it, I will serve the emperor well in the future, and I will always keep you safe for your life." Dai Qisi said lightly.

The reason why she wanted to take the opportunity to force Yan Yuan to rebel is because the situation of the Persian Archbishop is getting more and more critical. She must control the power of the Kingdom of Jin as soon as possible. Compared with Wan Yan Qi, Wan Yan Yuan is obviously much easier to control, and the situation is complete. Yuandang √♀wán√♀√♀Roba, ≈.↖≦.▼ After becoming the emperor, she will be able to be the queen of her own right, and she will be able to influence Jin Guo’s strategy towards Mongolia by blowing her pillow breeze. On the other hand, if you directly rely on Wanyanquan, after all, the relationship between the two parties is a bit unreasonable to outsiders, and her identity will never be seen, so the influence on Wanyanquan is naturally limited.

Was agitated by his wife, Wan Yanyuan's face turned blue and red, and her breathing became rapid. Dai Qisi watched him quietly without disturbing him. After a long time, Wan Yanyuan took a deep breath. Tone: "Wan Yan also deceived people too much. Since he is unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous."

Daiqisi smiled: "I didn't marry the wrong man." Yan Yuan's spirits lifted after hearing that, "The prince will contact his confidants as soon as possible, and gather a force that can control the situation in the capital, and then I will do it in the palace. Inner response, come together inside and out."

Wan Yan Yuan frowned: "Are you still going to the palace?"

Daiqisi ran behind him, squeezed his shoulders, and said softly, "What we need most is time. I can not only numb him by my side, but also monitor his movements..."

Seeing that his face was still ugly, Dai Qisi sighed: "In ancient times, those who have become important things do not stick to the trivial. Han Gaozu's wife and father fell into Xiang Yu's hands, but he did not waver, and finally achieved great cause. As long as the prince will board in the future After the throne, I don’t think my body is dirty anymore, and I’m already satisfied."

Wan Yanyuan hurriedly said: "Madam, why are you saying this! You did all this for me? If it weren't for you, this king would have been executed by the beast of Wanyanquan. Wouldn't it be true that this king would despise you in the future? Isn't it as good as a pig?"

"With the words of the prince, Taoyao feels much more at ease." Dai Qisi looked excited, but her heart was extremely calm. Years of disguised life had made her emotionally unwavering.

"But there is one more problem," Wanyanyuan frowned suddenly, "Daxingguo next to Wanyanquan is unpredictable. Even if we can be surprised, Daxingguo can protect him to evacuate safely. Once Wanyanquan organizes a counterattack, We fell short."

"Don't worry about the prince, I have a way to deal with Daxingguo." Dai Qisi clapped her hands, and three figures suddenly appeared outside the door, shocking Wan Yan Yuan.

Wan Yanyuan looked intently. Two men and a woman came in. Their appearances were quite different from those of Chinese people. The tallest man had blue eyes and a yellow-bearded eagle nose. On the contrary, the woman had black hair, no different from the Chinese, but The eyes are extremely pale, almost colorless, and the melon seed face is about 30 years old. Although it looks strange, it looks very beautiful.

"The three of them are friends I know on the rivers and lakes. They are called the Three Envoys of Wind, Cloud and Moon. This is the Envoy of Flowing Clouds, this is the Envoy of Wonderful Wind, and this is the Envoy of Bright Moon. Together, the three of them will definitely die in the great prosperity of the country. "Daiqisi returned to the Central Plains this time, Xiao Zhao worried about the dangers of her mother, so he sent the Third Persian Envoy back to the Central Plains with her.

The three of them learned the weird martial arts on the holy fire order, which is very different from the martial arts of the Central Plains. At the beginning, Zhang Wuji's martial arts such as Jiuyang magical arts, Qiankun Great Shift, Taijiquan sword and so on on Ling Snake Island have been successful, but they are still beaten by the three Unbearable, even forced Zhao Min to resort to the same tricks...

Dai Qisi thought that no matter how high the martial arts of Daxingguo was, it could not be higher than Zhang Wuji at the beginning. The three of them joined hands and added themselves, and it was not difficult to get rid of Daxingguo with mental calculations.

Hearing Dai Qisi's introduction, Wan Yanyuan was overjoyed: "This way I have a greater confidence in success!" When I met Taoyao that year, I knew that she and Han Qianye's "brothers and sisters" were in the rivers and lakes, right. Her judgment was not at all suspicious.

Dai Qisi smiled sweetly, but in her heart, who was the man she met in the Palace of Thoughts, she would try to keep the Third Envoy of Fengyun Yue by her side in the future, so as not to fall into that person's way again.

At this time in Hailing Palace, Wan Yanliang and Xiao Yu also talked about Song Qingshu.

"You mean to hand over to Tang Kuo to defend the presiding trial of this conspiracy case?" Wan Yanliang looked at Xiao Yu suspiciously.

"Yes!" Xiao Yu nodded, "This case is of great importance. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that King Chang Sheng has been wronged. If the prince's own person comes forward, it will inevitably arouse criticism. Tang Kuo's argument is different. Outsiders are not. It is clear that he has already taken refuge in the prince, plus he is a servant of the court, no matter how to deal with the king of Changsheng then, other people will only think it means the emperor."

"Wonderful!" Wan Yanliang slapped his thigh, "This trick to kill with a knife is really wonderful, and it also made this king completely abandon this matter. Tang Kuobian became the presiding trial in this conspiracy case!"


Song Qingshu didn't know that he had been missed by two groups of people. At this moment, he was planning to go to the secret room to take a look at that special "prisoner".

Zhao Min was sitting on the bed holding her knees in a daze. Suddenly heard the movement coming from the exit, the whole person jumped up like a rabbit, and looked at the smile of the man who came in, she was not angry: "Song, you are too bastard!"

Song Qingshu was shocked, but his face was calm: "The surname is Song? Is it possible that Miss Zhao has become confused after being detained for a long time?"

Zhao Min sneered a few times: "Don't pretend to be a fool here."

Song Qingshu slapped his head and made an expression of sudden enlightenment: "The surname Song in your mouth is the golden snake king Song Qingshu that you mentioned when you tortured before the reunion. The girl never forgets that person. It seems that the person must owe it. Cost you a lot of money."

Hearing his answer, a look of doubt flashed across Zhao Min's face, and he said coldly: "The whole life he owes me will not end."

She was actually not sure if this person was Song Qingshu, but she thought that Tang Kuobian suddenly had extremely clever martial arts, and that he was also in contact with two stunning beauties, Zhongjie and Gebi, and he had conspired with her previous guess Hehe, so I planned to swindle him deliberately, but she didn't know that the other party hadn't revealed any flaws, which made her confused.

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