Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 901: Serial fraud

Song Qing said with a smile: "The man owes the girl for a lifetime, but when the girl mentioned him, I didn't get very angry. It seems that the girl intends to let the person pay the debt."

Zhao Min flushed: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Song Qing smiled and did not answer. He looked around in the secret room and found nothing unusual. Zhao Min was indeed very human. If ordinary women were imprisoned for such a long time, they would have been suffocated long ago: "Zhao How well does the girl live here?"

Zhao Min rolled his eyes angrily: "I will keep you here for so long to try?"

Song Qing is also a bit guilty. As Jinzhiyuye, she has suffered such hardships. During this time, she was busy ∮∮∮, ←.≠△.♂, but didn’t have time to take care of her. Fortunately, she still remembered to ask someone to send her water. Fan, otherwise I’m afraid I’ve already starved to death.

"It's true that the hospitality is a little poor these days. If the girl has any requirements, she can just ask it now. As long as I can do it, I will definitely satisfy the girl." Song Qing said.

"I asked you to let me out, will you promise me too?" Zhao Min smiled disdainfully.

"Except for this." Song Qing shook his head.

Zhao Min was silent. Just when Song Qing thought she was using silence to express resistance, she suddenly said: "I want to take a shower and change clothes."

"Huh?" Song Qing didn't react for a while. He imagined that Zhao Min would take this opportunity to think of various ways to escape, but he didn't expect that her first request was to take a bath and change clothes.

"Didn't you hear me clearly? This girl is going to take a shower and change clothes." Zhao Min said angrily, "I have been detained by you for so long, and my whole body is stinky."

Song Qing thought that I just passed by you, there is nothing stinking, but he also knows that women always love Jie, even if they don't take a bath for a day, they will feel uncomfortable.

"Well, you wait." Song Qing stood up, looked at the entrance to the secret room, and couldn't help frowning. "It's too small here. I'm afraid it's hard to move the bathtub in."

"Then go to the upper room." Zhao Min said naturally.

"Upper room?" Song Qing frowned. Zhao Min has always been a stranger, so what tricks is he doing this time?

"You are so high in martial arts, are you afraid of me running away?" Zhao Min said directly as if he had guessed his mind.

"Well, wait here now. I'll go up and let the maid prepare hot water." Song Qing hid Zhao Min here, worried that the wind might leak, so he never let anyone contact Zhao Min, and people outside would naturally listen to him. No news.

After a while, Song Qing led Zhao Min out. Zhao Min walked quickly to the window, pushed open the window, took a deep breath of fresh air, and showed an intoxicated expression: "Finally, I can see the sky again. The fragrance is really nostalgic."

Song Qing pointed to the steaming bath tub angrily and said, "Hot water is ready for you, wash it."

Zhao Min was startled: "Wait, do you want to be here?"

"Nonsense!" Song Qing said angrily, "I'm not here to watch, what should you do if you run away?"

Zhao Min's face turned red and white: "I am a girl's bathing here, and you, a big man, are embarrassed to stand by and watch!"

"There are screens there. If you pull it over, I won't see it?" Song Qing said disapprovingly.

"Of course not!" Zhao Min's face flushed. You must know that when she was bathing in the Ruyang Palace, even the maid was not allowed to stay in the room, let alone a man. If the other party has acted maliciously, what kind of blocking effect can this broken screen play!

"If you don't want to wash, then forget it," Song Qing walked to the front of the tub and glanced at the steaming water. "But the maids have worked so hard to prepare such a large bucket. If you don't wash it, I will wash it." While talking, I wanted to take off my clothes.

"You have to wash yourself." Zhao Min's eyes showed a hint of joy. After he took off his clothes and soaked in the bucket, he immediately ran away. I don't believe that he dared to chase me naked.

Song Qing glanced at Zhao Min, and had a clear view of her careful thoughts: "Don't make any small calculations, since you don't like it, go back to the secret room and stay there again."

Zhao Min snorted, "Who said I won't wash anymore, get out of here!" She walked to Song Qing and pushed him out, shuddering at the thought of returning to the dark secret room again.

"But you really can't stay here." Seeing Song Qing frowned, Zhao Min hurriedly added, "After all, there is a difference between men and women. I hope you can understand. If you are afraid of my escape, you can let Mrs. Zun watch here. I."

Song Qing pondered for a moment, knowing that she was really embarrassed to stay here: "Okay!" First let Zhao Min hide, and then he went to the door to invite a maid to ask Gebi to come over.

Gebi was originally nearby, and soon came. Seeing this legendary first beauty in the Kingdom of Jin, Zhao Min couldn't help but lost her senses for a moment: "There is such a beautiful woman, Tang Kuo argues as a bastard. There is such a good Yanfu."

While Zhao Min was looking at Gobi, Gobi was also looking at her. In fact, when Zhao Min was sent to the secret room after being unconscious, Gobi had already seen her. Now although her face is a little more haggard and pale, it is still difficult. Disguised appearance.

"I don't know what is the relationship between her and Qing?" Gebi spent time with Song Qing. Both parties knew that they were just fake couples, but their lives were no different from real couples. They ate at the same table and slept together... Thinking about it, a pretty face was dyed with a layer of red glow.

"Go out quickly." Seeing Gebi was coming, Zhao Min immediately hurried Song Qing out.

"Okay, well, go now." As soon as Song Qing's voice fell, she sealed a few acupuncture points on her body, and then told Gebi, "Now her whole body is blocked, and her strength is not comparable to that of an ordinary weak woman. You just need to be careful and don't be afraid of her. You will call me in when something happens later, and I will be guarding outside."

"Okay, okay!" Gebi said with a smile, "A girl's house wants to take a bath, so why are you staying here, mother-in-law, I will look after her."

Gobi pushed Song Qing out while talking, and then quickly locked the door. Then he turned his head and smiled at Zhao Min: "Miss Zhao, you should be relieved now."

Zhao Min hummed softly, looked at the steam in the tub, and couldn't help the longing in his heart anymore. After looking at Gobi, he blushed and untied the dress.

Gebi only felt that the room was full of brilliance, and couldn't help but admire: "Miss Zhao is really in good shape, and I don't know which man will be so lucky in the future."

Zhao Min flushed, and quickly hid in the tub before regaining his former decent and generous: "When it comes to the figure, how can my sister compare to her sister? Song Qing is the one who can enjoy the beauty of her sister every day. The happiest man in the world."

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