Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 902: Special ransom

Gebi trembled at the hearing, flushed with shame, and subconsciously replied, "He...he tells you all about this!"

Gebi was not stupid, but was confused by Zhao Min's unexpected question. He didn't react for a while. When he saw Zhao Minlu's error and shocked expression, he suddenly realized: "You...you lied to me."

Zhao Minjiao laughed: "Also, don't blame my sister for my sister."

Gebi suddenly got up and bit her lips tightly. What she worried most was whether her carelessness would affect Song Qingshu or anything. The more she thought about it, the more worried she turned and ran out: "Qingshu, Qingshu!"

"Hey!" Zhao Min wanted to call her, but it's a pity that Gebi would listen to her at this time ∝∝∝, ≡.£≌.£, she ran out without stopping, leaving Zhao Min secretly crying, he is now It's soaking in the tub, if Song Qingshu came in, wouldn't he bump into it.

She hurriedly searched for clothes, but everything was prepared in a hurry. No clean clothes were prepared around her. Zhao Min frowned slightly, and she was unwilling to wear it again, of course. It was other men who came in, and she would put on old clothes even if she didn't like it anymore, but Song Qingshu came in. She subconsciously didn't resist that much, so she was a little hesitant.

While hesitating, Song Qingshu had heard the news and rushed in. Zhao Min Jiao yelled and shrank into the tub, hiding his body under the water surface, with only his head exposed outside.

"Sorry, I was not careful..." Gebi followed Song Qingshu, still busy apologizing.

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Don't blame yourself. Girl Zhao is as good as a fox, she has mental arithmetic and unintentional. How can you be her opponent."

"But..." Gobi's heart was still full of guilt.

"It's really okay. Miss Zhao and I are also old friends. It's not a big deal to be known by her." Song Qingshu still looked worried when she saw her, and said, "Well, go and prepare a set for Miss Zhao. Change clothes, I have a good chat with her."

"Yeah." Gobi nodded, and left uneasy.

Seeing Gebi left, Zhao Min bit her lip: "Take her away, now there are only lone men and women, do you want to take advantage of this girl?"

Song Qingshu returned to her original voice, and said depressed: "I really want to take advantage of you already, so why wait until now."

Thinking back to the various experiences since the two met, she had to admit that the man in front of her had indeed had several opportunities to take advantage of herself, but he gave up very gentlemanly. Zhao Min couldn't help but blush, and snorted: "Take your mask. I picked it up, it looks weird."

Now that she has seen it through, there is no need to continue to pretend, Song Qingshu directly took off the mask and looked at the familiar face in front of him, Zhao Minsheng said: "You really have you, put a circle of big beards on it. No one in the palace recognizes you."

"Who made Tang Kuobian's characteristics so obvious?" Seeing that Zhao Min didn't realize the subtlety of his disguise, Song Qingshu was not so stupid as to take the initiative to explain, worrying that she would discover what she would find out if she continued to be entangled in this issue. , Immediately changed the subject, "I really want to talk about it, or the princess makes me more admire. I thought you were cunning enough to deceive me with words before, but I don’t know that this is just a pretense. You put your idea on Gobi from the beginning. Body."

"Of course," Zhao Min proudly raised Yang Guangjie's chin, "Of course it's impossible to get something out of your old fox's mouth, but it's much easier to start with the little white rabbit on Gobi. "

Talking about Zhao Min's expression suddenly changed, and her tone was a little uncomfortable: "I don't know what you used. The dignified first beauty of the Jin Kingdom clearly knows that you are Song Qingshu, and actually treats you as her husband. I'm afraid time, I'm afraid you can enjoy all the blessings in the world."

"Personal charm, no way." Song Qingshu shrugged and made a helpless expression, which made Zhao Min's teeth itchy.

"Why, the princess is jealous?" Song Qingshu laughed when he noticed her expression.

Zhao Min's face changed slightly: "Huh, what can I be jealous for? It's not about making trouble for Zhou Zhiruo."

"Are you complaining for her?" Song Qingshu looked weird, "When did your relationship with her become so good?"

"I just thought that Zhou Zhiruo and I had fought secretly for so many years, and ended up getting an outsider at a bargain. It was just unhappy in my heart." Zhao Min turned his head away with a hum.

"Really?" Song Qingshu looked at her with a smile.

Zhao Min's face flushed: "Hey, they are still taking a bath, you look straight at someone who is very ungentleman."

Song Qingshu laughed: "I am not a gentleman."

"Uh," Zhao Min breathed, and hurriedly changed the subject, "When are you going to release me?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I haven't thought about it yet."

Zhao Min suddenly became anxious: "You can't keep me forever, right?"

"That's not enough," Song Qingshu thought for a while and replied, "but I can't let you go during this period of time, lest you break my business."

Zhao Min grabbed the edge of the bath tub and leaned against the wall of the tub with a trace of contemplation between his brows. After a while, he said: "What are you planning in the Kingdom of Jin? Say it and listen. Maybe we have the same interests. Maybe."

"The princess is now my prisoner, why don't you tell me what your plan is in the Golden State?" Song Qingshu looked at the large snowy skin around her delicate collarbone that was exposed to the air, and moved a little unnaturally. look.

Zhao Min seems to have realized something. After a light sip, the whole person shrank back to the surface of the water. After a long time, he calmed down: "Actually, it's nothing to tell you. Now our Ruyang Palace is in charge of managing the two countries of Jin and Qing. The main force was conscripted by Genghis Khan and led by his brother Wang Baobao to the West Expedition. During this period, we were unable to take any military actions against the Jin and Qing two countries, but we must not make the two countries too comfortable."

"Now, you swallowed 100,000 elite soldiers in the Qing country first, and then the San Francisco Rebellion broke out. No matter who wins or loses in the end, the vitality will be greatly injured. It is not a concern."

"So only the Golden State is left. A unified and stable Golden State is not what we want to see. Therefore, I came to the Golden State to provoke the kings to fight for the throne, and make the whole Golden State chaotic the better, and the more turbulent the better."

Song Qingshu was startled, but he didn't expect that Zhao Min would be so honest, and easily tell everything he planned. Judging by the information he had, what Zhao Min said and what he actually thought should not be much different.

He quickly understood that Zhao Min's all this made it a dignified and arrogant plot, even if it is known to others, it does not matter, because in front of the throne, everyone's desires will be infinitely amplified. Would Wan Yan Yong, supported by Zhao Min, fail to guess her purpose? But even if you know it, what is the threat of Mongolia in the future compared with the throne?

Seeing him fall into silence, Zhao Min said with a grin: "Well, our interests should be the same. Mongolia hopes that the more chaotic the Kingdom of Jin, the better. I am afraid that you also think the same thing in the Golden Snake Camp."

Song Qingshu's heart suddenly moved. Although Zhao Min was extremely smart, she was not omniscient and omnipotent after all. Because she didn't know her relationship with the Qing country, her judgment was greatly deviated.

Indeed, purely from the perspective of the Golden Snake Camp, the more chaos in the Kingdom of the Golden Snake, the more beneficial it will be to the Golden Snake Camp, but the Golden Snake Camp is only one of his forces. The interests of the Golden Snake Camp do not represent his overall interests. In his heart, Mongolia is the greatest Enemy.

But he wouldn't be so stupid to tell Zhao Minhe all this, so he followed her words: "Yes, our interests are indeed the same to a certain extent."

"Then you should let me go." Zhao Min smiled and blinked at him.

"You can let it go, but..." Song Qingshu turned around, "I worked so hard to catch you. I can't just let you go like this. Also, according to your Mongolian customs, the captives need to pay a ransom. To redeem."

"Ransom?" Zhao Min breathed a sigh of relief, "That's okay, there is nothing else in the Ruyang Palace. The ransom is still affordable."

"Don't make such a big tone," Song Qingshu said with a smile, "I want a lot of ransoms, two hundred thousand taels of gold and one million taels of silver. The princess also knows that before the Golden Snake Camp, most of them were green forest thieves. The life of licking blood on the knife head, the days of poverty and vain, now that the site is big, it is impossible to rob the people in the territory. This way, the daily expenditure of military salary, food and grass is an astronomical figure, so I have to find the county chief to fight the autumn wind Up."

Zhao Min breathed a sigh of relief: "Song, do you think my family has a gold mountain and a silver mountain? The Southern Song Dynasty gives Jin Country only 250,000 taels of silver each year and 250,000 pieces of silk. You are like a lion's big mouth."

"Can't you get it out? There's no way." Song Qingshu shrugged, eager to leave, "It seems that the princess will stay here for a while. When will the Ruyang Palace pay the ransom, I will let it go. You are done."

"Hey, wait!" Thinking of staying in that secret room for a long time, Zhao Min turned pale and hurriedly stopped him, "But you want too much, we can discuss it again."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "No discussion, unless..."

Zhao Min looked happy: "Unless what?"

Song Qingshu looked back at her with a smile but a smile: "I have a strange problem, that is, I love the country but the beauty more. If the princess is willing to kiss me, I might consider waiving your ransom."

"Shameless!" Zhao Min snorted, but after a moment of silence, he asked suddenly, "What are you saying is true?"

Song Qingshu's eyebrows trembled, thinking that Zhao Min's proud temperament shouldn't be a betrayal, so he nodded and said, "Of course it's true."

"Okay, come here." Zhao Min pursed his lips and beckoned to him.

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