Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 904: Late night visitor

Although this small-scale rebellion was quickly put down, people of insight in the DPRK knew that this matter would not end so soon. The reason why it is so unusual is that the rebel soldier Sun Jin's self-proclaimed imperial brother, the King of Chacha!

The current emperor has only one younger brother, Chang Sheng Wang Wanyanyuan.

Some time ago, everyone thought that King Chang Sheng was about to end, but the emperor's next move surprised everyone. Not only did he not pursue his disrespect, but he also lavished rewards to show his relief.

Originally, this time the Henan soldiers rebelled. Everyone thought that the emperor would have laughed off, showing the emperor's magnanimous measure. After all, the emperor's attitude towards King Changsheng was very affectionate during this time.

Who knows that after seeing the memorial √√√, ♂.£↖.≤, Wanyanquan changed his face and ordered the guards to press the king of Changsheng into the sky prison. The soldiers who led the rebellion were also escorted into Beijing. The case was handed over to Tang Kuo to argue for trial.

Song Qing was also very surprised. Tang Kuobian's presence in the court has always been weak. Although the official residence is Zuo Cheng, he is better known as the husband of Gebi. When it comes to rebellion and a big case like a prince, why is it handed over to him to preside?

He didn't understand the whole story until Wan Yanliang came to him.

Because of the seriousness of the case, Song Qing's office was set up in the cell during this period. In order to prevent favoritism and fraud from being influenced by external forces, the emperor specifically decreed that he should not be allowed to contact anyone during the handling of the case.

However, there are policies and countermeasures. Wanyanquan's instruction can't stop those who are interested. That night, Wanyanliang wrapped a cloak and went into the jail.

Perhaps it was because of the acquisition of relevant people, the jailer in the sky prison ran to other places in a tacit understanding, leaving enough space for Song Qing and Wan Yanliang. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

After a brief exchange between Yan Liang and Song Qing, they quickly entered the whole group. First, they hinted that the reason why he received this task was the result of his operations in the rear, and reminded him what the tone of the case was: "Brother Tang Kuo, King Chang Sheng is dead this time, all you have to do is to gently push him..."

"I understand this, but things still need to be thoroughly investigated. After all, you will have to block Yoyo's mouth at that time." Song Qing sneered to herself, Wan Yanliang's trick was simply to put him on the fire, according to his Instructing to do things, thinking that Yu has become a knife in his hand, he will take all the benefits, but the notoriety of killing Chang Sheng Wang has to be remembered by himself.

But not following Wan Yanliang's instructions, doesn't it mean breaking with him openly? Having invested so much in the early stage, Song Qing did not want to see this happen.

"Since ancient times, casting names has not been so easy to make friends." Song Qing secretly sighed. Although he had exchanged partners with him before and was able to enter his inner circle, it was obvious that Wan Yanliang did not trust him that much. The second thing is a temptation.

After hearing his answer, Yan Liang didn't think there was anything: "This is what it should be. The whole thing must be done beautifully, so that people have nothing to say."

"By the way, Brother Tang Kuo, this time your chance to earn both money and money is here." Wan Yanliang said suddenly excitedly.

"Wealth and color?" Song Qing was confused.

"I said you as my own talent," Wan Yanliang looked around carefully, and then came over and said, "This time the King Chang Sheng has an accident, the people in Chang Sheng Wang's family will definitely make great efforts to manage it. You are the master. The trial is the top priority, and there will definitely be a lucrative windfall waiting for you."

"I don’t do anything if I collect money. Isn’t that great?" Song Qing frowned. Wan Yanliang obviously meant to take this opportunity to kill Chang Sheng Wang, and at the same time encourage him to accept bribes from Chang Sheng Wang’s family. Too dirty?

"What's wrong?" Wan Yanliang replied disapprovingly, "King Chang Sheng is dead this time, when his family will be in the army, and the slaves will be slaves. Who has the ability to overcome the big waves? Come on? Don't be afraid. This kind of thing happens every day in the capital. Has anyone you ever seen have a problem with this kind of thing?"

Song Qing secretly sighed, these old officialdom fried dough sticks are really dark enough, not to mention cruelty, but even more shameless to the extreme. But now in the silt, it is hard to make a posture of death without staining the silt, so I had to follow his words and laughed: "I probably understand what the prince said just now. What's the situation with this color? "

Wan Yanliang smiled strangely: "Princess Changsheng, known as Mrs. Peach Blossom, is famous for her beauty, and her appearance is not under the respected wife. Brother Tang Kuo should have heard of it?"

Song Qing replied calmly: "I heard it slightly."

"Mrs. Taohua is in the capital now. She is running around for her husband's affairs, and she should beg to your door soon," Wan Yanliang said with a wink. "What happened to a woman trying to save her husband? It's all reasonable."

Song Qing kept her lips secretly, Wan Yanliang didn't know the true identity of Mrs. Tao Hua. It is not surprising to have such a guess. How could Dai Qisi sacrifice her innocence for Wan Yan Yuan? The emperor like Wanyan was just a bit of smoke.

"The prince's method is really admirable and admirable." Anyway, there is no money for beautiful words, Song Qing doesn't mind the paralysis for a while.

Wan Yanliang also sneered in her heart: Mrs. Tao Hua is now the emperor’s woman, if you dare to touch her recklessly, hey, when Gobi becomes a widow, Ben Wang Nian will take good care of you in terms of the love of these days. her.

The two conceited people chatted for a while, and Wan Yanliang hurriedly left. After all, he didn't want to be confessed to others, and was realized that he was stalking him.

Not long after Wan Yanliang left, another uninvited guest also came to the jail. Seeing the haggard girl who appeared in front of him, Song Qing was startled: "Ping'er?"

"Don't call me so affectionately." Wan Yanping replied blankly, "I told you last time, we have been cut off."

Song Qing knew that she was referring to the matter of the Huanyiyuan last time, because she was deceived by his letter, which made her suspect that she was the master of the Huanyiyuan incident, so she believed that all the previous tenderness and sweetness were being used. She, and Song Qing acquiesced to this out of the idea that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. From then on, the girl who had been obedient to him before turned back to the cruel and cruel big stall in Huanyiyuan.

"Uh, good." Song Qing replied in an official tone, "What's the matter when you come here so late?"

"Of course it's for Brother Wang." Wan Yanping hesitated and sighed suddenly, "If you still have a trace of guilt for me in your heart, you will show mercy to King Changsheng this time."

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