Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 903: accident

"Are you sure?" Song Qing frowned slightly, to be honest, he didn't understand what Zhao Min was thinking now.

"You can't get there anyway?" Zhao Min's expression of anger and anger made Song Qing's heart melt, and he hurriedly salivated his face and leaned forward.

"Squat down." Seeing Song Qing standing next to the bathtub and looking at herself condescendingly, Zhao Min's face was slightly red, and he hurriedly pressed his body against the wall of the bucket. Fortunately, there was a thick layer of petals on the water, otherwise I would be afraid of this. It was all seen by him.

"Won't you really want to kiss me?" Song Qing stared at her with wide eyes, with an unbelievable expression on her face.

"What's the matter, hurry down." Zhao Min said angrily. &,≧.↙⊥.♂p;

Although Song Qing felt a little weird, he still squatted down. After squatting, he was about to turn back and say something to Zhao Min. Who knew that Zhao Min just moved his head and pressed a soft lips tightly.

Song Qing was startled, but Zhao Min retracted like an electric shock, shy and angry: "Why are you turning your head suddenly!" It turned out that she was only planning to kiss Song Qing on the cheek. Who knew that he suddenly turned his head back and caused the problem just now. Mouth-to-mouth situation.

Touching his lips, there seems to be a beautiful lady's fragrance still remaining on it, and a smile appeared on Song Qing's face: "You didn't say not to look back."

"Rogue!" Zhao Min gave a light sip and turned his head to the side, "Okay, now you kiss and kiss, it's up to you to keep your promise and let this girl go."

"It turns out that the princess has a special liking for Li Xia." Song Qing said with a grin.

Zhao Min hurriedly said: "Don't think about it, I just want to maximize the benefits of negotiation. Compared with your lion's open mouth, twenty taels of gold and one hundred taels of silver, a kiss is nothing."

Song Qing looked at her quietly, and said softly: "But in my heart, twenty taels of gold and one hundred taels of silver are far less precious than a kiss from you."

Zhao Min was stunned. Although she knew that the other party was mostly coaxing herself, she couldn't help being moved when she heard him speak the truth, but worried that Song Qing could see through her mind, she hurriedly curled her lips: "By your side. I am afraid that so many girls have been captured by your sweet words. It is a pity that this girl is not that kind of silly girl."

Song Qing smiled and didn't explain much, and said directly: "It doesn't matter whether the princess treats me as a lie, or a pretense, anyway, if I do what I say, you can leave later."

He didn't really abandon the golden snake camp for the sake of female sex, but had a deeper consideration. Although Jinsheying is now waiting to be thriving and is extremely short of funds, he never even thought about taking money from Mongolia. After all, he is playing the banner of "removing the Tartars and restoring China." Once he has a money relationship with Mongolia, he will be an unclear account in the future. It is easy to be used by the enemy as an excuse to shake his foundation of justice. It's really not worth the loss.

Therefore, he just opened his mouth just to tease Zhao Min to see how she would respond, but he didn't expect that she would actually kiss herself.

Zhao Min hid in the water and didn't reply. He didn't know what he was thinking. Soon the atmosphere in the room became a little ambiguous.

"Did I miss something?" Gobi walked in with a stack of clean clothes, keenly aware that the atmosphere in the room was a little weird.

"No...nothing!" Zhao Min said in a flustered manner, "I'm bothering my sister."

Gebi put the clothes next to the tub and smiled softly: "I think the girl is about the same size as me, so I found a piece of my dress. I hope the girl doesn't mind."

"What did the elder sister say..." Zhao Min thanked Gobi again, seeing Song Qing still standing in the corner of his eyes, he said angrily, "I'm going to wear clothes, are you going to keep watching like this? Right?"

Song Qing shrugged: "You wear it, I won't mind." Noting the angry eyes of the two women at the same time, he hurriedly added: "Just kidding, kidding... I'm going out first."

Waiting bored outside the door for a while, the door opened from the inside, and Song Qing looked back and saw the two women standing together beautifully, making people really wonder who should put their eyes on.

"The surname is Song, I'm leaving." Maybe because of just taking a bath, Zhao Min's face was dyed with a faint blush, making it even more charming.

"I'm walking in such a hurry, I still want to keep you as a guest for a while." Song Qing looked reluctant.

"Bah, I don't want to stay with you anymore," Zhao Min couldn't help feeling lingering when thinking of the dark life during this period of time. "This girl is leaving now."

After speaking, he patted the hem of the skirt and walked outside. After walking a few steps, seeing Song Qing not embarrassing her, she stopped and said: "For the sake of your word, this girl can't help but Know good and bad, so, starting today, I will withdraw my power from the Kingdom of Jin, and let you play here."

She thought thoroughly. Since Song Qing's purpose is also to disrupt the Kingdom of Jin, she doesn't make much sense to stay here, not to mention that Ruyang Palace still has urgent matters to deal with, and it is impossible for her to stay here for a long time. , So it might as well simply send a favor to Song Qing.

"Where are you going?" Zhao Min was so ecstatic that Song Qing was also very curious about her usual whereabouts.

"Who made me suffer the Three Corpse Brain Pills so much? If you don't help me find the antidote, I will have to find it by myself," Zhao Min said with a grimace, "There are three possibilities for the information I got this time. There is Murong Jingyue's whereabouts, and Daxing Mansion is one of them, but I haven't found any clues during my time in Jin Country, so I have to check the other two places."

"Where are the other two places?" Song Qing asked hurriedly. Although it is said that there is still some time before Duanyang next year, the poison in Zhao Min's body is puzzled for a day. It is like the sword of Damocles, making people sleep and eat. Ann.

Zhao Min pursed her mouth and shook her head: "I can't tell you for now, otherwise there will be no surprises when we meet next time."

"Eh?" Song Qing was speechless for a while.

Zhao Min waved at him, her figure gradually faded away, and her silver bell-like laugh faintly came from the air: "You also helped me keep an eye on the whereabouts of Murong Jingyue during my stay in the Kingdom of Jin. I can’t bear to die?

Gebi couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that the relationship between you and this girl Zhao is extraordinary."

"It's an enemy and a friend." Song Qing smiled, hugged the slender waist of the beautiful woman around her, and breathed in her ear, "But my relationship with her is not as close as my relationship with you." ,You know……"

Gebi blushed immediately and gave a pink fist.


But then there was a big event that shocked the government and the public. There was a soldier Sun Jin in Henan, who claimed to be the emperor's brother and rebels.

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