Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 905: Fight for beauty

"King Chang Sheng?" Although I have roughly guessed the purpose of Yan Ping's arrival, Song Qingshu was still a little surprised when she said it. "As far as I know, you and Wang Chang Sheng did not seem to be born to the same mother?"

She and Wanyanyuan are half-parents, and Wanyanquan are biological siblings. This time, it is clear that Wanyanquan is going to deal with Wanyanyuan. Why would Wanyanping help the one who is more distant?

Wan Yanping sighed: "Although we are not born as a mother, we have always been in a good relationship. When I was very young, when Taizong was the emperor, the descendants of our great ancestors were often bullied, and I At that time, I was the youngest and looked like a little yellow-haired girl. The prince of the Taizong family was the favorite to bully me. At that time, King Changsheng always stood up for me, and was often beaten and bruised by other children, although As we get older, our relationship has gradually become estranged, but I always have to repay this kindness back then." ※※※, ■.$≡.≤r/>

Song Qingshu looked embarrassed: "But you should know what the emperor means this time."

"That's why I came to you." Even though Wan Yanping made a plain look, after careful observation, she could still see the light of expectation in her eyes.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "This matter is of great importance. I need to think about it."

Wan Yanping couldn't hide her disappointment, and her tone became cold: "In that case, I'm disturbing tonight." Yanbi turned and left without stopping, leaving Song Qingshu alone with a wry smile.

Song Qingshu knew that she had mistakenly thought that she was playing officialdom, but how did she know her embarrassing situation? If Yan Yuan was not guilty, let alone Yan Liang, even the emperor would not let herself go.

Before she could think of the best of both worlds with full confidence, it was an irresponsible promise to promise, so Song Qingshu didn't give her the answer she wanted.

When he was struggling here, the little jailer bosses in the jail had already gathered together to eat melon seeds. When Wan Yanliang came in, they were all wrapped up tightly. They didn't know who the other party was, they just received it. A generous gift will open one eye and close the other.

Later, Wan Yanping came in without so much worry. She was the emperor’s own sister and a real power sect in the clothing courtyard. It was not difficult to enter a jail, and she did not bother to hide her deeds, so she came and left. , The whole process was seen by a few prisoners.

Looking at Yan Ping's tall and beautiful back when she left, several cell bosses couldn't help but talk:

"Tsk tusk, these two legs are round and straight. If they are caught, which man can stand it?"

"According to you, she won't marry? According to my years of experience, looking at her walking posture, she is obviously no longer a virgin body. I really want to ask the lucky man to ask if she was caught between these two legs. What it feels like."

"Hey, you are quite courageous, even Princess Qi Guo dare to talk behind her back, don't you know that she is a famous female devil in the coat of arms, and everyone who falls into her hands will end up miserably. "

"I'm afraid of being an egg, I haven't seen any high-ranking officials in the prison? Let alone a princess, isn't even the prince locked in it? I think I hanged a prince himself."

"That’s right, it’s good for Princess Qiguo not to commit a crime. Once the crime falls into our hands, hey, dare you brothers dare to go cool? Whenever she thinks of her usual frosty devil's demeanor, when the time comes It must be so cool to get it done."

"Be quiet, although we are not afraid of her on weekdays, she is the new sister-in-law of the young man who came here recently. If he listens to her, do you still have your head?"

"Tsk tsk, my sister-in-law is the little padded jacket of my brother-in-law. From my point of view, the man who took her virgin body may be the husband."

"Brother-in-law and sister-in-law? Excited when you think about it."

"This dog days Tang Kuo argues, Yanfu is a little better. My wife is the first beauty of our country, and even the sister-in-law is so beautiful."

"Isn't that the first beauty in the Kingdom of Kings? I'm already pretty enough after watching Yan Ping. I really can't imagine there is a woman more beautiful than her."

"Cut, that's because you have little knowledge. Although I have never seen Princess Gobi, I have been fortunate enough to meet Mrs. Peach Blossom who is as famous as her. It is really a fairy under the mortal world. The women I've been to in my entire life can't be compared. She has one toe, and her whole body is crunched just by the mere glance of her eyes."

"Cut, it's because you go to the brothel more often and cause kidney deficiency, right? How can there be such a beautiful woman in this world?"


"Have you seen it too?"

"Just... just thinking about us coming." The man said incoherently.

Everyone was shocked and looked up, all of them like being eaten by thunder, and a beautiful woman who was as beautiful as an immortal came along. Her face was as white as jade-colored glaze, and her face was beautiful and refined. Under the fire and light in the prison, the whiteness was red Her skin looked even more delicate and attractive, and the slightly upward-turned corners of her mouth gave everyone the illusion that she was looking at her smiling.

Until the woman walked in front of everyone, they didn't respond: "Hello, I am the princess Gobi, and I have obtained the permission of the emperor. I want to find Tang Kuo to argue with him. Is he here?"

Hearing her gentle watery voice, the heads of the cell finally realized the feeling of half of their body that their companion mentioned just now, and hurriedly promised: "I'm here, the husband and wife are in the innermost room. No, let's take the princess over." A few people showed up at the same time, thinking that it would be good to stay with her for a while.

"You don't need to bother a few elder brothers, I'll just go over by myself." Gebi nodded slightly, then Ping Ting went to Tang Kuo to argue.

A few cell heads looked at her back obsessively, and they didn’t know who sighed: “It’s really worthy of being the number one beauty in the Kingdom of Jin. She is so beautiful, as if she was full of brilliance, I didn’t dare to look straight just now. Look at her."

"Not only is it beautiful, but it is perfect to speak so softly to those of us who are slaves. I dare not expect others. If I can lick her shoes, I will be satisfied."

"Not promising, isn't the goddess who is reluctant to blaspheme in your mind, is being pressed by Tang Kuobian every day and wantonly slashing?"

"Tang Kuobian of Gou Ri, this glamorous blessing is too bad, with such a stunning wife and a beautiful sister-in-law!"

"Don't be jealous, the blessing of Qi people is not so easy to enjoy. With such a beautiful wife, he can't come ten times or eight times a day, and keep him 30 years shorter than normal people."

A few cell bosses were bragging and bullshitting in private, but they didn’t know that their nonsense was actually guessing eight or nine. Wan Yanping’s virgin body was indeed handed over to her "brother-in-law", and the real Tang Kuo argued. It is indeed at least 30 years shorter than normal people.


"Aye!" Song Qingshu on the other side couldn't help rubbing his nose.

Gebi took his clothes and put them on him with a look of concern: "It's cold and wet in the cell, so I caught the wind and chill after moving here for two days."

Song Qingshu said with a smile: "You don't know that I am in good health. I am not invaded by the cold or heat. The sneeze just now is probably some idiots whispering about me in secret."

Gebi blushed and punched him in shame: "You are a man, you always love to take advantage of others."

"It feels so wonderful because of your advantage." Song Qingshu hugged her and said with a pun.

"I'm really scared of you," Gobi blushed and pushed him away, "I'm here to look for you on business this time."

"For the sake of Chang Sheng Wang?" Song Qingshu thoughtfully.

A hint of surprise flashed in Gebi's eyes, and he nodded, "Yes."

Song Qingshu secretly laughed. The sisters really had a good heart. They came to intercede for their half-brothers one after another: "Why do you intercede for him? As far as I know, the relationship between your brothers and sisters is not close, right?"

Gebi sighed faintly: "No matter how close you are, you are still brothers and sisters, and the emperor has only one younger brother. The blood of the father and emperor is thin, and there were only a few males. Now the king of Wei is dead and always wins. The king is gone, and there is really a lonely widow in the emperor's brother. The emperor is now in anger, and when he disappears in the future, he will definitely regret it. As a younger sister, I must find a way to share his worries. ."

Song Qingshu secretly thought, if you knew that Wanyanquan dealt with Wanyan Yuan in this way, it was just to occupy his younger brother-in-law, and he didn't know how you would react.

However, there is no need for these sordid people in the palace to speak out and pollute Gebi's pure heart. Song Qingshu replied: "Actually, Ping'er came to me just now, with the same purpose as you?"

"You promised her?" Gobi looked happy.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "No, this matter is too much involved. A little carelessness can easily cause fire. But since you speak, then I won't be embarrassed by Yan Yuan anymore. I will handle the whole matter impartially and will not let it go. He was planted and wronged."

Gebi also knew that this matter was very difficult to handle. After Yan Yuan was dealt with, it was obviously the emperor’s intention. Song Qingshu promised to bear great pressure and risks. Moreover, after all, he was not a real Tang Kuo defender, and he was actually willing to take the risk for her. With such a risk, Gebi couldn't help but put it in his arms for a while: "You are so kind!"

With her arms around her tender body, Song Qingshu whispered in her ear: "Stay with me tonight..."

"No!" Gobi hid away as if he was pierced by a hedgehog. He was worried that Song Qingshu's heart would be hurt, and hurriedly explained, "So many people saw it when I came in just now. If I stay here overnight, you let me How do you raise your head to be a man in the capital in the future? Waiting for you...After you return home, I will follow you whatever you want."

Song Qingshu knew from the beginning that she was thin-skinned and would definitely not agree. She said this only to tease her, but she didn't expect surprises: "Then it's a deal?"

"Yeah~" Gobi hummed slightly, "I'm going back first." He didn't wait for him to agree, so he ran away.

Song Qingshu is nothing, just suffering from a few prisoners who were looking forward to it outside. I wanted to talk to the first beauty of Jin Guo and appreciate the beauty of the other person. Who knows that she didn't stay at all after she came out of the room. Meaning, looking at her rapidly disappearing shadow, several prisoners couldn't help feeling lost.

When I was feeling down, a person suddenly exclaimed: "Is my eyes dazzled? Why is there another woman who harms the country and the people?"

The state of these two days is not very good, the update is a bit slow, I will adjust it as soon as possible

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