Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 906: Beauty

Hearing his companion exclaimed, another cell boss said impatiently: "Don't be surprised at every turn. How can there be so many women who have harmed the country and the people in this world?"

"That's right, I don't believe that there are women in this world who are more damaging to the country and the people than the princess of the country." The remaining few people are still immersed in the sense of surprise brought by Gebi just now, and some disagree.

"Really, it's not a lie for three months." Seeing that his companions didn't believe me, the person who exclaimed at the beginning became anxious, and he made the most ruthless vow among a few people on weekdays. come out.

Hearing this, the rest of the people raised their heads suspiciously before taking a look, and there were bursts of cold air in the room.

"What happened today? The women I saw are more beautiful than all the women I saw decades ago!"

"We really live on dogs in this life. Such a woman can't even dream of it."

"She... she seems to be Mrs. Peach Blossom!" The prisoner who had previously claimed to have seen Mrs. Peach Blossom widened his eyes and suddenly exclaimed.

"What!" The other people were stunned. This is Mrs. Peach Blossom, whose name is as beautiful as Gebi? No wonder it's so beautiful.

Dai Qisi faintly heard these people's comments, her brows couldn't help being murderous, but she knew that the sky prison was definitely not the place where she came to mess, so she had to suppress the unhappy feeling in her heart.

The entourage had long since rushed to negotiate with several cell leaders. Although the emperor explicitly forbids people from contacting the people inside, Daiqisi, as the Princess of Changsheng, has accumulated a lot of contacts over the years and always has her own. Method.

It didn't take long for the servants to communicate with the heads of the cell. She felt those people quietly pointing at herself, and she snorted in her heart and walked inside without saying a word.

"This Madam Peach Blossom didn't find her husband in the jail, but actually went to find another man. This is too weird."

"This time Chang Shengwang's case is Tang Kuo's trial. Of course she will go to him to clear it."

"How will you dredge her?"

"Hehehe, this still works? Although Mrs. Taohua is noble, but the Changsheng Dynasty is not safe now, her identity is useless, isn't the biggest bargaining chip left in her delicate body?"


"You Tang Kuo argued what merits did you accumulate in your previous life? This peach blossom luck is too bad. His wife is the number one beauty in the Kingdom of Jin. No, there is also a charming and charming sister-in-law. Now even Mrs. Tao Hua is such a disaster for the country and the people. That stunner was also eagerly delivered to the door, what a **** fuck."

"People are more maddening than people. These women are destined to not be what people like us can expect. It is better to discuss those girls." A few fierce men commented with interest at the beginning. Every woman, but the repeated blows made them feel a little numb. Thinking that they were destined to have no intersection with such a woman in this life, a few people became disappointed and moved the topic to other places.


Seeing Dai Qisi again, Song Qingshu had to admire her ability to disguise. She was obviously a pure-blooded Westerner. After a simple modification, she actually concealed the unique characteristics of women from the Western Regions. Looking at it now, it compares with the women of the Central Plains. She woke up, except that her skin was whiter and her nose was slightly stiffer, but she was no different from the Central Plains.

"I don't know how the color of her eyeballs is covered up, maybe she is the inventor of the later generations of cosmetic contact lenses." Song Qingshu guessed with interest.

In fact, it’s just this, and it won’t make Song Qingshu, who is also a master of Disguise, marvel at it. Dai Qisi’s ingenious makeup is that although she conceals the characteristics of a woman from the Western Regions, her appearance is almost the same as her original appearance. It's also called Yi Rong, it's an art.

"I don't know if Princess Changsheng is visiting late at night, what's the matter?" Song Qingshu asked politely even though she knew exactly what she wanted.

Daiqisi has also been very depressed for the past two years. Because of her daughter, she worried that the Persian Mingjiao, who had been for decades, would finally not chase her down. She thought that her biological daughter became the leader and she would be able to live comfortably when she returned to her hometown. In the second half of his life, it turned out that it was only in Persia that the situation in the general altar was extremely severe, and the Mongolian cavalry might break through the eagle's nest of the Persian Ming religion general altar at any time.

For her daughter and herself, Daiqisi volunteered to return to Middle-earth, intending to use the Kingdom of Jin to contain Mongolia. Unexpectedly, she found that her cheap "husband" was in danger when she came back, so she had to venture into the palace and use "beauty". "In exchange for the safety of her husband.

I just discussed with Wan Yan Yuan about taking the throne, and then relying on his influence to let Wan Yan Yuan launch a war with Mongolia and win a breathing space for the Persian general arena. Who knows that Sun Jin's rebellion happened suddenly when the arrangement was just started. The incident involved Wan Yan Yuan. She entered the palace several times. No matter how she asked the emperor, she did not let go. It seems that Wan Yan's heart has been determined to kill. Dai Qisi had no choice but to find this time. The presiding trial Tang Kuo argued to see if he could influence the final result. After all, Wan Yanyuan was definitely wronged for Sun Jin's rebellion.

Dai Qisi was irritated, and when she heard Song Qingshu's question, she came back to her senses and showed a bitter smile: "The horse is a wise man, why ask knowingly."

Song Qingshu shook his fingers: "Men always become stupid in front of beautiful women."

When Daiqisi heard him praise her beauty so directly, she couldn't help but feel a move. Is the other party suggesting something? Although she had made enough plans before coming, she still inevitably felt a trace of disgust.

"The wife of Hu Ma is the first beauty in our country. How can ordinary beautiful women make ripples in the heart of Hu Ma." Dai Qisi sighed quietly.

Song Qingshu raised her eyebrows, and the woman deliberately turned the topic ambiguous, but the soldiers came to cover the water and earth, who was afraid of whom?

"Mrs. Taohua's name is far-reaching, of course she is not an ordinary woman." Song Qingshu followed her words.

Daiqisi sneered even more in her heart, but she didn't show anything on her face. Instead, she took out a gift box she had prepared and handed it over: "I heard that Ma Ma was assassinated in Kaifeng not long ago. I have collected a lot of holy medicine for healing. , I hope it helps."

Although, as a Mingjiao saint, she must keep her ice and jade clean, but the encounters over the years have made Daiqisi very clear about what to do to attract men to the greatest extent. At first, she deliberately gave the other party a hint, and when the other party moved, she pretended If you don't know what to change the subject, it makes the other person feel itchy. The more a man desires, the easier it is for her to achieve his goal.

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