Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 907: Set fire

Song Qingshu gently opened a gap in the box and saw the thick pile of silver bills and jewels inside. He couldn't help but chuckle and pushed the gift box back: "Mrs. Tao Hua must also know what happened in this case, you Although this gift is good, I am afraid that I have money to spend it forever. In addition, I am not interested in yellow and white things, and let me take risks for this thing, hehe...I can only disappoint my wife's kindness."

Dai Qisi's face changed, she took a deep breath to calm the anger in her chest, and revealed a charming smile: "Then I don't know what the consort is interested in? What are you willing to take risks for?"

The corner of Song Qingshu's mouth rose slightly: "I don't know if Madam has ever heard a Han Chinese saying that it is also romantic to die under a peony flower."

Dai Qisi's face finally changed, because strictly coming to the other party was not a hint but an explicit statement. She bit her lip, thinking that these nobles really eat people without spitting out bones. Fortunately, I have another card, otherwise in this case. There is really no way.

"Well, as long as the case always wins and the king is safe and sound, the concubine agrees to what the concubine wants." Now that there is no need to whistle around, Dai Qisi directly gave her bargaining chip.

Song Qingshu suddenly smiled: "Madam will never let me take a risk with a empty promise, right?"

Daiqisi cursed secretly, but smiled like a flower on her face: "I don't know how the concubine wants to trust her concubine?"

Song Qingshu replied: "There is no proof, of course it is written in black and white."

Daiqisi was startled. She originally thought Tang Kuobian would act on her today. Who knew that the other party was such a "gentleman"?

Song Qingshu sneered secretly. Others don't know your methods, don't I know? I don't want to be smoked like Wan Yanquan and then yy all night in my sleep. Even though he was prepared, Daiqisi's fascination could not be expelled from him, but he did not want to expose his identity because of this.

More importantly, because of Gebi and Wanyanping, he has decided to save Wanyanyuan as much as possible this time. Whether Daiqisi comes to beg him, the result is the same, but Song Qingshu has always been cheap. The bastard's temper, since Dai Qisi came to the door, who didn't want to do the empty glove white wolf thing.

Although she was surprised, Dai Qisi also breathed a sigh of relief. In the past, the use of misty smoke for Wanyuan ±±±±, m.◇.co¢m Yan Yuan or Wan Yanquan were all planned and well-rounded actions. This time it was in heaven. Under this special environment, she is not so sure that it would be best if she could not use the last hole cards. As for what promise letter was signed, what effect would it have? Afterwards, he didn't admit it, so would he still dare to sue the emperor?

Thinking about this, she set up the note very cooperatively, and Song Qingshu solemnly put it away: "Madam can go back and wait for the news. In the future, I will take this note to come to you to collect the reward that I deserve."

Dai Qisi sneered in her heart, but there was a gentle smile on her face: "Thank you for your help."

Looking at her figure when she left, Song Qingshu took a look at the handwriting. Of course he knew that under normal circumstances such a thin piece of paper was actually not very useful, but as long as it had a strong backing, this piece of paper It can provide legal sovereignty. Regardless of whether it is this world or the world of the previous life, although the thing of status is elusive, it is very useful in many cases.


A few days later, the case of Sun Jin’s conspiracy that the Manchu civil and military followed finally came to fruition. Song Qingshu gave the testimony of Sun Jin and related people, proving that his name was just randomly chosen, which happened to be linked to Wanyanyuan. In the end, he found Wanyan Yuan acquitted and released.

As soon as this result came out, several families were happy and some were worried.

Gebi talked about what happened during this period in front of her husband’s tablet in the secret room, and finally sighed quietly: "...Fuck, he treated me really well, as well as you treated me before. ...This time for me, even at the risk of offending the emperor...I am really touched. If you are alive in the sky, don't know if you will blame me..."

In the palace, Wan Yanping looked at the portrait on the wall with a flushed face in her boudoir. This is the portrait she quietly painted to her brother-in-law Tang Kuo in the past to relieve her daily lovesickness. Later, there was an accident in the Huanyiyuan. When she was angry, she took down the portrait, but after all she was reluctant to destroy it, and finally hung it up again this time, muttering to herself: "Brother-in-law, I forgive you..."

The news reached the Changsheng Palace, and the three Persian envoys couldn't help but talk:

"That Tang Kuo's argument is really true."

"The saint goes out in person, what kind of man doesn't fall under her pomegranate skirt."

"Haha, after King Changsheng comes back, we will speed up and help him ascend the throne. I am afraid that the general altar will not last long."

Daiqisi automatically blocked the twittering of the three envoys, and looked at the sky outside the window, filled with curiosity: "That man actually did it, but what makes him so confident that I am not afraid that I will fall back on it afterwards?"

In Xu Wang's mansion, Wan Yanyong was completely desolate. Zhao Min disappeared mysteriously before, and later even her subordinates were withdrawn one after another. Even if he was slow, he knew that he had been abandoned by Zhao Min. Originally, the things of King Changsheng made him see a turning point. Once King Changsheng was executed, he still had a high chance of inheriting the throne, but he never expected that what he was waiting for was the result.

In the Hailing Palace, Wan Yanliang smashed several tea cups in anger: "Tang Kuobian, the white-eyed wolf, dared to disobey the king's intentions."

Tu Shanjing hurriedly persuaded him: "The prince calms down his anger. Tang Kuobian has such a good relationship with the prince. There must be any misunderstandings. It's better to ask."

Wan Yanliang originally had a thorn in her heart because of the exchange of partners that night. Hearing his wife's argument for Tang Kuo, she couldn't help but think of the scene of her happily under the other party's body in her mind, and her face suddenly went dark: "What's the matter? Quite questionable, it's just a wild dog that is unfamiliar to feed! You said this for him, wouldn't it be a fancy to him, right?"

Tu Danjing's face turned pale, and replied in a flustered manner: "The prince... why did you say this!"

Fortunately, Wan Yan Liang thought she didn’t know what happened that night. She just spoofed just now. She didn’t notice the unnaturalness of her wife, and waved her hand in annoyance: “Forget it, let’s not mention it, this king will go to the palace. ."

Not long after Wanyanliang entered the palace, an imperial decree came out from the palace, reprimanding Tang Kuobian for negligence of his duty and colluding with the prince. King Sheng tried together.

Song Qingshu was stopped by the imperial guards who had rushed over as soon as he got out of the prison. Hearing this imperial decree, he had a calm expression: "Sure enough."

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