Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 921: Shameless

Song Qingshu's promise was too refreshing, Wan Yanping always felt that there was a ghost, but when the matter was over, she stayed with the attitude of being at ease.

"There are no outsiders now. Don't use my brother-in-law's face anymore, look weird." Every time I saw that shabby face before, Wan Yanping felt very kind, but once I knew "Brother-in-law" "It was after Song Qingshu's impersonation, she looked at the same face again, only feeling uncomfortable all over.

"Since Ping'er doesn't like watching, then I will take off the mask." Song Qingshu smiled, then took off the mask, revealing his original face.

Looking at the young man with the sword eyebrow star, Wan Yanping felt a sense of strangeness uncontrollably, and she didn't know what to say for a while. &↖↖↖,♀.≌v.●p;

Song Qingshu didn't care so much, it was a very pleasant thing to look at the beautiful girl in front of him quietly. After a long time, Yanping still couldn't bear his fiery gaze, and pointed to the mask on the side and asked: "How did you do it, you are exactly the same as my brother-in-law, even my sister and I can't recognize it."

Women are the most attentive, not to mention two women who are so close together, Wan Yanping has always been a little bit worried about herself and giving her body to this man.

"Oh, that, I cut off Tang Kuobian's face." Song Qingshu said lightly.

"What!" Wan Yanping was startled and angry, her hair exploded, and she subconsciously drew out her short sword.

"I'm so anxious, I just made a joke with you." Song Qingshu laughed.

Wan Yanping felt that the other party's smile was extremely awkward, and coldly stretched out her hand: "Bring it to me to see." She didn't dare to believe the other party completely, she had to confirm it before she was relieved.

Song Qingshu threw the mask to her and said: "Tang Kuobian really asked me to cut off his face before he died in order to make me successfully impersonate him, but the **** things did not conform to my son's aesthetics, of course not. Will do it..."

Wan Yanping automatically ignored his chatter, and gently stroked her fingers on the mask. The material of the mask was strange and the touch was the same as the skin. However, she was born in a dressing house, and the real human skin and the fake one are still worthy of her. Clearly, she couldn't help letting out a long sigh of relief when she was sure it was not her brother-in-law's face.

"Tell me about the things that happened to my brother-in-law when he went to Kaifeng." Although she had generally learned from her sister, Wan Yanping still wanted to know how her brother-in-law spent the last time.

"It is a blessing for Tang Kuobian to have such a deep and righteous sister-in-law like you." Song Qingshu sighed and began to talk about a series of things that happened when he met him.

Wan Yanping made inquiries from time to time, but all she asked was trivial matters, as if she wanted to reproduce the daily life during Tang Kuo's debate.

Song Qingshu was not impatient at all, so he asked and answered one by one. In the end, Yan Ping knew even Tang Kuo's hut several times during the past few days, and then he calmed down.

It was late at night outside, and Pu Cha Shijie didn't go far. In a corner ten feet away, he silently felt the coolness of the night breeze, but his heart was colder than the wind.

Years of obsession does not mean that you can let go. Although he knows that there is no possibility between Wan Yanping and Wan Yanping, he still cares about her.

It's a pity that he stayed here so late and didn't even see Yan Ping come out. He couldn't help but make up for the picture of her tactfully turning under Tang Kuobian's body in his mind, which suddenly looked like withered.

Pu Cha Shijie laughed self-deprecatingly a few times, got up and left lonely, at this moment, he really looked away.

At this time, there was also an unspeakable atmosphere in the tent, and there was no other words to say between the two, and Yan Ping was so quiet that she could even hear her heart beating.

"If he dares to climb into bed, I'll give him a knife!" Wan Yanping touched the chastity guard tied to her thigh, and her anxiety gradually settled down.

As the so-called fear is coming, she suddenly felt that there was a difference around her. Looking back, she found that Song Qingshu was lying beside her and looking at herself grinning.

"What do you want to do?" Wan Yanping shrank to the other side like a frightened rabbit.

"You," Song Qingshu replied simply.

"?" Wan Yanping was puzzled at first, and then finally understood what he meant. She couldn't help being ashamed and angry, "You bastard, go down."

After speaking, he stretched out his foot and tried to kick him down, but Song Qingshu took advantage of the situation to catch him, who knew.

"That night you were much gentler to me than today." Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing. In fact, he had always been very contradictory about Wan Yanping. He had always deliberately taken a distancing attitude before, preferring to be misunderstood by her without explaining. Just thinking that the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, so that this fate is established, but the basis of this is that she does not know her identity, so that he can appear quietly, and then leave quietly.

But now that she knew the truth, Song Qingshu couldn’t be so free and easy, especially when he saw Pu Cha Shijie’s boy walking around her all the time, he was very upset, thinking that maybe she would fall into the arms of other men in the future. He has a feeling of madness. In that case, he might as well be a villain.

"Hey, man's exclusivity is really an undesirable thing." Although Song Qingshu understands this truth, since he can't overcome it, it is better to follow the thoughts in his heart.

"Don't mention anything about that night!" After all, the woman was soft-hearted, thinking that the man in front of her was her first and only man, Wan Yanping felt very complicated.

Song Qingshu just lay beside her without taking any further action: "There is really no need to mention the previous things. Let's discuss how to get along in the future."

"What is there to discuss!" Even though they have already had a skin relationship with each other, Wan Yanping still feels nervous all over when the two are so close.

"Let me talk about my thoughts first," Song Qingshu said, "I have no other requirements, only one thing, that is, you can't find other men in your life."

Wan Yanping smiled angrily: "Can't I find other people, can I only find you?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "That's what I meant."

"Are you shameless?" Wan Yanping was angry.

"I am more willing to want you than my face." Song Qingshu turned sideways and looked into her eyes quietly. The reason why he dare to be so strong is largely based on Wan Yanping's reaction. After all, she After knowing his identity before, the reaction was really not fierce, and he immediately realized that there might be a drama.

Wan Yanping couldn't stand his scorching gaze, and her eyes began to dodge: "I...I need time to think about it."

The corner of Song Qingshu's mouth rose slightly: "You take your time to think about it." As he said, he kissed her smooth neck.

Today's foundation is the first more

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